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Oregon版 - One more Q: impact on driving record -- Difference between
气死我了,一个月里连着两张parking ticketsHave we decided the date?
请教一个报税的问题,oregon state income tax想问一下北京的房价如何?
美警开罚单还真有定额Re: Oregon之美
NND, 闯黄灯拿了Warning。 发照片示警。[转载] 记忆里的那个湖-告别Oregon
今天上午在Laidlaw被pulled over,差点吃罚单了為Oregon再添一幅書店旅館風景(转载)
中国驾照在Oregon能用么? Oregon 北部游记(转载)
话题: difference话题: warning话题: ticket话题: record话题: court
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2005
Anyone know the difference?
I was pulled over last weekend in Oregon, and the policeman said he decided
to give me a warning when he handed me a piece of yellow paper.
When I look at it, it says "citation", and it also has a base fine of $x. I
couldn't find anywhere on it saying "warning".
And we are also required to either appear on court in person or write to the
court and appeal guilty or "no contest". So it looks like a ticket to me.
Does anyone know anything about this?
发帖数: 12430
well that sure sounds like a ticket to me.
but i've not actually gotten a ticket so i don't know for sure although i
have had a few warnings and there were no paper, all verbal warnings.
good luck to you.


【在 A*********l 的大作中提到】
: Hi,
: Anyone know the difference?
: I was pulled over last weekend in Oregon, and the policeman said he decided
: to give me a warning when he handed me a piece of yellow paper.
: When I look at it, it says "citation", and it also has a base fine of $x. I
: couldn't find anywhere on it saying "warning".
: And we are also required to either appear on court in person or write to the
: court and appeal guilty or "no contest". So it looks like a ticket to me.
: Does anyone know anything about this?
: Thanks.

发帖数: 1952
感觉是ticket而不仅仅是warning. 可以给当事的警察打个电话, 问问清楚.


【在 A*********l 的大作中提到】
: Hi,
: Anyone know the difference?
: I was pulled over last weekend in Oregon, and the policeman said he decided
: to give me a warning when he handed me a piece of yellow paper.
: When I look at it, it says "citation", and it also has a base fine of $x. I
: couldn't find anywhere on it saying "warning".
: And we are also required to either appear on court in person or write to the
: court and appeal guilty or "no contest". So it looks like a ticket to me.
: Does anyone know anything about this?
: Thanks.

发帖数: 2005
In Oregon, is there a way not to let the ticket go into your driving record?
In some states, you can take some classes, or in WA you can pay some fees
to the court if it is your first violation.
Anything like that in Oregon?
Thanks again.

【在 f**d 的大作中提到】
: 感觉是ticket而不仅仅是warning. 可以给当事的警察打个电话, 问问清楚.
: decided
: I
: the

发帖数: 1952
没有吧, Oregon不扣分的. 只好记档了.


【在 A*********l 的大作中提到】
: Hi,
: In Oregon, is there a way not to let the ticket go into your driving record?
: In some states, you can take some classes, or in WA you can pay some fees
: to the court if it is your first violation.
: Anything like that in Oregon?
: Thanks again.

发帖数: 274
A little bit more information would be helpful, like what the driver did,
what was written on the citation, or what exactly the police offer said.
It's not uncommon that a driver had multiple offenses while the police
officer decided to only cite you on the most serious one. For the apparent
reason, he wouldn't want you to repeat those minor infringments, hence some
warning on the side.


【在 A*********l 的大作中提到】
: Hi,
: In Oregon, is there a way not to let the ticket go into your driving record?
: In some states, you can take some classes, or in WA you can pay some fees
: to the court if it is your first violation.
: Anything like that in Oregon?
: Thanks again.

