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PDA版 - Steve Jobs的房子终于被拆了
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话题: jobs话题: woodside话题: house话题: town话题: demolition
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 41892
Demolition begins on Steve Jobs' Woodside mansion
By Diana Samuels
Daily News Staff Writer
Posted: 02/15/2011 10:46:54 PM PST
Updated: 02/16/2011 12:47:35 AM PST
Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 10-year battle with preservationists over the Jackling
House ended this week, with the wrecking ball finally falling on the
decades-old mansion in Woodside.
Woodside officials issued final demolition permits last week, Town Manager
Susan George said Tuesday, and the tear-down of the 14-bedroom, 17,250-
square-foot Spanish Colonial Revival home built in 1925 is under way.
"The site has been prepared for demolition, and I think they actually
physically started the demolition process (Monday)," George said.
Jobs, who bought the house in the early 1980s, lived there for about a
decade and then rented it out. The mansion has been vacant for more than 10
years and the Apple CEO wants to replace it with a smaller, modern home. He
first asked Woodside officials for permission to knock it down in 2001.
Since then, a group calling itself Uphold Our Heritage has fought for the
Jackling House's preservation, pointing to the mansion's historical
significance and claiming Jobs intentionally let it fall into disrepair. The
group won a lawsuit in 2006 that claimed the town had relied on inadequate
environmental documents in approving permits for demolition.
Jobs, however, returned in 2008 with a beefed-up application. The Woodside
Town Council approved the request again, and in March 2010, San Mateo County
Superior Court Judge Marie Weiner upheld the council's decision.
In an interview with The Associated Press,
Uphold Our Heritage's attorney, Doug Carstens, called the home's razing a "
shame." Carstens did not return calls for further comment to The Daily News.
Over the past couple of years, there have been proposals to move the house
elsewhere. The town council approved a deal in 2009 under which Palo Alto
angel investor Gordon Smythe would have dismantled, stored and at some point
rebuilt the house on another property, but it fell apart amid the ongoing
Last year, Woodside couple Jason and Magalli Yoho said they were interested
in moving the house to their property. The Yohos and Jobs "never were able
to find mutually acceptable terms for an agreement," said Town Manager
George said the demolition of the Jackling House will "close 11 years of
history" for the town.
"No matter what you think about the house, it's nice to get something
wrapped up," she said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.
发帖数: 2975
FT on the contrary ....

Demolition begins on Steve Jobs' Woodside mansion
By Diana Samuels
Daily News Staff Writer
Posted: 02/15/2011 10:46:54 PM PST
Updated: 02/16/2011 12:47:35 AM PST
Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 10-year battle with preservationists over the Jackling
House ended this week, with the wrecking ball finally falling on the
decades-old mansion in Woodside.
Woodside officials issued final demolition permits last week, Town Manager
Susan George said Tuesday, and the tear-down of the 14-bedroom, 17,250-
square-foot Spanish Colonial Revival home built in 1925 is under way.
"The site has been prepared for demolition, and I think they actually
physically started the demolition process (Monday)," George said.
Jobs, who bought the house in the early 1980s, lived there for about a
decade and then rented it out. The mansion has been vacant for more than 10
years and the Apple CEO wants to replace it with a smaller, modern home. He
first asked Woodside officials for permission to knock it down in 2001.
Since then, a group calling itself Uphold Our Heritage has fought for the
Jackling House's preservation, pointing to the mansion's historical
significance and claiming Jobs intentionally let it fall into disrepair. The
group won a lawsuit in 2006 that claimed the town had relied on inadequate
environmental documents in approving permits for demolition.
Jobs, however, returned in 2008 with a beefed-up application. The Woodside
Town Council approved the request again, and in March 2010, San Mateo County
Superior Court Judge Marie Weiner upheld the council's decision.
In an interview with The Associated Press,
Uphold Our Heritage's attorney, Doug Carstens, called the home's razing a "
shame." Carstens did not return calls for further comment to The Daily News.
Over the past couple of years, there have been proposals to move the house
elsewhere. The town council approved a deal in 2009 under which Palo Alto
angel investor Gordon Smythe would have dismantled, stored and at some point
rebuilt the house on another property, but it fell apart amid the ongoing
Last year, Woodside couple Jason and Magalli Yoho said they were interested
in moving the house to their property. The Yohos and Jobs "never were able
to find mutually acceptable terms for an agreement," said Town Manager
George said the demolition of the Jackling House will "close 11 years of
history" for the town.
"No matter what you think about the house, it's nice to get something
wrapped up," she said.
The Associated Press contributed to this report.

【在 R***a 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mercurynews.com/peninsula/ci_17399002?nclick_check=1
: Demolition begins on Steve Jobs' Woodside mansion
: By Diana Samuels
: Daily News Staff Writer
: Posted: 02/15/2011 10:46:54 PM PST
: Updated: 02/16/2011 12:47:35 AM PST
: Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 10-year battle with preservationists over the Jackling
: House ended this week, with the wrecking ball finally falling on the
: decades-old mansion in Woodside.
: Woodside officials issued final demolition permits last week, Town Manager

发帖数: 3688
perhaps you didn't really read it. Jobs wants to tear down the historical
house to build something new.
but boy that old house is really ugly. Hope Jobs can build something better


【在 R***a 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mercurynews.com/peninsula/ci_17399002?nclick_check=1
: Demolition begins on Steve Jobs' Woodside mansion
: By Diana Samuels
: Daily News Staff Writer
: Posted: 02/15/2011 10:46:54 PM PST
: Updated: 02/16/2011 12:47:35 AM PST
: Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 10-year battle with preservationists over the Jackling
: House ended this week, with the wrecking ball finally falling on the
: decades-old mansion in Woodside.
: Woodside officials issued final demolition permits last week, Town Manager

发帖数: 27968
yes, finally money talks


【在 R***a 的大作中提到】
: http://www.mercurynews.com/peninsula/ci_17399002?nclick_check=1
: Demolition begins on Steve Jobs' Woodside mansion
: By Diana Samuels
: Daily News Staff Writer
: Posted: 02/15/2011 10:46:54 PM PST
: Updated: 02/16/2011 12:47:35 AM PST
: Apple CEO Steve Jobs' 10-year battle with preservationists over the Jackling
: House ended this week, with the wrecking ball finally falling on the
: decades-old mansion in Woodside.
: Woodside officials issued final demolition permits last week, Town Manager

1 (共1页)
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看起来犹如鬼屋!乔布斯简陋豪宅内景被曝光(组图)HP: Due to the Overwhelming Demand
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致在美华人,和所有为人父母者的一封公开信hp touchpad is coming back
有小白鼠么?ipad2越狱出来了 (转载)moto用户重大利好
要告苹果得从反垄断入手Keep MSN messenger alive...这个是怎么做到的?
How Osama Bin Laden Was Found zzHTC 2013 Q1 earning is still going down
话题: jobs话题: woodside话题: house话题: town话题: demolition