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Military版 - Re: 突然想到的关于海归海不归 (转载)
Exclusion of Chinese-United States Code, Chapter 7, Title 8Re: 呼吁华人公民下次选共和党 (转载)
9天还差9万个签名:歧视中国人不需要道歉? (转载)閩粵港臺以外的美國華人,水平不行!
Why Muslims are the new Chinese?咋不研究白人精生病滥杀无辜
Re: 有关《排华法案》的标志性历史事件最不愿意看到人民币升值的,不是中国产业工人
华人纳粹举牌滚回,排华法案是华人的错清华校长率团访问伯克利:清华为湾区学成不归的校友感到骄傲 zz
美鹰派施压特朗普:勿做第四个救中共的总统!沈阳查获40吨毒豆芽 各监管部门称“不归我管” (转载)
参议院至少要有3个华裔席位沈阳查获40吨毒豆芽 各监管部门称“不归我管” (转载)
话题: chinese话题: china话题: act话题: exclusion
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 721
【 以下文字转载自 Returnee 讨论区 】
发信人: zhengshi (zhengshi), 信区: Returnee
标 题: Re: 突然想到的关于海归海不归
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 26 17:51:11 2011, 美东)
Another reason:
US passed Chinese Exclusion Act in 1882 barring Chinese from entering US,
not mentioning immigration.
In 1904 Chinese exclusion made indefinite and applicable to U.S. insular
1924 May 26. President Calvin Coolidge signs into law the Immigration Act
of 1924, also known as the Quota Immigration or National Origins Act. It
excludes the immigration of all Asian laborers, except from the Philippines,
which was by then a U.S. territory.
1925 May 25. The Supreme Court rules on the case of Chang Chan et al. V.
John D. Nagle, declaring that Chinese wives of U.S. citizens are not allowed
to come to the United States in accordance with the Immigration Act of 1924
In 1943 after China and US because allies, Congress repeals all Chinese
exclusion laws, grants right of naturalization and a very small immigration
quota to Chinese (105 per year, compared 60,000 to England alone).
Despite the fact that the exclusion act was repealed in 1943, the law in
California that Chinese people were not allowed to marry whites was not
repealed until 19
In 1959, Hiram Fong became the first Chinese (and Asian) U. S. senator from
Hawaii and was the main architect for changing immigration laws in the 1965.
Until 1979, the United States recognized the Republic of China on Taiwan as
the sole legitimate government of all of China, and the immigration from
Taiwan was counted under the same quota as that for mainland China, which
had no immigration to the United States from 1949 to 1977.
1 (共1页)
沈阳查获40吨毒豆芽 各监管部门称“不归我管” (转载)华人纳粹举牌滚回,排华法案是华人的错
bwa 和 oyxy 是两个实在人 (转载)警察打劫匪一拳,被无限期停职
妻子同学聚会彻夜不归 第二天回家被丈夫掐死美鹰派施压特朗普:勿做第四个救中共的总统!
Exclusion of Chinese-United States Code, Chapter 7, Title 8Re: 呼吁华人公民下次选共和党 (转载)
9天还差9万个签名:歧视中国人不需要道歉? (转载)閩粵港臺以外的美國華人,水平不行!
Why Muslims are the new Chinese?咋不研究白人精生病滥杀无辜
Re: 有关《排华法案》的标志性历史事件最不愿意看到人民币升值的,不是中国产业工人
话题: chinese话题: china话题: act话题: exclusion