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Missouri版 - 分享一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定 (转载)
just ate two sloppy joe分享一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定 (转载)
[bssd] 穷丑普通女N年打扮经验-今天更新6页7页 (转载)分享一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定 (转载)
[合集] OutletGene bank: XXXX 和 XXXX-like有啥区别
W不WS你们说了算 (转载)大家觉得哪个蛋白功能结构域的预测网站比较好用呢?
Re: 扎克伯格的婚礼说明了一个事实。。。 (转载)紧急求老鼠各种生理特征入门实验速成
分享----一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定新手请教 'Genotype-phenotype correlation’
分享一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定 (转载)求教:杂交F1代就出现形状,是怎样一种情形?
分享一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定大家如何看模式动物的high-throuput phenotyping
话题: 1048698话题: your话题: lab话题: does话题: student
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发帖数: 18251
【 以下文字转载自 Biology 讨论区 】
发信人: xlxnr (xlxnr), 信区: Biology
标 题: 分享一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Jun 3 14:28:32 2013, 美东)
来源于http://sourcedb.cas.cn/sourcedb_genetics_cas/zw/zjrck/200907/t20090721_2130979.html, 点击Notes for students 2013。
Notes for Graduate Students
􀁺 Progress: if you are unable to make any significant progress on
your project
within a reasonable timeframe (e.g., 1-2 months), you are definitely in
􀁺 Efficiency: your competitors would appreciate your slow work
􀁺 Quality: publishable data in a leading journal
􀁺 Do you show some phenotypes of “Thirteen features of a bad
student” (see
􀁺 Be a nice and happy lab member
􀁺 Respect others’ privacy
􀁺 Always appreciate any help and favors from others (this should be
taught by your
parents when you were a toddler)
􀁺 Active interactions with advisor and colleagues
􀁺 Response to advice appropriately by either explanation or
Shrugging off the advisor’s suggestion without any explanation is
absolutely not
􀁺 Your personal research interests should be a part of the lab’s
interests, but not
solely based on your thesis for an easy Ph.D. degree
􀁺 If you disagree with your advisor, speak out!
There is absolutely NO experiment that does not have a conclusion
There is absolutely NO project that does not have a conclusion
A tough project does not mean a gradually disappearing or forgettable
􀁺 Coordinate with colleagues for the usage of equipments, space and
reagents, etc.
􀁺 Presentation in lab meetings: treat your every presentation as a
Working as a professional scientist
􀁺 It is the shared responsibilities of your advisor and yourself to
move a project
􀁺 You are absolutely NOT allowed to release any unpublished data or
experimental materials/regents (including published experimental
materials/regents) outside the lab without permission
􀁺 Record everything you have done by notes and photos, etc.,
including negative
􀁺 You should know how to use major databases (e.g., NCBI and TARI)
but rather
than an expert on SINA, SOHU or any other non-scientific websites
􀁺 Include appropriate controls in EVERY experiment
􀁺 Knowledge on your field: read at least two original research
papers per week
Working as a dedicated scientist
􀁺 Everyone has personal business, but the lab business always has
priority unless in
􀁺 In this business, an “average” student who works seven days a
week is definitely
more productive than a “genius” who works five days a week
􀁺 If you are able to make any major progresses by working 8 hours a
day and 5 days
a week, every fortunate in this world must be on your side!
􀁺 Go to your mother’s house for afternoon naps and never come back!
􀁺 Start your morning work not later than 8:30 am and afternoon work
no later than 1
􀁺 Surf over the Internet for non-scientific purposes should be less
than 30 min a day
􀁺 If you are absent from the lab more than one hour, get permission
Use your brains: think and work smartly
􀁺 A good graduate student is not a robot
􀁺 A good graduate student always knows what he/she is doing and
what he/she has
􀁺 A good graduate student always scientifically goes beyond what he
/she has been
􀁺 A good graduate student must independently think about the
project and read the
data as well as catch hints derived from the data
􀁺 You should learn and eventually know how to interpret your data
􀁺 You should learn and eventually know how to write a paper or a
report in a professional and logic way
􀁺 You should be capable of tackling technical troubles by smartly
references and by discussing with coworkers
􀁺 If you use your brain, you should be able to avoid unnecessary,
mistakes or to avoid making the same mistakes more than once. Many of such
mistakes cannot be rescued by money (e.g., the loss of mutant seeds)
Thirteen features of a bad student
1. No or slow response to a suggestion or request of your advisor.
2. Looks sleepy most of time. Lack of self-motivation.
3. Clannish. Interaction mainly confined to a specific person (e.g. girl
friend). And a
mix-up of professional and private life.
4. Starts the work late in the morning. Brings breakfast to lab because gets
up late.
5. Seldom speaks in the lab meeting. Seems an alien not involved in lab
6. Tends to take a back seat in the seminar room and enjoys relaxing or half
when others talk about lab business or research.
7. Does an experiment without knowing the related chemistry, mathematics and
physics principles behind it.
8. Misperception, inexperience plus stubbornness.
9. Unable to get the assigned lab job or task done, but always finds good
10. Lack of enthusiasm for everything including your fellow students – not
11. Does a new experiment without discussing with the advisor in advance.
12. Data are not sorted out with Powerpoint slides or Photoshop figures.
13. Does internet reading etc. in the waiting time during experiments in
order to
“relax” or “kill time”.
发帖数: 9682
ugly face, bad english, mean prick, 最佳PI的素质大成。如果都符合要求的,早就
1 (共1页)
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[bssd] 穷丑普通女N年打扮经验-今天更新6页7页 (转载)分享一个遗传所PI管理实验室的规定 (转载)
[合集] OutletGene bank: XXXX 和 XXXX-like有啥区别
W不WS你们说了算 (转载)大家觉得哪个蛋白功能结构域的预测网站比较好用呢?
话题: 1048698话题: your话题: lab话题: does话题: student