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NanoST版 - 加拿大院士组招收化学博士(同时博后职位开放)
PhD student positions in ME with full financial support ava (转载)Postdoc position in high pressure physics
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support availabeNational Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquia: Nanomaterials in Biology
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available(新杂志) "自然-中国" 子刊 问世
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available一个关于纳米科技的安全问题
zzInviting your participation in The Third Internaitonal Conference on One-dimensional Nanomaterial老豆腐在Boston报导
Nanomaterials Research Scientist wanted!生物纳米的就业前景
请前辈指条明路。。。谢过!!!PHD/PostDoc positions available
Chemist Postdoc position (转载)Postdoctoral position available
话题: research话题: kong话题: prof话题: sham话题: tsun
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2
We are hiring new graduate students who has high expectation in academic
research study and wants to attain Ph.D diploma in Chemistry. Students in
our group will be covered with fully funded scholarship and they will have a
lot of opportunities to travel around the world to do their research (US,
Mainland of China, Taiwan, etc.) and expand their expertise in synchrotron
radiation on nanomaterials. Here we have the world-class research platform
and Prof. Tsun-Kong Sham, who is the Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada,
will be the only one to guide your research as your research mentor and
supervisor. Details of our research group are included in our official
Please feel welcome to contact Prof. Tsun-Kong Sham ([email protected]
/* */) or his
current Ph.D student Mr. Jun Li ([email protected]
/* */) for applications.
Potential post-doctoral fellows are also encouraged to contact Prof. Tsun-
Kong Sham for possible openings!
1 (共1页)
Postdoctoral position availablezzInviting your participation in The Third Internaitonal Conference on One-dimensional Nanomaterial
请教各位大牛:graphene 是新方向吗? 请看这篇paperNanomaterials Research Scientist wanted!
Postdoc position available请前辈指条明路。。。谢过!!!
position for carbon nanotube, graphene growthChemist Postdoc position (转载)
PhD student positions in ME with full financial support ava (转载)Postdoc position in high pressure physics
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support availabeNational Academy of Sciences Sackler Colloquia: Nanomaterials in Biology
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available(新杂志) "自然-中国" 子刊 问世
PhD positions in MSE/ME with full financial support available一个关于纳米科技的安全问题
话题: research话题: kong话题: prof话题: sham话题: tsun