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屁挨着地的索男,看下面的顶级名校你知道几个?博雅(liberal arts)和博雅学院(liberal arts college)
马州 伊州 : 著名私校,人口 and 錄取 比较 (转载)事故的深层次原因:重理轻文
新观点 -- 基于麻州 伊州 : 著名私校, 錄取 比较 (转载)梦鸽的学历很牛啊
美国大学最新权威排名最莫名其妙的校名Art Center College of Design
来谈谈美帝的又一阴谋:Liberal Arts College(LAC)和”精英教育“读liberal art有用么?
2013美国最赚钱和最不赚钱的大学专业Liberal Arts学校出来的学生水平确实比大公校高么?
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Liberal arts colleges forced to evolve with market
By By JUSTIN POPE | Associated Press – 2 hrs 47 mins ago
ADRIAN, Mich. (AP) — They're the places you think of when you think of "
college" — leafy campuses, small classes, small towns. Liberal arts
colleges are where students ponder life's big questions, and learn to think
en route to successful careers and richer lives, if not always to the best-
paying first jobs.
But today's increasingly career-focused students mostly aren't buying the
idea that a liberal arts education is good value, and many small liberal
arts colleges are struggling. The survivors are shedding their liberal arts
identity, if not the label. A study published earlier this year found that
of 212 such institutions identified in 1990, only 130 still meet the
criteria of a "true liberal arts college." Most that fell off the list
remained in business, but had shifted toward a pre-professional curriculum.
These distinctively American institutions — educating at most 2 percent of
college students but punching far above their weight in accomplished
graduates — can't turn back the clock.
But schools like Adrian College, 75 miles southwest of Detroit and back from
a recent near-death experience, offer something of a playbook.
First, get students in the door by offering what they do want, namely sports
and extracurricular opportunities that might elude them at bigger schools.
Offer vocational subjects like business, criminal justice and exercise
science that students and parents think — rightly or wrongly — will lead
to better jobs.
Then, once they're enrolled, look for other ways to sprinkle the liberal
arts magic these colleges still believe in, even if it requires a growing
stretch to call yourself a liberal arts college.
"We're liberal arts-aholics," says Adrian President Jeffrey Docking, who has
added seven sports and two pre-professional degree programs since arriving
in 2005 — and nearly doubled enrollment to about 1,750.
But he's also a realist.
"I say this with regret," said Docking, an ethicist by training. But "you
really take your life into your own hands thinking that a pure liberal arts
degree is going to be attractive enough to enough 18-year-olds that you fill
your freshman classes."
In ancient Greece, liberal arts were the subjects that men free from work
were at leisure to pursue. Today, the squishy definition still includes
subjects that don't prepare for a particular job (but can be useful for many
). English, history, philosophy, and other arts and sciences are the
traditional mainstays. But these days, some prefer a more, well, liberal
definition that's more about teaching style than subject matter.
"I refer to it as learning on a human scale," said William Spellman, a
University of North Carolina-Asheville historian who directs a group of 27
public liberal arts colleges. "It's about small classes, access to faculty,
the old tutorial model of being connected with somebody who's not interested
only in their disciplinary area but culture broadly defined."
Does it work? It's true that research tying college majors to salaries can
make the generic liberal arts degrees look unappealing. But technical
training can become obsolete, and students are likely to change careers
several times. These schools argue you're better off, both in life and work,
simply learning to think.
Research does point to broader benefits of studying liberal arts in small
settings, in areas like leadership, lifelong learning and civic engagement.
Liberal arts colleges are proven launching pads to the top of business,
government and academia (graduating 12 U.S. presidents, six chief justices
and 12 of 53 Nobel laureates over a recent decade who attended American
colleges, by one researcher's count). Foreign delegations often visit to
observe, and big U.S. universities are trying to recreate mini-liberal arts
colleges within their campuses.
But outside a secure tier of elites with 10-figure endowments — the
Swarthmores, Amhersts, Wellesleys of the world — many schools are in
trouble. The liberal arts still account for about one-third of bachelor's
degrees, but the experience of getting one in these small settings is
increasingly atypical. Definitions vary, but liberal arts colleges today
probably account for between 100,000 and 300,000 of the country's roughly 17
million undergraduates. There are more students at the University of
Phoenix, alone.
These schools "are all getting to around $40,000 a year, in some cases $50,
000, and students and their families are just saying 'we can't do it,'"
Docking said. Small classes make these schools among them most expensive
places in higher education, though they often offer discounts to fill seats
(Adrian's list price is $38,602, including room and board, but the average
student pays $19,000).
Other pressures are geographic and generational. Many liberal arts colleges
are clustered in the Northeast and Midwest, in towns like Adrian, founded by
optimistic 18th- and 19th-century settlers who started colleges practically
as soon as they arrived. But where the country is growing now is the South
and West, where the private college tradition isn't as deep.
Meanwhile, students these days expect the climbing walls and high-end dorms
that smaller, poorer schools can't afford. And a growing proportion of
college students are the first generation in their family to attend. They've
proved a tougher sell on the idea they can afford to spend four years of
college "exploring." In UCLA's massive national survey of college freshman,
"getting a better job" recently surpassed "learning about things that
interest me" as the top reason for going to college. The percentage calling
job preparation a very important reason rose to 86 percent, up from 70
percent in 2006, before the economy tanked.
Politicians have reinforced the message. Florida Republican Gov. Rick Scott
recently proposed public colleges charge more for degrees in subjects like
anthropology that he said were less economically valuable to the state than
science and engineering (though in fact, those subjects usually cost much
more to teach).
