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NewYork版 - http://www.tmz.com/2011/02/28/real-world-abram-boise-arrested-poop-feces-jail-wall/
Reading the reviews of Time Warner Cable on YELP just made (转载)一个公主和一个在morgan stanley的帅T的故事
NYC waiters stole $1 million from credit card ZZ在纽约地铁吃东西
this is ROUGHMLGB 的
Handyman 'Kidnapped' for Repairs请问在法拉盛有没有华人诊所是可以拍B超的?
今天陪老板去作孕检 结果出事了! (转载)THE ONE
Abnormal Pap Smear. Pls recommend NY clinic / doctor!!!lol
我饿了,我想吃皮皮虾it is a shame you...
话题: abram话题: cell话题: inferno话题: boise话题: his
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1447
MTV reality show star Abram Boise must have been feeling down in the dumps
after he got arrested this weekend ... because while sitting in his jail
cell, he defecated in his hands and smeared it on the cell ... this
according to law enforcement sources.
Boise was arrested in Massachusetts by Lunenburg PD on two counts of
defacing property and one count of indecent exposure ... after cops found
him urinating in public.
But apparently his bowels weren't empty ... because law enforcement sources
tell us he peed on the floor of the cell, was moved to a second one, and
then he pooped in his hand and smeared it all over the wall of the second
Abram has appeared in such reality shows as “Road Rules: South Pacific,”
“The Gauntlet,” “The Inferno,” “Battle of the Sexes 2,” “The Inferno
3” and “The Island.”
In case you give a crap, Abram is scheduled to be arraigned today.
1 (共1页)
it is a shame you...珍爱生命,远离酒精
今晚CLUBING今天陪老板去作孕检 结果出事了! (转载)
问题:脱离了SEX的感情关系是否能继续?Abnormal Pap Smear. Pls recommend NY clinic / doctor!!!
有人看Sex and City2 吗?我饿了,我想吃皮皮虾
Reading the reviews of Time Warner Cable on YELP just made (转载)一个公主和一个在morgan stanley的帅T的故事
NYC waiters stole $1 million from credit card ZZ在纽约地铁吃东西
this is ROUGHMLGB 的
Handyman 'Kidnapped' for Repairs请问在法拉盛有没有华人诊所是可以拍B超的?
话题: abram话题: cell话题: inferno话题: boise话题: his