

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
NewJersey版 - 献给离开了我的爱人, 人间独立的奇女子。
以色列女模特在拍摄中被蛇咬中乳房, 最后蛇被毒死!家敦:全世界人民联合起来 弄死华为
livingsocial $1 lunch @ midtown阿三半个国家停电,tg能不能从中吸取点教训? (转载)
今天去哪里的海滩比较好?有一娃黑乖闯祸了, 发包子,求化解
南加的童鞋们有没有事?权威的预报来了 (转载)Obama: Don't want higher tax? selfish! zz
哪儿能买到鲤鱼 (carp)?投票能改变人的自私性吗?
lbj WD都是unselfish的么从理性和逻辑上来讲,是否liberal的观点更有道理?
阿三半个国家停电,tg能不能从中吸取点教训?【BSSD】 离婚也是一种解脱
话题: yourself话题: take话题: others话题: am话题: lives
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8992
今天,读了一段散文,(显然, 工作不忙, 而刚刚过去的残忍繁忙的六月下旬, 此
觉得有小小收获。 字里行间, 仿佛有你的倩影浮现。
恨没有在遇见你之前, 对这些问题早早也有自己的体会和认知。
这样,我或许会做得更好。 或许最终不会辜负你的奉献。
讨论了3个古老哲句。 尤其是第三个, 时间上的问题。
不懂得掌握最好时间。。最终导致我失去人生幸福, 无比凄惨。
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
If I am only for myself, what am I?
And, if not now, when?” –Hillel
The meaning and interpretation of these questions, posed by Hillel (rabbi
and scholar) 2000 years ago, have long been the subject of discussion and
debate. They are questions that force us to look inward and truly consider
the way we are living our lives.
“If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” When it comes down to it, we
have to take care of ourselves. We can’t fully depend on others, or let
others depend fully on us. There comes a time when we need to be selfish. Go
to that doctor’s appointment you’ve been putting off. Take a day off from
work and do nothing. Call it a “mental health day.” If there’s a movie
you really want to see, but all of your friends laugh when you suggest it,
go by yourself. (You won’t have to share the popcorn!) If you’ve got too
much on your plate, say no. Stand up for what you believe in. Take a hard
look at the people in your life. If you’re giving 110% to a friendship and
the other person is only giving 30%, cut your losses. It’ll hurt at first,
but you’ll be better for it in the end. Look at yourself in the mirror
until you can see your own beauty. Buy yourself that special something you’
ve been admiring for months. If you need justification, call it a holiday
present to you, from you. It’s great to be a giver, to be generous and take
care of others, but you have to accept things from others sometimes too. "
Who takes care of you? you DO"
“If I am only for myself, what am I?” Be careful with this one, because
the answer could easily be “an asshole.” Let yourself be selfish
sometimes, but not all the time. Put yourself first, but be conscious of the
feelings of those around you. Find something that brings you joy and
brightens the lives of others, whether it be sending holiday cards to
friends and family, or volunteering at a local food bank. It may take time,
but find a balance between selfish and selfless. Too much of either will
undoubtedly affect your quality of life.
“If not now, when?” Carpe diem, seize the day! The truth is, that we never
know what tomorrow will bring. We don’t know how much time we have left on
this Earth. So, ask yourself this third question whenever you have doubts
about doing something fulfilling. Don’t wait for a “better time,”
because there may not be one. One of my mantras is “make every moment count
,” and it’s all about not taking a single moment of our lives for granted.
This all sounds fine and dandy, but sometimes life gets in the way. We are
faced with crippling challenges and seemingly insurmountable obstacles. But,
no matter how crappy our lives might be at any given point, we are still so
lucky to be alive. Be there for others, but remember to be there for
yourself too. It’s okay to be sad for a little while, as long as you pick
yourself up afterwards and keep on going. It all comes back to Hillel’s
first question: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?” Sure, we all
have amazing people in our lives who love and care for us, but in the end,
if we are not for ourselves, then the chances are that no one else will be
发帖数: 24123
发帖数: 610
king of water gun, you are my superstar!

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: 今天,读了一段散文,(显然, 工作不忙, 而刚刚过去的残忍繁忙的六月下旬, 此
: 时让人回首不堪)
: 觉得有小小收获。 字里行间, 仿佛有你的倩影浮现。
: 恨没有在遇见你之前, 对这些问题早早也有自己的体会和认知。
: 这样,我或许会做得更好。 或许最终不会辜负你的奉献。
: 讨论了3个古老哲句。 尤其是第三个, 时间上的问题。
: 不懂得掌握最好时间。。最终导致我失去人生幸福, 无比凄惨。
: 祝你一切美好如愿!!!
: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
: If I am only for myself, what am I?

发帖数: 206
disguised zheng(1) hun(1) tie(1)?

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: 今天,读了一段散文,(显然, 工作不忙, 而刚刚过去的残忍繁忙的六月下旬, 此
: 时让人回首不堪)
: 觉得有小小收获。 字里行间, 仿佛有你的倩影浮现。
: 恨没有在遇见你之前, 对这些问题早早也有自己的体会和认知。
: 这样,我或许会做得更好。 或许最终不会辜负你的奉献。
: 讨论了3个古老哲句。 尤其是第三个, 时间上的问题。
: 不懂得掌握最好时间。。最终导致我失去人生幸福, 无比凄惨。
: 祝你一切美好如愿!!!
: “If I am not for myself, who will be for me?
: If I am only for myself, what am I?

发帖数: 8992
发帖数: 8992
发帖数: 2632
easy easy. and move on lah.
just like the chinese saying, a new one will never arrive w/o the departure
of the old.

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: 我是个大笨蛋
发帖数: 8992
旧的不去, 新的不来
发帖数: 11048
no old go, come no new

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: 旧的不去, 新的不来
发帖数: 2632
and now u c a forest. :)

【在 m****s 的大作中提到】
: 旧的不去, 新的不来
发帖数: 8992
Buddy, 谢谢好意!!!
奇女子 天下无双, 前无古人,后无来者。 a black swan.

【在 w********c 的大作中提到】
: and now u c a forest. :)
1 (共1页)
【BSSD】 离婚也是一种解脱南加的童鞋们有没有事?权威的预报来了 (转载)
非常痛苦和困扰,希望听取大家的意见哪儿能买到鲤鱼 (carp)?
讨论贴:Do you think she is selfish or not?lbj WD都是unselfish的么
以色列女模特在拍摄中被蛇咬中乳房, 最后蛇被毒死!家敦:全世界人民联合起来 弄死华为
livingsocial $1 lunch @ midtown阿三半个国家停电,tg能不能从中吸取点教训? (转载)
今天去哪里的海滩比较好?有一娃黑乖闯祸了, 发包子,求化解
话题: yourself话题: take话题: others话题: am话题: lives