So, with varying reluctance, colleges have adjusted. In his 2011 book "
Liberal Arts at the Brink," former Beloit College president Victor Ferrall
calculated that in 1986-87, just 30 of 225 liberal arts colleges awarded 30
percent or more of their degrees in vocational subjects. By 2007-2008, 118
did so. Even at a consortium called the Annapolis Group, comprised of the
supposedly purest liberal arts colleges, the percentage of vocational
degrees jumped from 6 percent to 17 percent.
"What's new in the past few years," said Richard Ekman, president of the
Council of Independent Colleges, "is people are beginning to wonder in the
places that have remained liberal arts colleges whether that's enough."
Schools like Adrian that had already shifted to a more vocational approach "
are asking whether the balance is right, whether they need to tip more to
the professional side."
Adrian was weed-strewn, demoralized and down to its last 840 students when
Docking arrived in 2005.
"We borrowed 30 million bucks and said, 'if this doesn't work out, we're
done,'" he recalled.
First, Docking built up facilities and added teams, notably in sports like
hockey and lacrosse that tilt toward more affluent students. No niche market
was too small: Adrian started one of the country's only synchronized
skating teams. At the nearby University of Michigan, almost nobody walks
onto the football team or even the marching band, but you can at Adrian. And
everybody recruits. Docking's band director has to bring in 20 kids a year,
the symphony director 10. He has fired coaches who don't meet their quotas.
(This year, about 700 of Adrian's 1,756 students play varsity sports, more
than 40 percent. At the University of Michigan, there are 881 student-
athletes — or 3 percent of the 27,500 undergraduates.)
Docking worried Adrian would become a "jock factory," and the number of
students wearing team gear on campus is striking. But, he said: "They come
in as hockey players, and they leave as chemists and journalists and
business leaders." Michael Allen, a longtime theater professor, says the
athletics culture has turned out better than he feared, saying most athletes
who persist are (or get) serious academically.
Pre-professional programs weren't new to Adrian, but it's recently added
athletic training and sports management. The two most popular majors are
business and exercise science. So is Adrian still a "liberal arts college?"
Some would scoff, but Docking say yes. He notes the top minors include
chemistry, English and religion/philosophy. He talks up "institutes" on
campus — devoted to ethics, study abroad and other areas — that try to
inject liberal arts-style learning around even the pre-professional
curriculum. That curriculum still includes liberal arts distribution
requirements majors, and he insists liberal arts skills can be taught in
other types of classes, and even through extra-curriculars.
Vicki Baker, a professor at nearby Albion College, who co-authored the
recent study tracking the 39 percent decline in liberal arts colleges since
1990, also thinks these colleges can retain their value even as they evolve.
Her Albion business classes include debates, presentations and other
teaching techniques that were impossible when she taught 400 at Penn State.
Liberal arts colleges "appeal to a certain kind of student who really
flourishes in that environment," and who might not otherwise succeed in
college, Baker said. "It would be a loss to see that vanish."
Senior Kyle Cordova chose Adrian half for the chance to play baseball, half
for its small size. He was leaning toward a liberal arts major but ended up
in criminal justice to prepare for a law enforcement career. He's had the
same half-dozen or so professors year after year. "They know me, they know
how I work, what I'm weak in, what I'm strong in, how to help me better," he
said. "That's better than going to Michigan State."
Communications major Garrett Beitelschies said his professors meet with him
on every paper and "you're actually talking in front of the room, having to
defend your stance." He's also partaken of an extracurricular feast
unimaginable at the bigger schools he considered: president of his
fraternity and the senior class, radio, theater, homecoming king and even
dressing up as Bruiser the Bulldog mascot at football games. With financial
aid Adrian ended up costing him less than some state schools.
Both students said they'd learned broader skills — Cordova cited the
complex skills involved in learning to interview witnesses.
But neither said they'd taken a class where the syllabus entailed reading,
say, a set of novels.
Liberal arts colleges talk constantly — and perhaps with more urgency
lately — about better pitching their case to the public. But until they do,
they'll have to respond to what that public wants.
Docking says the survival recipe will vary (hockey helps here but won't in
for Florida colleges). But the basic formula is the same.
"You need to be able to offer more than simply strong academics or you're
going to have difficulty attracting students," he said. "There's a lot of
competition. You'd better have something to distinguish yourself."
Follow Justin Pope at http://www.twitter.com/JustinPopeAP
发帖数: 7933
有钱人送孩子学liberal arts,出来接班家族企业。美国这种人很多,现在国内小留不
应该学会计,应该学liberal arts,反正国内资产都是几千万的。
发帖数: 17713
发帖数: 5617
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私校liberal arts教育 对中国小刘没什么意义哈佛美国排名跌到第7
老美是学历越高的人本科学习越差,你看教授好多来谈谈美帝的又一阴谋:Liberal Arts College(LAC)和”精英教育“
谁能给咱扫扫盲liberal arts college是怎么回事?2013美国最赚钱和最不赚钱的大学专业
屁挨着地的索男,看下面的顶级名校你知道几个?博雅(liberal arts)和博雅学院(liberal arts college)
马州 伊州 : 著名私校,人口 and 錄取 比较 (转载)事故的深层次原因:重理轻文
新观点 -- 基于麻州 伊州 : 著名私校, 錄取 比较 (转载)梦鸽的学历很牛啊
美国大学最新权威排名最莫名其妙的校名Art Center College of Design
话题: liberal话题: arts话题: colleges话题: adrian话题: he