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话题: reviews话题: patients话题: search话题: google话题: doctor
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发帖数: 10267
某某公司可以帮助维护online reputation。广告还特别说,特需人群,physicians,
The current online review system for doctors is severely unjust, broken,
unregulated, and horrible for doctors. Online review websites are natural
magnets for negative reviews. For instance, Ruth Williams, MD is the
incoming President of the American Academy of Ophthalmology and is an
outstanding physician. After 21 years of serving her patients, she has zero
online reviews. Therefore, when you are an outstanding doctor who never has
angered one patient, you receive no reviews. But angry patients are quick to
slander their doctors. A colleague of mine is an oculoplastics surgeon, and
he states all his negative reviews are related to insurance billing
problems and patients who refuse to pay his surgical fee after receiving
surgery. In primary care and internal medicine, doctors are victims of
patients who are drug seeking and are angry because an ethical doctor did
not prescribe pain medications to support a drug addiction.
The current state of online reviews makes doctors feel helpless, angry, and
frustrated. The situation is not hopeless, however, and there are seven high
-impact things you can do to be proactive to fight against defamation of
your name, your reputation, and your credentials.
1) Reconnaissance. The first step in fighting the war against slanderous
reviews is being educated on what people find when searching your name and
then monitor the websites that appear on the first page of Google. Search
your name on Google and see what others will see when searching your name.
Use Google Alerts to receive automated emails from Google when there is new
information about your name on the Internet. Monitor your online presence
often and regularly.
2) Brick Wall. In search engine management, the term Brick Wall is utilized
to control the presentation of web sites people find when searching your
name. When patients search “Andrew Doan” on Google, of the more than 17
million search results, I control and monitor the 9 of the 10 micro-websites
that appear on the first page of the search. Controlling what people find
will draw attention away from less creditable doctor review websites. When
my patients receive a recommendation to see me, they inevitably search my
name to determine if they will make an appointment.
3) Search Engine Optimization and Management. The utilization of search
engine management will help raise the websites you want to appear higher in
search results. One effective way is to claim and add your practice website
addresses on all social media profiles, such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIN,
and Google Plus.
4) Be an ethical and good medical professional. This sounds like common
sense. But medical professionals may feel entitled and forget that being a
good doctor is serving other people. Try to serve others with a caring heart
, but without expecting anything in return. Remember that it’s a privilege
to work in the medical profession and to be employed during difficult
economic times. Learn to love what you do. If you find a career that you
love, then the money is icing on the cake; otherwise, the money will be the
shackle that binds you to the very thing you hate. For those not loving
their work in the medical profession and cannot say, “I can’t believe they
are paying me to do this”, then perhaps it is time to reconsider another
profession. Unhappy medical professionals will foster unhappy patients,
leading to horrendous online reviews.
5) Encourage patients to post feedback online. Receiving positive reviews is
as easy as asking patients to review your services online. The problem is
that there are dozens of review websites, and only a fraction of patients
will take the time to post reviews online. However, if you don’t ask, then
patients will not post reviews for you.
6) The solution to pollution is dilution. Negative reviews are not
necessarily bad. We all want to be “perfect”, but in reality, nobody is
perfect. In a new study from the Stanford Graduate School of Business,
researchers say in some cases negative publicity can increase sales when a
product or company is relatively unknown, simply because it stimulates
product awareness. Embrace the negative reviews, learn from them, and become
a better doctor tomorrow than you were today. Unfortunately, not all review
websites represent true patient reviews and may be postings from local
competitors or simply slanderous individuals. The solution to negative
reviews is not litigation or gag orders, which are against the law and may
expose you to ligation for violating free speech laws as seen in the New
York dentist . Also, posting of false or fake testimonials may lead to loss
of your medical license and up to $300,000 as observed in the case of a New
York plastic surgeon. The answer to negative reviews is to learn from the
review and then accumulate more positive reviews than negative.
7) Verified Doctor Reviews™. Work with a third-party organization to
collect, process, and post Verified Doctor Reviews™ on your behalf.
The answer to the current slanderous review system that naturally attracts
negative reviews is to have a credible organization collect, verify, and
post reviews to protect both doctor and patients. It’s all about the
reviews. An interview with one of the Vice Presidents at indicate
that receives over 8 million patients searching for doctors
monthly and two of three patients go directly to comments posted about the
发帖数: 9638
这个internet rating是几家欢乐几家愁。
我觉得如果样本太小的话, 这个rating会mislead病人。 应该由一个机构统一做调查
, 满足标准, 特别是样本数足够再发表才是对病人负责的态度。 我看到一个医生得
了五星, 就只有一个人投票,这个评分就不公正。
我支持这个评分制度, 对医生对病人都好, 但必须公正。
发帖数: 10267
医生的名声,传统的也很大程度上是word of the mouth,但至少这个mouth是人,或者

【在 A*******s 的大作中提到】
: 这个internet rating是几家欢乐几家愁。
: 我觉得如果样本太小的话, 这个rating会mislead病人。 应该由一个机构统一做调查
: , 满足标准, 特别是样本数足够再发表才是对病人负责的态度。 我看到一个医生得
: 了五星, 就只有一个人投票,这个评分就不公正。
: 我支持这个评分制度, 对医生对病人都好, 但必须公正。

发帖数: 9638
没有几个人会吃饱了撑的用马甲诋毁医生, 因为这样会有法律责任的。
这些调查是随机抽样的, 当然样本越大, 权威越大。 不过缺点是回复的病人, 要么
感恩戴德,要么苦大仇深, 中间状态的病人可能懒得花时间写自己的意见。

【在 f******w 的大作中提到】
: 医生的名声,传统的也很大程度上是word of the mouth,但至少这个mouth是人,或者
: 可知的人。网络世界上,随便一个什么人都可以注册,留反馈,而且,并没有一个机制
: 可以阻止一个人注册N个马甲,咱们看看买卖提就知道了。所以,你说一个反馈不公正
: ,这抽样要多大才有可信度呢?
: 面对这样的事实,我想知道,直接跟病人接触的医生们,有什么想法,怎样才能避免成
: 为victims?

1 (共1页)
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话题: reviews话题: patients话题: search话题: google话题: doctor