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Military2版 - 看来中铁没白亏,沙特应该蛮适合搞高铁吧 (转载)
Sao Mang: thanksgiving卡扎菲 = 2000亿美“金”
Re: Sao Mang: thanksgiving老衲一直思考穆斯林和基督教的一些本质区别
沙特在2007年买了DF-21,CIA帮忙ZT沙特王子起诉Forbes,因为对他身价估价太低 (转载)
Lenin :The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang themfoxnews的记者说第一夫人下飞机没带头巾,非常醒目
这间屋子这样看起来在里面和个把总统国王打电话还不错Trump shakes hands, doesn't bow as Obama
沙特安全部队时刻准备着镇压示威游行King Abdullah University of Science and Technology
话题: china话题: made话题: mina话题: saudi话题: pilgrims
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发帖数: 8422
【 以下文字转载自 Military 讨论区 】
发信人: taijifish (taijifish), 信区: Military
标 题: 看来中铁没白亏,沙特应该蛮适合搞高铁吧
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sun Nov 21 11:22:41 2010, 美东)
Made in China" is no longer a taboo label, thanks to Mashair railway.
Published: Nov 20, 2010 00:13 Updated: Nov 20, 2010 00:46
MINA: Perhaps the most notable improvement of Saudi Arabia’s many projects
to accommodate Haj pilgrims is the railway that shuttled tens of thousands
of people around the holy sites.
As the modern, high-tech trains picked up and dropped off passengers, they
created a newfound respect for Chinese-made products and Chinese-
engineering prowess. Officials said the multibillion-riyal project that was
started last year will about triple its capacity from present levels when
completed in 2012. Nonetheless, the rail system has already alleviated
vehicular traffic around Mina and made travel for many pilgrims a snap.
The Sino-Saudi relationship has been growing over the last decade as China
has sought more fossil fuels to power its economic growth. Custodian of the
Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah helped realign the nation’s trade
relationships with the implementation of a “Look East” policy, which has
fostered imports of heavy machinery and construction equipment as well as
consumer goods. China has also raised the quality of its exported goods to
fight earlier perceptions that its exports were inferior to products
manufactured elsewhere.
“We would go to shopping malls and ask for Made-in-Germany and Made-in-
Japan stuff. We would look down upon Made-in-China stuff,” said Suleiman Al
-Hatrash, a social-sciences teacher at an Abha college. “We started taking
China seriously when we went to the Western countries and saw their shopping
malls filled with Made-in-China goods.”
However, the state-of-the-art rail system is changing peoples’ perceptions
about China almost as fast as it is whisking passengers around Mina.
“People couldn’t believe their eyes when they saw pilgrims being ferried
between the holy sites of Mina, Muzdalifah and Arafat,” said journalist
Hadi Fakihi. “Those who rode the train were gushing about its high-tech
aspects. China has overnight become a nation to respect and emulate.”
“China has won hearts with this successful project,” said Rashad Husein,
vice president of the South Asian Pilgrim Establishment. “It is the first
time China has executed such a massive project in the Islamic world. This
will not only bring China and the Muslim world closer; this will strengthen
the bond between Saudi Arabia and China.”
发帖数: 852
1 (共1页)
King Abdullah University of Science and TechnologyLenin :The Capitalists will sell us the rope with which we will hang them
ZT: The 54% Rally in Steel Prices That Points to China's Rapid Shift这间屋子这样看起来在里面和个把总统国王打电话还不错
Sao Mang: thanksgiving卡扎菲 = 2000亿美“金”
Re: Sao Mang: thanksgiving老衲一直思考穆斯林和基督教的一些本质区别
沙特在2007年买了DF-21,CIA帮忙ZT沙特王子起诉Forbes,因为对他身价估价太低 (转载)
话题: china话题: made话题: mina话题: saudi话题: pilgrims