发帖数: 2005
It was "speeding when passing where there is only one lane each direction"
on Hwy 26.
Speed limit is 55, he said my speed is 79. The reason is while I am passing,
the police's car appeared from in the other direction. I couldn't see it
because the road has some slope, but I was on the "allow to pass side.
So at that time, I think the best thing to do is to return to my lane as
fast as possible and to break hard would be dangerous too.
He turned around and followed me, I didn't notice them until

【在 P*g 的大作中提到】
: A little bit more information would be helpful, like what the driver did,
: what was written on the citation, or what exactly the police offer said.
: It's not uncommon that a driver had multiple offenses while the police
: officer decided to only cite you on the most serious one. For the apparent
: reason, he wouldn't want you to repeat those minor infringments, hence some
: warning on the side.
: decided
: I
: the

发帖数: 8
What you got is a ticket, not a warning.
You can choose to appear in traffic court or just pay up. We don't have
traffic school or point system here, at least, not that I know of.
发帖数: 274
In English, "I would" is not necessarily what I WILL do, 虚拟语气, typically
followed by another sentence starting with "However, ....(for the xxx
reason I won't do what I just said 'I would'"). ^_^
Besides, there is a subtle difference between "I would give you a warning
ONLY" and "I would give you a warning in addition to the speeding ticket".
Another possibility is that the police wanted to give you a warning at first
, but then ran your record and realized you have several speeding ticket

【在 A*********l 的大作中提到】
: It was "speeding when passing where there is only one lane each direction"
: on Hwy 26.
: Speed limit is 55, he said my speed is 79. The reason is while I am passing,
: the police's car appeared from in the other direction. I couldn't see it
: because the road has some slope, but I was on the "allow to pass side.
: So at that time, I think the best thing to do is to return to my lane as
: fast as possible and to break hard would be dangerous too.
: He turned around and followed me, I didn't notice them until

发帖数: 2860
Even if the police car was moving, the error margin wouldn't be that big.
Their odometers are calibrated every 6 months. It's hard to argue on this.



【在 P*g 的大作中提到】
: In English, "I would" is not necessarily what I WILL do, 虚拟语气, typically
: followed by another sentence starting with "However, ....(for the xxx
: reason I won't do what I just said 'I would'"). ^_^
: Besides, there is a subtle difference between "I would give you a warning
: ONLY" and "I would give you a warning in addition to the speeding ticket".
: Another possibility is that the police wanted to give you a warning at first
: , but then ran your record and realized you have several speeding ticket
: alre

发帖数: 274
If it's two car heading towards each other, how do you estimate the speed of
the car in opposite direction? :)
Even if the police officer can operate the laser gun while driving and get a
reading of his own speedometer at the same time, he would still have
problem presenting the evidence in court, so there will be a lot of room for

【在 D****g 的大作中提到】
: Even if the police car was moving, the error margin wouldn't be that big.
: Their odometers are calibrated every 6 months. It's hard to argue on this.
: typically
: first
: you

发帖数: 2005
I feel the speed he measured should be accurate enough.
Damn it. My only ticket that will go on record. Had one previously but
waived by court.


【在 P*g 的大作中提到】
: If it's two car heading towards each other, how do you estimate the speed of
: the car in opposite direction? :)
: Even if the police officer can operate the laser gun while driving and get a
: reading of his own speedometer at the same time, he would still have
: problem presenting the evidence in court, so there will be a lot of room for
: argument.

1 (共1页)
Oregon 北部游记(转载)收到frontier的广告
俄勒冈州(Oregon)的大学名录(转载)NND, 闯黄灯拿了Warning。 发照片示警。
我爱Oregon, 我爱Seattle今天上午在Laidlaw被pulled over,差点吃罚单了
[转载] 取消 wadaxi 在 Oregon 的 POST 权力中国驾照在Oregon能用么?
气死我了,一个月里连着两张parking ticketsHave we decided the date?
请教一个报税的问题,oregon state income tax想问一下北京的房价如何?
美警开罚单还真有定额Re: Oregon之美
话题: difference话题: warning话题: ticket话题: record话题: court