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Military版 - 美墨边界发现145具尸体,均为被绑架后枪杀
Mexican border city hits 3,000 dead in drug war麻了胳臂,有必要给老墨割头做个存档了
小心了,美国人赴墨西哥如入鬼门关。。。墨西哥女总编辑惨遭毒贩斩首 政府表示深切哀悼
民主OK:Three U.S. citizens killed in Mexico attacks美国梦碎 墨西哥拘留300多名中美洲移民
话题: bodies话题: said话题: were话题: zetas话题: san
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 26623
Authorities continued to extract bodies from mass graves in a Mexican border
state where 145 corpses have surfaced following reports of passengers being
pulled off buses in the area by gunmen and disappearing, state prosecutors
said Thursday.
The bodies were found in 26 pits in the township of San Fernando, Tamaulipas
, where earlier this month security forces located the graves while
investigating reports of attacks on buses now blamed on the brutal Zetas
drug gang.
Tamaulipas state prosecutors said in a statement that 23 of the 145 victims
were killed at least a month before passengers began getting kidnapped along
a highway leading to the U.S. border. The number of bodies found had stood
at 122 on Wednesday.
The area has become a bloody battleground for the Zetas and the powerful
Gulf cartel. Prosecutors have suggested that some of the bus abductions have
been a way of forcefully recruiting new members for the gang.
The bodies of 70 of those victims arrived in Mexico City on Thursday for
further genetic testing to confirm their identities.
A similar procedure was followed after the massacre of 72 migrants in San
Fernando in August. Fourteen of those bodies — which have never been
identified — were taken to a morgue in neighboring Mexico State to make
room for the corpses from the latest massacre.
Authorities have not yet explained how cartel gunmen were able to get away
with committing so many killings in the same township over the space of
months, but it appears they may have received protection or help from
corrupt local police.
Federal Attorney General Marisela Morales said Wednesday that 16 San
Fernando police officers were detained for allegedly protecting members of
the Zetas and covering up the kidnappings of bus passengers and others who
traveled on a highway connecting San Fernando to the U.S. border.
The Mexican government said it is offering a 15 million-peso ($1.27 million)
reward each for information leading to the arrest of Salvador Martinez
Escobedo, the alleged leader of the Zetas in San Fernando, and Omar Estrada
Luna, a cell leader. The government is also offering 10 million pesos ($846,
000) for Roman Palomo Rincones and 5 million pesos ($423,000) for Sarai Diaz
Arroyo, who both allegedly participated in the latest massacre, Morales
Another 17 suspects tied to the Zetas were detained earlier in the killings.
Police said that some of them have confessed to abducting passengers from
buses and killing them.
Also Thursday, authorities said that another body has been pulled from a pit
in the northwestern Mexican state of Sinaloa, bringing to 13 the number of
corpses found there thus far.
Some of the bodies had apparently been in the pits for at least six months,
said Sinaloa state Attorney General Marco Antonio Higuera Gomez.
The bodies are undergoing DNA tests and police are searching for the owners
of the property where they were found by a farmer earlier this week.
Higuera Gomez said most of the bodies had a bullet hole to the head.
Authorities in western Mexico found the bound, tortured bodies of eight
young men Thursday dumped on a roadside.
The men all appear to have been executed with a gunshot to the head, the
attorney general's office in Michoacan state said in a statement.
The bodies, partly covered by bales of straw, and some half-clothed, were
found near the border with Jalisco state. The victims appeared to be between
22 and 25 years of age, the statement said.
At least two were wearing women's underwear and had their fingernails
painted, though the meaning of that was unclear. Drug cartels have been
known to try to insult rivals by suggesting they are homosexuals.
And in the northern state of Sonora on Thursday, the army said in a
statement that soldiers had arrested a top operator for the Sinaloa cartel
at a hotel in the city of Hermosillo.
Raul Sabori is a suspect in the kidnapping and killing of two police
officers in 2010 and the 2008 shooting death of Ivan Canastillo, a musician
for the norteno musical group "Los Alazanes de Sonora."
Meanwhile, authorities in the border state of Ciudad Juarez said relatives
have identified four bodies found buried in the desert as those of four men
who were last seen when being detained by city police officers.
Arturo Sandoval, a spokesman for state prosecutors in Chihuahua, where
Ciudad Juarez is located, said relatives recognized the bodies and the
clothes they were wearing when they were detained March 26.
Three Ciudad Juarez police officers have been arrested in the case and face
abuse of authority, forced disappearances, illegal use of public force and
car robbery charges, Sandoval said.
In the northern city of Monterrey, at least 12 people, including four
members on one family, were killed in a series of shootouts between presumed
rival drug gangs.
Read more: http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/n/a/2011/04/14/international/i194210D41.DTL#ixzz1JYiRMgLI
发帖数: 32828
给小将提过火力, 那个zetas 是美国培训的。
发帖数: 27535
1 (共1页)
美国梦碎 墨西哥拘留300多名中美洲移民重磅!实锤!数吨中国走私的芬肽尼被墨西哥警方查获!
纽时雄文: dealing with china isn't worth the moral cost墨西哥毒犯一天打死39个戒毒的
赶紧的 别逼逼 藏富于民啊民主OK:Three U.S. citizens killed in Mexico attacks
Mexican border city hits 3,000 dead in drug war麻了胳臂,有必要给老墨割头做个存档了
话题: bodies话题: said话题: were话题: zetas话题: san