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Medicalpractice版 - bath salt
大家周末无聊要不要来个医患排行榜Don't jump, please
"I hate holidays!"【病例讨论】Anisocoria
Who can do solo practice?家庭医生被起诉: 没有及时找cardiology会诊。
[合集] 你有生以来做出的最佳临床诊断是什么? (转载)【case discussion】 Syncope
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话题: salt话题: bath话题: patient话题: cathinones话题: combative
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2640
bath salt,似乎介乎合法与非法之间。
发帖数: 217
The bath salt belongs to synthetic cathinones. There is a significant rise
in the last two years in Western Europe. The rise in USA started late of
last year. They have different name (up to 30s), the most common are bath
salt and legal high. People sell them through the internet or head shop.
They are sold as bath salt, plant food, stain remover ect. They are white
powder, and can be used in different ways (through all the holes of human
body). Can cause primarily neurological and cardiovascular effects. Patient
can present like agitation, combative behavior, tachy, hallucianations (
lead to suicide, left 2 year old daughter in the middle of high way, broke
all the window of his house, walking into the river, ect, some interested
stories), paranoia, confusion, chest pain, myoclonus, HTN, mydriasis, CPK
elevation, electrolytes abnormalities and blurred vision. Routine UDS can
not detect it. You can contact poison control for blood test. From treatment
stand point, it is supportive are, ABC, benzos, and antipsychotics. Depends
on the dose (can be from 5 mg to 500 mg), and the route the patient use (
smoke, iv or from the bottom), most patient has benign course. But I did
have three patients died from it. The growing number of cases along with the
alarming severity of the effects prompted significant concern from both
healthcare providers and legal authorities. There are 16 states had added
synthetic cathinones to the controlled substances list as a Schedule I drug.
发帖数: 2640


【在 s**********t 的大作中提到】
: The bath salt belongs to synthetic cathinones. There is a significant rise
: in the last two years in Western Europe. The rise in USA started late of
: last year. They have different name (up to 30s), the most common are bath
: salt and legal high. People sell them through the internet or head shop.
: They are sold as bath salt, plant food, stain remover ect. They are white
: powder, and can be used in different ways (through all the holes of human
: body). Can cause primarily neurological and cardiovascular effects. Patient
: can present like agitation, combative behavior, tachy, hallucianations (
: lead to suicide, left 2 year old daughter in the middle of high way, broke
: all the window of his house, walking into the river, ect, some interested

发帖数: 217
Just saw other two yesterday. I believe more are coming during the holidays.
发帖数: 76
Hi, I just had 2 bath salt cases in thr last two days, one had rhabdo, ARF,
and lethargic, another is very combative, AMS, end upbwith intubation.
Pretty interesting

【在 i*d 的大作中提到】
: 我们这里喝酒吸毒的多,
: 近来新出来的花样,
: bath salt,似乎介乎合法与非法之间。
: 连着好几个年青人,都吸食这个,症状还都不一样。
: 这是一类还是一种啊?哪位有经验,科普一下?

1 (共1页)
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大家周末无聊要不要来个医患排行榜Don't jump, please
"I hate holidays!"【病例讨论】Anisocoria
Who can do solo practice?家庭医生被起诉: 没有及时找cardiology会诊。
[合集] 你有生以来做出的最佳临床诊断是什么? (转载)【case discussion】 Syncope
话题: salt话题: bath话题: patient话题: cathinones话题: combative