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Ohio版 - 哪些州可以early voting?什么时候开始? (转载)
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转自AAV:辟谣选民登记,选举免受欺负 Voter Registration Debun (转载)哪些州可以early voting?什么时候开始?
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话题: oct话题: voting话题: early话题: voters话题: absentee
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【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: gemini2012 (双子AB), 信区: USANews
标 题: 哪些州可以early voting?什么时候开始?
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Wed Sep 21 23:27:06 2016, 美东)
When does early voting start in every state?
Voting has already started in a scattering of locations, and entire states
will be able to vote starting Friday.
By Brent Griffiths
09/21/16 05:18 AM EDT
Election Day is more than a month away, but voters are already casting
ballots to pick their next president.
Voting opened on Monday in Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin, making the town's
voters among the first in the nation to do so. So far, voting is limited to
a smattering of counties and municipalities in states that allow local
governments to set their own schedules. On Friday, however, voters statewide
in South Dakota and Minnesota will be allowed to cast early ballots. And
other states are joining soon: New Jersey starts early voting on Saturday,
and Vermont plans to start early voting as soon as the ballots are ready. (
State rules say no later than Saturday.)
In total, 37 states and the District of Columbia will allow early voting in
2016. Some of those states allow voters to request mail ballots and send
them in, while others open physical polling places weeks or even months
before the election. In the 2012 presidential election, approximately 30
percent of the votes cast came via mail or early balloting, meaning many
voters will weigh in before the candidates have had a chance to make their
closing case.
Typically, Democrats lead in early voting, especially in-person early voting
, because their voters are not as likely to go out to the polls as
Republicans, said Michael McDonald, an election expert and associate
professor at the University of Florida. The GOP, however, tends to make up
ground through mail in absentee ballots, McDonald said.
50-day countdown begins
By Alex Isenstadt and Gabriel Debenedetti
Here’s when early voting begins in each state.
(Note, the below dates represent the earliest date that voters statewide can
send for a ballot or vote in person without a special exemption.)
Alabama — There’s no universal early voting in Alabama, as voters need a
state-approved excuse to vote absentee.
Alaska — Oct. 24.
Arizona — Oct. 12. Local counties are still finalizing the locations where
voters can vote in-person, but ballots for mail-in voting begin going out on
the 12th.
Arkansas — Oct. 24.
California — Early voting opening dates are set by the county/municipality.
Oct. 10 is the first day to vote early in Los Angeles County.
Colorado — Oct. 24.
Connecticut — There is no early voting in Connecticut, as voters need a
state-approved excuse to vote absentee.
District of Columbia — Oct. 22 at One Judiciary Square, Oct. 29 for all
other locations.
Delaware — There is no early voting in Delaware, as voters need a state-
approved excuse to vote absentee.
Florida — All counties are required to allow voting from Oct. 29 to Nov. 5.
Some have the option to start earlier.
Georgia — Oct. 17. Voters can sign up for an absentee ballot starting Sept.
Hawaii — Oct. 25.
Idaho — Sept. 23. Counties must send out absentee ballot requests no later
than the 23rd, but are allowed to offer early voting. Early voting opening
dates are set by the county/municipality.
Trump shatters GOP records with small donors
By Shane Goldmacher
Illinois — Sept. 29 to Nov. 7. Starting Sept. 29, voters can only cast
their ballots at their local election authority or a temporary location, but
early voting expands to permanent polling places starting Oct. 24.
Indiana — Oct. 12. Early voting starts at the local county election board
office or another designated location, but with an excuse, voters can cast a
ballot by mail.
Iowa — Sept. 29.
Kansas — Oct. 19. Counties are allowed to set earlier extended early voting
Kentucky — There is no early voting in Kentucky, unless voters have a state
-approved excuse to vote absentee.
Louisiana — Oct. 25 to Nov. 1.
Maine — Oct. 9 is the general opening date, but the state allows you to
vote as soon as the ballots are printed, and some people have already cast
their ballots.
Maryland — Oct. 27 to Nov. 3.
Massachusetts — Oct. 24 to Nov. 4.
Michigan — There is no early voting in Michigan, as voters require a state-
approved excuse to vote absentee.
Minnesota — Sept. 23.
Mississippi — There is no early voting in Mississippi, as voters need a
state-approved excuse to vote absentee.
Missouri — There is no early voting in Missouri, as voters need a state-
approved excuse to vote absentee.
Montana — In-person early voting begins as soon as ballots are ready, which
is expected to be around Oct. 11.
Nebraska — Oct. 3. The counties mail out requests starting on the 3rd, but
the first day to vote early in-person is Oct. 7.
Nevada — Oct. 22.
New Hampshire — There is no early voting in New Hampshire, unless voters
have a state-approved excuse to vote absentee.
New Jersey — Sept. 24. In-person early voting may begin sooner (it starts
as soon as ballots are available), but mail-in ballots are sent out
beginning on the 24th.
New Mexico — Oct. 11 to Nov. 5. Voters can apply for an absentee ballot on
Oct. 11, but starting on the 22nd they can vote early in person.
New York — There is no early voting in New York, as voters require a state-
approved excuse to vote absentee.
North Carolina — Sept. 9, Oct. 20 to Nov. 5. Absentee ballots have already
been sent out, but the formal early voting period does not start until
North Dakota — Sept. 29. Absentee and mail ballots can be sent out by
county officials starting on the 29th, but the exact date might vary from
one location to the next.
Ohio — Oct. 12.
Oklahoma — Nov. 3 to Nov. 5.
Oregon — Oct. 19.
Pennsylvania — There is no early voting in Pennsylvania, as voters need a
state-approved excuse to vote absentee.
Rhode Island — There is no early voting in Rhode Island, unless voters have
a state-approved excuse to vote absentee.
South Carolina — There is no early voting in South Carolina, unless voters
have a state-approved excuse to vote absentee. The state does, however, give
voters more absentee leeway than many.
South Dakota — Sept. 23.
Tennessee — Oct. 19 to Nov. 3.
Texas — Oct. 24 to Nov. 4.
Utah — Oct. 25 to Nov. 4.
Virginia — There is no early voting in Virginia, unless voters have a state
-approved excuse to vote absentee.
Vermont — Sept. 23 to Nov. 7. Early voting could start before the 23rd, but
it will not begin any later than that date.
Washington — Oct. 21. Some voters may receive their ballot earlier, but
this is the latest counties can mail them out.
West Virginia — Oct. 26 to Nov. 5.
Wisconsin — Early voting opening dates are set by the county/municipality.
Wisconsin Rapids began voting Sept. 19.
Wyoming — Sept. 23 to Nov. 7.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/09/early-voting-states-228435#ixzz4Kx3yq7yg
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哪些州可以early voting?什么时候开始? (转载)转自AAV:辟谣选民登记,选举免受欺负 Voter Registration Debun (转载)
我打算今年early voting请教个交税的问题
Early voting way down in ChicagoCar State Inspection in Cleveland
[合集] zz:Virtual National Champion: Ohio State (转载)OH买车的税是根据居住地来算的吗?
If you live in E. Ohio, chance for big GM vehicle savings新车换牌照的问题?
GOP Courting Chinese-American Votes (转载)cleveland求租
话题: oct话题: voting话题: early话题: voters话题: absentee