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Olympics版 - 罗格:博尔特不如卡尔刘易斯,还算不上传奇
Bob Costas gets schooled by Jacques Rogge美国老将来了 - “真正”的奖牌榜
one guy is dead already ftpainting country sour grape: objective medal
罗格的原话的全句是什么?刚刚错过了巨星之后,baton 给谁?
(ZT) Usain Bolt visits Sichuan earthquake victims, urges them to look forward迷语
Usain Bolt明天拿下100m就是三连冠Usain Bolt在中国和当年里迪克-鲍在非洲一样
Usain Bolt pictured in bed with student after dancing at RUsain Bolt访问四川灾区儿童
Bolt骂卡尔刘易斯有点反应过度了看着可疑Usain Bolt是个聪明人
罗格的评价很一般嘛最後4天 國際奧會主席侯格肯定倫敦奧運
话题: rogge话题: bolt话题: lewis话题: olympics话题: carl
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4936
Olympics boss Jacques Rogge jumps into sprinter feud saying Usain Bolt not
yet a legend like American great Carl Lewis
LONDON – A spat has broken out among the world's two most famous living
sprinters, spawning a second argument between IOC president Jacques Rogge
and London Olympics head Sebastian Coe.
The trouble began when Rogge, speaking to reporters before Usain Bolt's 200-
meter victory on Thursday, said he didn't think Bolt was yet a legend like
Carl Lewis, the Willingboro, N.J., sprinter and long jumper who won nine
gold medals at four different Olympics.
"If you look at the career of Carl Lewis, he had (four) consecutive Games
with a medal," Rogge said. "Let Usain Bolt be free of injury, let him keep
his motivation which I think will be the case ... Let him participate in
three, four Games, and he can be a legend."
When Rogge's quote was brought back to Bolt, the Jamaican sprinter didn't
attack Rogge. He went instead at Lewis, who had suggested recently that the
Jamaican athletics program failed to include adequate drug testing – a
commonly-held belief among many track observers.
发帖数: 52743


【在 h***y 的大作中提到】
: Olympics boss Jacques Rogge jumps into sprinter feud saying Usain Bolt not
: yet a legend like American great Carl Lewis
: LONDON – A spat has broken out among the world's two most famous living
: sprinters, spawning a second argument between IOC president Jacques Rogge
: and London Olympics head Sebastian Coe.
: The trouble began when Rogge, speaking to reporters before Usain Bolt's 200-
: meter victory on Thursday, said he didn't think Bolt was yet a legend like
: Carl Lewis, the Willingboro, N.J., sprinter and long jumper who won nine
: gold medals at four different Olympics.
: "If you look at the career of Carl Lewis, he had (four) consecutive Games

发帖数: 4936

【在 A*****a 的大作中提到】
: 激将法,希望bolt参加下届给他捧场
: 200-
: the

1 (共1页)
最後4天 國際奧會主席侯格肯定倫敦奧運Usain Bolt明天拿下100m就是三连冠
大伙还记得卡尔刘易斯影射博尔特服药么?Usain Bolt pictured in bed with student after dancing at R
Bob Costas gets schooled by Jacques Rogge美国老将来了 - “真正”的奖牌榜
one guy is dead already ftpainting country sour grape: objective medal
罗格的原话的全句是什么?刚刚错过了巨星之后,baton 给谁?
(ZT) Usain Bolt visits Sichuan earthquake victims, urges them to look forward迷语
话题: rogge话题: bolt话题: lewis话题: olympics话题: carl