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Military版 - NBC behind the wall,深刻揭批中国人性淡漠,法律荒谬。
NBC: 阿富汗,美军忙打仗,中国忙采矿New York Times -- 女童被碾事件 zz (转载)
NBC的Adrienne Mong谈中国周边国家如何看中国Economist.com关注广东、重庆模式之争
Japan to China: You've hijacked our high-speed rails世界上最大的都市是哪个
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话题: girl话题: china话题: her话题: she话题: chinese
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8042
Tot, 2, run over twice, and no one helps
By Adrienne Mong, NBC News Correspondent
TRIPOLI – Even from a remote perch in Libya, we heard about the horrific
story making waves in China.
Last Thursday, a two-year-old girl crossing a street by herself in the city
of Foshan in China’s southern Guangdong Province was hit by a car. The
driver paused briefly as the girl lay between the front and rear wheels and
then tore off, thumping her now-limp body again.
Soon after, a second vehicle rolled over the girl, with the driver
presumably unaware that a body lay on the road. The second driver also did
not stop.
As if both these acts were not outrageous enough, 18 more people – on foot,
on motorbikes, or on bicycles – passed by the girl, lying inert on the
ground, and did nothing. Even a mother with her own child ignored the victim.
(Warning the video is very graphic, but it can seen here from a Chinese
broadcast or here from the BBC).
It wasn’t until a female trash collector saw her and proceeded to pick the
girl up that she was moved to the side of the road. The trash collector
asked passers-by who the girl belonged to, and eventually the mother
appeared, distraught, to claim her daughter named Yueyue.
All of this was caught on surveillance cameras. A clip was posted on China’
s popular micro blog, Sina Weibo on Sunday, generating a huge outcry as
netizens counted the number of people who glanced at the girl and ignored
her plight – all in the seven minutes she lay on the road until the Good
Samaritan carried her to safety.
The story, which has been a leading headline on all of China’s news sites,
touched a nerve in the country, with many decrying the lack of moral
standards and general disregard for fellow human beings.
One report quoted the first driver as saying, “If she is dead, I may pay
only about 20,000 yuan ($3,125). But if she is injured, it may cost me
hundreds of thousands yuan."
Some news reports and online discussions made the point that civil behavior
is not always rewarded in China. Many people fear they’re being subject to
some sort of scam while others remember still a well-known case from 2006,
when a man helped a woman who had fallen only to have her accuse him of
causing the injury to begin with. She filed a suit against him, in which
the judge ruled the man wouldn’t have come to her aid had he not caused the
State-run news agency Xinhua has reported both drivers of the vehicles that
ran over the girl have been apprehended by police.
Yueyue, meanwhile, is in critical condition with serious brain injuries,
breathing with the help of a ventilator. Her parents are asking eyewitnesses
to come forward with any additional information.
The story of Yueyue’s hit-and-run stands in stark contrast to another story
that picked up steam online over the weekend.
Last Friday afternoon, a woman fell into a scenic tourist lake in Hangzhou,
the capital of the eastern province of Zhejiang. A Western woman who was
walking by saw the Chinese woman struggling and quickly jumped into West
Lake to save her.
After swimming back to shore, the foreigner dragged her onto the bank. The
victim remained conscious and appeared out of danger. Police turned up ten
minutes later, and the Western woman left quietly. Several websites reported
she was American.
What was notable in this instance was the response of those who read the
story online.
In addition to giving the rescuer high praise (“That American girl is great
, she has a beautiful character”), people also made unfavorable comparisons
to Chinese behavior:
“According to Chinese laws and regulations, if she hadn’t pushed the girl
into the water, why ever would she save her?”
Thanks to China Digital Times for the translations.
发帖数: 14506
发帖数: 2000
“According to Chinese laws and regulations, if she hadn’t pushed the girl
into the water, why ever would she save her?”
1 (共1页)
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NBC: 阿富汗,美军忙打仗,中国忙采矿New York Times -- 女童被碾事件 zz (转载)
NBC的Adrienne Mong谈中国周边国家如何看中国Economist.com关注广东、重庆模式之争
Japan to China: You've hijacked our high-speed rails世界上最大的都市是哪个
China city drafts 'Good Samaritan' law在世超级人瑞列表
话题: girl话题: china话题: her话题: she话题: chinese