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Nevada版 - MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
las vegas的Jubilee的2-4-1,哪里有?MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
any shuttle from airport to Wynn??MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
罗姆尼的亚裔顾问家里面是台湾绿营人士,我看过凤凰卫视对他的专 (转载)MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
招兼职,适合每一个有空上网的人。MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)MSN online poll:Romney being a friend of China
MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)西方舆论手段的最高境界
MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)黑人良心3:Shelby Steele
MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)lord winter
话题: msn话题: chi话题: obama话题: entire话题: poll
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1875
【 以下文字转载自 USANews 讨论区 】
发信人: enjoice (Miami Heat), 信区: USANews
标 题: MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Nov 6 14:43:55 2012, 美东)
Throughout this year's presidential campaign Romney has tried to talk tough
towards the country, accusing it of being a nation of "cheats" and of
stealing "intellectual property".
But MSN's poll reinforces an impression of Romney being a friend of China.
这里的左派还在叫嚣要为中国而支持O8... 无知也无耻
1 (共1页)
lord winterMSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
美网观众太JB丢人了MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
叔的理论是鸦片国厉害国P3先后泄露MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
giants fan accused pats cheated on the kickMSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
las vegas的Jubilee的2-4-1,哪里有?MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
any shuttle from airport to Wynn??MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
罗姆尼的亚裔顾问家里面是台湾绿营人士,我看过凤凰卫视对他的专 (转载)MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
招兼职,适合每一个有空上网的人。MSN online poll:Entire planet supports Obama - except Chi (转载)
话题: msn话题: chi话题: obama话题: entire话题: poll