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Military版 - 问题解决了,双方 达成协议
Exotic Dancer at Code Pink Boston StrippersN95:中国日产166万,美国二个公司就日产210万
炸弹客还当过 Male Stripper新泽西医院禁止护士戴口罩
中国己耗尽全球防疫资源。WHO发出资源告罄警告西雅图这么惨? er 医生都没有n95? (转载)
Ebay 不让卖口罩和消毒液了美囯3M公司在中国生产的口罩终于物归原主,扺达纽约
一个在上海的老美揭批真相中國製N95口罩無法有效過濾病毒 荷蘭緊急回收60萬枚
再说一遍, 普通民众不要戴口罩,要戴手套假如COVID-19发生在美国
UC Davis 团队治愈三例病人后再次肯定口罩沒用CDC再过不出8天就要改口了
话题: club话题: patrons话题: dancers话题: lawsuit话题: distancing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4527
A Colorado strip club has settled with authorities in a dispute over a 25-
foot coronavirus social distancing rule between dancers and customers.
The Player's Club in Adams County will install Plexiglas barriers around its
stages and take other precautions after settling a lawsuit with state and
local health officials.
The club filed a lawsuit earlier this month after it shut down to disinfect
the building in the wake of three confirmed coronavirus cases among
employees there.
Health officials allowed it to reopen as a restaurant -- but only if it
maintained the lengthier social distancing requirement between performers
and patrons, according to the lawsuit.
Attorneys for the club argued the split both unfairly hurt its bottom line
and cost dancers the chance to easily receive tips, “substantially
impacting the ability if entertainers to be compensated for their art.”
The club’s lawyers said the 25-foot rule, which applies to performers in
restaurant settings, was put in place because the act of singing “may
spread COVID-19 at an increased rate due to respiratory particles exhaled by
singers while performing.”
But pole dancers at the Player’s Club don’t sing -- and the venue’s
lawyers also argued that the business’ erotic entertainment competitors
were not bound by similar 25-foot rules, so customers were going to them
“Eroticism requires less distance than 25 feet to be effectively
communicated to the patrons,” the lawsuit argued.
The parties came to terms last week, with the club dropping its lawsuit in
exchange for being allowed to operate under the new rules, Denver-based
BusinessDen reported.
Dancers will use a separate entrance and exit and have no physical or verbal
interaction with patrons, according to a summary of the agreement.
Strippers will wear masks at all times within the club, and all employees
will take temperature checks before and after their shifts. Patrons will
undergo a temperature check before they can come inside.
The club will install Plexiglas barriers around all of its stages, which
will reach from the ceiling to 2 inches above the stage floor, leaving room
for tips.
Social distancing of 6 feet will be maintained by dancers and patrons.
And patrons will be required to wear masks except when they are eating for
1 (共1页)
救美国就是救俄罗斯!!再说一遍, 普通民众不要戴口罩,要戴手套
COVID-19 PANIC: Masks Will Worsen the ProblemUC Davis 团队治愈三例病人后再次肯定口罩沒用
Exotic Dancer at Code Pink Boston StrippersN95:中国日产166万,美国二个公司就日产210万
炸弹客还当过 Male Stripper新泽西医院禁止护士戴口罩
中国己耗尽全球防疫资源。WHO发出资源告罄警告西雅图这么惨? er 医生都没有n95? (转载)
Ebay 不让卖口罩和消毒液了美囯3M公司在中国生产的口罩终于物归原主,扺达纽约
话题: club话题: patrons话题: dancers话题: lawsuit话题: distancing