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Military版 - 张教授根本就没有自杀
一个老美朋友被控child pornography如果没有这种笑话,就不是三锅了。
China asks Manila to withdraw ships from shoal北京是唯一牛鼻的城市,没有之一
话题: antemortem话题: body话题: person
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3082
发帖数: 25
发帖数: 199
发帖数: 637
-- 跟谁协商的主意不知道.....
谁看到他的尸体啦? 嗯?
发信人: arronn (dianxia), 信区: Military
标 题: 张教授根本就没有自杀
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 17 12:33:03 2018, 美东)
发帖数: 2710
发帖数: 16092
The process of identification can begin even before an actual body is found
- as soon as a person or group is reported missing or presumed dead.
Initially, this involves collecting antemortem data. Antemortem data refers
to any information or document collected for a person during their life that
could assist in identifying them after their death. This includes a
physical description of their sex, age, hair colour, stature etc; medical
and dental records (including radiographs); individualizing traits like
tattoos; and recent photographs. If available, antemortem information also
includes details of how a person was dressed at the time of their
disappearance and what personal effects they might have been carrying. Any
piece of evidence that might identify the person is relevant. Once collected
, the data can be compared to similar information obtained from unidentified
dead bodies in an attempt to find a match. Whether a single individual is
missing or whether multiple fatalities are involved, antemortem records are
an essential component of the identification process.
Who provides information about a missing person?
Normally, family members, friends or close associates are the first to be
asked for information regarding a missing or presumed dead individual. In
addition, investigators may ask for assistance from the general public to
find the last person who saw the disappeared individual. Family doctors or
dentists are often involved since they are able to provide the relevant
medical records. Once obtained, access to antemortem information is
restricted to those involved in performing the identifications - this
includes coroners, medical examiners, law enforcement agencies and other
organizations charged with the identification of missing persons.
Who recovers the body?
When a body is found, strict protocols govern how the remains are handled
and collected. The police are usually the first on the scene, followed
closely by the coroner or medical examiner who is responsible for the body.
Depending on the circumstances, other specialists such as archaeologists or
anthropologists may be asked to assist in the recovery of the body or the
collection of evidence from the scene. Archaeology and anthropology provide
an efficient and accurate way to retrieve clues from a possible crime scene
and can help investigators understand the events surrounding the deposition
of the body. At this point, everything related to the remains is mapped in
situ (exactly where it was found), photographed, collected and sealed as
evidence since it might be relevant to the case. From now on, all the
associated material could be used in court. A document called a chain of
custody records a description of each object and the exact location where it
was found, as well as the name and affiliation of each person in possession
of the evidence.
What happens to the remains and the evidence?
All the evidence collected at a scene must be transported to a facility
where it can be described, photographed and labelled under secure and
confidential conditions. Any human remains go to a medical facility, usually
a morgue, for an autopsy (Greek for ‘seeing for oneself’). Also known as
a postmortem, an autopsy is normally performed by a pathologist, a medical
doctor who specialized in the study and diagnosis of diseases. Other
professionals like odontologists (dental specialists), anthropologists (if
the body is decomposed), or radiologists may also be asked to examine the
remains. Any obvious medical conditions will be recorded, and radiographs of
the mouth and body are taken. If possible, they will collect fingerprints
and samples for DNA analysis. Since their expertise may be used in court in
relation to a crime, these professionals may also call themselves forensic
specialists. In this context, the forensic pathologist examines the body to
determined cause and manner of death. The forensic odontologist analyzes and
describes the dental traits. If only skeletal remains are present, a
forensic anthropologist examines the bones to create a basic description of
the individual, called a biological profile.Many scientific disciplines can
be applied to the identification process and some fields are developing
techniques especially for forensic purposes. For example optometry (a branch
of medicine concerned with eyes and related structures) has developed a
simple method to match eyewear prescriptions with recorded patient
information. To do this, a large database was created to register individual
prescriptions. When eyewear is found at a scene, a program calculates the
frequency with which such a prescription could occur in the defined
population. While such methods are potentially useful in forensic
investigations, it is important to remember that any conclusions reached by
them must achieve a very high degree of scientific rigour to be accepted in
How are antemortem and postmortem comparisons made?
When the relevant antemortem information on a missing person has been
gathered and the data has been collected on the found human remains, the
next step of the identification process begins. This involves comparing the
two sets of information to look for features that match. Depending on the
circumstances, the comparison may be done by a coroner, medical examiner, or
law enforcement agent. In many cases there is a coordinated effort by
different agencies. If a possible match is found, all the relevant
information must be checked for accuracy and consistency. Not all evidence
has the same value for identification, however. For example, if the clothing
found with the body appears to match the description given in the
antemortem record, this provides only a presumptive identification, not a
positive identification. Such common objects like clothing cannot provide a
positive identification because multiple individuals could have the same
items. On the other hand, if the fingerprints taken on the body match the
fingerprints taken when the person was alive, this is considered a positive
identification because the probability of two individuals having the same
print is very low. Positive identifications may also be made through
antemortem and postmortem comparisons of DNA, dental or medical radiographs,
distinct fractures, tattoos or particular diseases. In cases where more
than one individual is involved, a positive identification might require
several techniques and multiple samples because the bodies might be mixed up
. In this case, associated evidence becomes relevant and can be used to
corroborate the identity of the person. Once positively identified, the body
is then delivered to a funeral home or the family for final disposition.

【在 a****n 的大作中提到】
: 很可能就此隐居一辈子。这是他能跟大陆一切联系切割的最好方式。估计是跟FBI协商
: 的结果

发帖数: 3082

【在 x**m 的大作中提到】
: 我一直这么认为!
: -- 跟谁协商的主意不知道.....
: 谁看到他的尸体啦? 嗯?
: 发信人: arronn (dianxia), 信区: Military
: 标 题: 张教授根本就没有自杀
: 发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Mon Dec 17 12:33:03 2018, 美东)
: 很可能就此隐居一辈子。这是他能跟大陆一切联系切割的最好方式。估计是跟FBI协商
: 的结果

发帖数: 7389
根本就没有自杀, 是被三个长腿小绺弄得马上风而亡
发帖数: 9764

【在 a****n 的大作中提到】
: 很可能就此隐居一辈子。这是他能跟大陆一切联系切割的最好方式。估计是跟FBI协商
: 的结果

发帖数: 17190

【在 s********t 的大作中提到】
: 张教授研究量子物理发现高维宇宙真相,跳出了盗梦空间而已
1 (共1页)
有点文化行不行?古代犹太人是埃及人的奴隶!China asks Manila to withdraw ships from shoal
一个老美朋友被控child pornography如果没有这种笑话,就不是三锅了。
话题: antemortem话题: body话题: person