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Medicalpractice版 - 帮表姐咨询干燥综合症 (转载)
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话题: gren话题: sj话题: dry话题: ouml话题: syndrome
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发帖数: 152
【 以下文字转载自 Medicine 讨论区 】
发信人: katebj (kate), 信区: Medicine
标 题: 帮表姐咨询干燥综合症
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Oct 12 02:44:59 2012, 美东)
发帖数: 704
干燥综合症Sjögren’s syndrome的诊断要有一系列的检查。 如果她已经被诊断
了,当地的风湿科医生应该会很好的治疗,随访她的。 干燥综合症影响生活质量, 好
好保持湿润和眼睛,口腔,皮肤的护理。 干燥综合症可能会伴发有其他自身免疫性疾
,所以随访是很重要的。 鉴于干燥综合症的诊断不久,她的白细胞减少可能是独立发
不是专家,也不知具体情况。所以只是说说而已。 下面是这里推荐的给干燥综合症病
What is Sjögren’s syndrome? — Sjögren’s syndrome is a disease
that causes dry eyes, dry mouth, and other symptoms. It happens when the
body’s infection-fighting system (called the “immune system”) attacks
glands that keep the eyes, mouth, and other parts of the body moist.
Some people with Sjögren’s syndrome have other immune system
conditions. These include rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and scleroderma.
What are the symptoms of Sjögren’s syndrome? — The main symptoms are
dry eyes and dry mouth. Dry eye symptoms can include:
■Eyes that feel dry or burn
■A sandy or gritty feeling in the eyes
■Red or watery eyes
■Blurry vision
If you have a dry mouth, you might:
■Wake up at night to drink water because your mouth is so dry
■Need to drink liquids to help swallow dry foods
Sjögren’s syndrome can also affect other parts of the body. Symptoms
can include:
■Dry, itchy skin
■Joint or muscle pain
■Problems urinating, such as:
•Urinating more often than usual
•Getting up a lot at night to urinate
•Needing to urinate suddenly
■Vaginal dryness – This can make sex painful.
Will I need tests? — Yes. The doctor or nurse will learn about your
symptoms and do an exam. You might also have the following tests:
■Eye tests – To check if your eyes are making a normal amount of tears. If
not, this could be a sign of Sjögren’s syndrome. An eye doctor called
an “ophthalmologist” does these tests.
■Blood and urine tests – To check for diseases that people with Sjö
gren’s syndrome often have or other conditions that could be causing
■A test called a “biopsy” – In this test, a doctor takes a small sample
of tissue from inside your lower lip. Another doctor looks at it under a
microscope for signs of Sjögren’s syndrome.
■MRI – This test uses special magnets and radio waves to create pictures
of the inside of the body. Doctors can use it to look at the saliva glands
in your mouth.
How is Sjögren’s syndrome treated? — Dry eye treatments include:
■Eye ointments and artificial tears – Your doctor or nurse will help you
decide which ones are best for you.
■A procedure called “punctal occlusion” – In this procedure, an
ophthalmologist puts tiny plugs in the tubes that normally drain tears from
the eye. This can help with dry eyes by keeping tears on the eye longer.
Dry mouth treatments include:
■Sprays and lozenges
■Prescription medicines you take by mouth
Other treatments include:
■Medicines to relieve other symptoms of Sjögren’s syndrome or
problems it can cause. For example, if you have joint pain, you can try
ibuprofen (sample brand names: Advil®, Motrin®) or naproxen (sample
brand name: Aleve®).
■Medicines that partly “turn off” the immune system
Is there anything I can do on my own to feel better? — Yes. You can:
■Sip water, chew sugarless gum, or suck sugar-free candy to help with dry
mouth. If you don’t like drinking a lot of water, you can rinse your mouth
and spit the water out.
■Put lip balm on dry lips and moisturizer on dry skin.
■Avoid excess air conditioning or heating. Use a humidifier in your bedroom
and other places where you spend a lot of time.
■Use “moisture chambers” if your doctor or nurse suggests them. Moisture
chambers are devices that fit on your glasses. They can help keep your eyes
moist. You can buy them at most stores that sell glasses.
■Brush and floss your teeth after every meal, and see your dentist as often
as your doctor or nurse tells you. Dry mouth raises the risk of cavities
and some other mouth problems.
What else should I know about Sjögren’s syndrome? — If you need
surgery, make sure the doctor who gives you anesthesia (called an “
anesthesiologist”) knows you have Sjögren’s syndrome. Having Sjö
gren’s syndrome can increase the risk of certain problems during surgery.
Knowing you have Sjögren’s syndrome helps doctors do things to lower
the risk of problems.
1 (共1页)
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CIPROFLOXACIN HCL for UTI, Please help!梅氏综合症(Meige's syndrome)
过敏性休克用epinephrine该是肌注还是皮下注射?Klippel-Trenaunay syndrome (KT综合症)和干燥综合症
Taxi driver license physical睡觉之后腰更难受是啥问题?
紧急:版上的各位帮我看看经典病例报告, 相信你看过一生难忘。
话题: gren话题: sj话题: dry话题: ouml话题: syndrome