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Military版 - [合集] 有证人作证Zimmerman根本没伤。警察故意不听。
又是突发事件,又是造谣时关于老将在突发事件中煽动私活再说几句 (转载)
突发事件是真实的求证方式:新华社发消息,百度贴吧删帖乐清“钱云会案”站出新目击证人 (zz from 网易)
话题: zimmerman话题: 证人
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 32122
hydralistor (hydralistor) 于 (Thu Mar 29 23:06:44 2012, 美东) 提到:
A man who says he saw Trayvon Martin shot dead claims that the Florida
teenager and his killer, George Zimmerman, were scuffling on the ground at
the time with one on top of the other.
The first eyewitness account of the 17-year-old's final moments emerged on
Thursday night more than a month after the boy lost his life in an
altercation with a neighbourhood watch leader in a gated community in
The anonymous man said he reported to police details of what he saw on the
evening of 26 February, which included watching the gunman walking away from
the fight apparently uninjured.
It contradicts an allegation from Zimmerman's father earlier in the day that
the unarmed black teenager broke his son's nose during the incident and
also left him with bloody injuries from slamming the man's head repeatedly
on to a concrete pavement. The eyewitness says he saw no blood and that the
entire confrontation took place only on grass.
"I saw two men on the ground, one on top of the other. I felt they were
scuffling and I heard gunshots which to me were more like pops," he said in
an interview broadcast on CNN's Anderson Cooper 360, his voice disguised to
protect his identity.
"I don't know if was an echo but it definitely made more than one pop.
"After the larger man got off there was a boy, obviously now dead, on the
ground facing down.
"It was dark. I can't say I watched him get up, but in a couple of seconds
or so he was walking towards where I was watching and I could see him a
little bit clearer. It was a Hispanic man. He didn't appear hurt or anything
else. He just kind of seemed very worried with his hand up to his forehead."
The man said that before opening his window and looking out, he had heard
angry voices outside. "There was a loud, predominant voice. I couldn't hear
the words but this is not a regular conversation," he said. "This is someone
aggressively yelling at someone."
He said there was a lull but the argument resumed and that was when he
decided to see what was going on.
"I'm thinking something horrible is happening. I heard the yell for help and
another excruciating kind of a yell, it didn't even sound like a yell, it
sounded so painful," he said.
The Sanford Police Department, which has been criticised for not arresting
Zimmerman, 28, would not confirm the witness's account, referring questions
to the office of Florida state attorney Angela Corey, appointed last week to
oversee the case.
Nobody was available at Corey's office to comment.
But Daryl Parks, attorney for Martin's parents Sybrina Fulton and Tracy
Martin, said the story "answers a lot of questions".
He said: "It is very clear this witness saw what happened and clearly
indicated the person that he saw that did the shooting. The other part that
really strikes out for me is that he seems to have not seen the apparent
injuries from this altercation that Mr Zimmerman claims that he suffered.
"It seems clear that Zimmerman's statement about Trayvon following him back
to the truck is totally untrue because from this witness's statement all the
interaction happened in one particular area, so I think Mr Zimmerman will
be arrested very soon."
CCTV video which shows Zimmerman hours after the teenager's death has also
cast doubt on his claims that he was injured in a vicious fight with the
victim. Earlier reports suggested that 17-year-old Martin had attacked
Zimmerman first, with the bloodied gunman pulling the trigger in self-
But in the footage, first aired by ABC news, Zimmerman's head and face are
clearly visible and there appears to be no sign of any wounds. There are no
obvious indications of blood on the front of his T-shirt that could indicate
evidence of a broken nose.
F1 (F1) 于 (Thu Mar 29 23:14:17 2012, 美东) 提到:
THR (???) 于 (Thu Mar 29 23:16:35 2012, 美东) 提到:

sharpdressed (man) 于 (Thu Mar 29 23:16:39 2012, 美东) 提到:
1 (共1页)
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又是突发事件,又是造谣时关于老将在突发事件中煽动私活再说几句 (转载)
话题: zimmerman话题: 证人