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Military版 - 为什么亚裔在西方受欺负和歧视?(一个50岁小中的看法)
其实老毛的如意算盘是为什么中国的知名人士的英文报道就是姓前名后?例如Li Na, Xi Jinping?
Singapore Seen Overtaking Malaysia 45 Years After Lee's Tears李光耀病逝
李光耀声嘶力竭:世界需要美国 美国人将一直有优势 华尔街日报李光耀再西化,也没取个啥洋名
华尔街日报,2040年中国经济总量将达到123万亿美元参加Harry Lee Kuan Yew葬礼的最佳人选是月光他爹
话题: chinese话题: don话题: he话题: us话题: who
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发帖数: 30882
来源: 听听意见 于 2012-03-04 20:06:05[档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄
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本贴内容已被 [听听意见] 在 2012-03-04 22:51:18 编辑过。如有问题,请报告版主
But I am almost 50 years old now. I have seen a lot. If you were my sons, I
would say “Be yourselves. Don’t believe a lot of the stuff the Chinese
world cocoons you in. Take the good, reject the bad. The Manchus screwed up
China because they would not learn from the so-called savage Westerners.
Even the great Zheng He was ridiculed and imprisoned. If you don’t know who
he is, shame on you. He was one of the greatest Chinese who ever lived. Get
out there! ”
。。。。。。because essentially I want Chinese young men to not put up with
the same crap that I have had to and to give us a good name and make it
easier for the next generation of Chinese to be respected in the Western
world that we live in. Don’t be afraid to be confrontational. Don’t be
afraid to say no. Be honest – Like Bruce Lee said “Honestly express
The other day, I met an English woman. You know what she said? “Chinese are
so timid. When I was with my husband I told him that the car in front was
driven by a Chinese. He said “How do you know that?” It was because as we
approached the car (presumably on in the inside lane on her left) it would
pull to one side.” Listen if this old lady knew we were timid, and she
knows hardly anything about the Chinese, that is the impression that others
have of us and they will continue to bully us and take advantage of us,
until we collectively become more assertive. I hear so many stories of young
Chinese men who could not stand up for themselves in the workplace. It’s
not because we have a persecution complex. We have standards enforced upon
us by our parents that helped us (work ethic, respect for others etc) but
that screwed us up and caused us to FAIL in our interaction with others who
do not share our cultural values.
I am passionate about these issues and I am making a tit of myself because
you will one day remember there was this weird old dude from UK who told me
to ratchet it up a bit.
Go on take the piss out of me, but remember what I told you. You are a
“Yeah fellas, do as you’ve been programmed.
Obediently do the following: 1/ paper chasing/degree 2/ job/career 3/ car/
After all that, as your parents led you to believe, maybe 72 vestigial
virgins will magically fall into your lap, from which you choose one to
marry happily ever after.”
That alone made it worth coming back to this page.
I am ashamed to admit it, but I have only recently come to this realisation
(which is why I mentioned it above). Chinese are so formulaic. We always
want predictability, assured results. My son must study hard, go to
University, get a degree in Law, Medicine or accountancy. (Oh there are
other degrees? I did not know that) Then qualify, then get a good job with
PWC or whoever. Then meet a nice Chinese girl. Then get married and bear me
grandchildren BALLS TO THAT!
(Meanwhile, whilst we are doing all this stuff and expect this prize to come
, guys who didn’t do the formula but got a manual job are earning
reasonable amounts (well if they are lucky enough to get a job) and they
have married a sexy girl and had kids before you even bought the A4 pad for
the new academic term.)
Surely all that predictability and safety kills the human spirit’s desire
for exploration and intellectual growth. Zheng He was a genius and they
locked him up!!!!
In Singapore in the 70′s they preached “two is enough”. Now the
government is alarmed by the fall in Chinese birth rates. (They started the
economic conditions in which Singaporeans live – massive flat prices etc –
how can anyone afford a new flat to accommodate the new baby?) . They went
OTT with academic study study study and suddenly realise that the kids are
robots and they need to import white guys. Life is a great teacher, playing
team games is a teacher, playing in mud is a teacher, living in the wild is
a teacher, Not flipping computers and bookwork!
Now Lee Kuan Yew realises that his emphasis on academic excellence is not
the be all and end all and he tells a PhD student for not getting married
and having kids!
We can’t keep getting controlled by parent type figures with their
arbitrary designs. We have to find our own way.
发帖数: 3229
A good article. You should think about the following option, if you are
bullied again, instead of giving a smile and walking away.
Don’t be afraid to be confrontational. Don’t be afraid to say no. Be
honest – Like Bruce Lee said “Honestly express yourself”.
发帖数: 5411
yeah, totally agree.
We need be more aggressive and at least assertive


【在 w*********g 的大作中提到】
: 为什么亚裔在西方受欺负和歧视?(一个50岁小中的看法)
: 来源: 听听意见 于 2012-03-04 20:06:05[档案] [博客] 旧帖] [转至博客] [给我悄
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: 或论坛管理删除.
: 。。。。。。
: But I am almost 50 years old now. I have seen a lot. If you were my sons, I
: would say “Be yourselves. Don’t believe a lot of the stuff the Chinese
: world cocoons you in. Take the good, reject the bad. The Manchus screwed up

1 (共1页)
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Lee Kuan Yew Is Finally Dead!zt华尔街日报,2040年中国经济总量将达到123万亿美元
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其实老毛的如意算盘是为什么中国的知名人士的英文报道就是姓前名后?例如Li Na, Xi Jinping?
Singapore Seen Overtaking Malaysia 45 Years After Lee's Tears李光耀病逝
话题: chinese话题: don话题: he话题: us话题: who