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PDA版 - How Osama Bin Laden Was Found zz
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话题: laden话题: bin话题: osama话题: found话题: hiding
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 6187
How Osama Bin Laden Was Found
Kat Hannaford — In this age of GPS signals, Foursquare check-ins, and
iPhone tracking, how did America's most-wanted man, Osama Bin Laden, stay
hidden for almost a decade? A better question would ask how he was found,
for that is the reason the world is rejoicing today.
Despite hiding in plain sight of a police station and military headquarters
in Abbottabad, Pakistan, Bin Laden's million-dollar mansion—eight times
larger than the mansions surrounding it—was stormed in a raid last night.
US officials had tracked one of Bin Laden's trusted right-hand men, a
courier, after he was identified by detainees captured after 9/11, and
discovered he lived with his brother in an "extraordinarily unique compound,
" which "harboured a high-value terrorist target," according to various
senior administration officials.
It was the fact that this mysteriously large mansion lacked a phone line or
internet connection that ultimately made officials believe something was
amiss. With all the riches in the world, could they not afford a connection?
Other details soon began causing suspicion too—trash was burned instead of
put out for collectors, like their neighbors did. What was this three-story
mansion hiding?
Whatever it was hiding, they were hiding it well: security measures included
mammoth walls up to 5.5m in height, laced with barbed wire, along with
internal walls that gave the compound a maze-like quality. There were few
windows according to officials, which no doubt masked the third family
living with the courier and his brother—Osama Bin Laden, and his youngest
After the US military entered the compound in a 40-minute long raid, five
adults were killed in the firefight: Osama; his son; the courier and his
brother, and a woman who may or may not be Bin Laden's wife. Details are
still trickling out now about the raid, and how Bin Laden was discovered,
but one thing's certain: this sadly won't be the last time terrorism rears
its ugly head. [The Guardian and JPost and Boing Boing and ABC]
发帖数: 2807
发帖数: 3989
1 (共1页)
天意啊天意HP Touchpad 升级到4.3.1,重获新生。
touchpad寄出来了,就把cover一起搞定了,选了紫色LG G pad 8.3,性价比好过iPad mini 2 retina
为什么我的电脑装不了.jar文件?俺的HP TouchPad用不了chromecast,是需要升级CM9么?
今天知道的一个最便宜的android手机Imito - MX1/MX2 焕发第二春,可以支持 Kit Kat 4.4.2 和4.2.2
BIN LADEN死翘翘了大家的Nexus4 有升级到Kit Kat吗?
三哥威武:no more Key Lime Pie!google wallet不支持note 3的移动支付, 怎么办?
安猪4.4可能无重大改进。罗永浩的死地后生 zz
话题: laden话题: bin话题: osama话题: found话题: hiding