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MedicalCareer版 - Notes for match talk 3 --- Zhebie's talk
match talk by zhebieNotes from "the successful match"
match talk notes-by zhebie我234/239/pass,但是CK fail 过一次,还能match上吗?有经验的前辈能给点建议吗?
2013小专业报名情况总结8/12 面试讲座笔记 (完整篇)
关于推荐信,急问observership and some advice for pathology candidates
5分钟结束战斗中文详细笔记for Match申请讲座之三: by哲别
2012@@麦地光荣榜@@20130720讲座记录,主讲人 哲别[note for match]
I am matched. Thank you very much to all people who are thinking of me this morningA++组织的Dr.Wang Neurology interview talk,欢迎大家跟贴补
help!! forced to resign after PGY-1. need a PGY-2 position.About MSPE and MST and LOR again???
话题: iv话题: ps话题: talk话题: zhebie话题: notes
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 69
1。 经济条件允许,尽可能多申请: 申请多少个specialty根据自己的情况决定,通常
都会申请一个以上, 不同specialty尽量准备不同的package;申请要尽早, 尤其是IM;
2。 申请材料的准备;
LOR: 非常重要,至少3封,最好有2封来自美国医生,相关specialty,推荐信里的
内容具体一些较好, 不能有任何negative comment,来自program director,
chairman, 了解自己的人 的信 更strong
USMLE score:重要
Publication:非academic program不重要
PS: less important than LOR, 第一段写好,不要有语法错误,
Know who makes decision
3。 Phone interview: 初筛过程,不轻易接,收到留言,做好homework后再回电话
4。 怎样拿更多的IV
尽量找到internal connection,给 PD or PC 打招呼
Directly contact PD, famous faculty:email, mail(用FedEx, UPS等需要收件
人签名的邮件, 确保不会被忽略); 内容: cover letter 写出每个优点,附CV(简洁
, 有针对性); 发信时间: program iv invitation已经发出的时候、12-1月(有空
5。 Dress: Don’t put dress in luggage, carry it with you; Be aware
iron; Make up: simple, no perfume
6。 怎样在IV发挥更出色:
Before IV:
Know yourself well: CV, PS, explanation for gap, low score, research,
hobbies in PS
Know program and interviewers: website, ask resident during dinner or lunch
(pre iv dinner, tips), internal connections
what to bring w/ you : Copy of CV, PS, USMLE transcript/ECFMG certificate,
Green card /EAD
During IV:
Reasonable conversation :说话速度慢一些, 让别人听清楚, 没听懂多问一遍
Be energetic
Good personality, smile; Offer help
主动和周围的人交谈:introduce yourself,answer all the questions
Engage in the conversation: listen carefully, 注意面试人的反映, 对方
感兴趣的多谈, 发现对方不感兴趣, 尽快转换话题, 通过以前的homework, 或观察
每个问题准备两个版本的答案:Brief, detailed
Show Interested in their program, Don't be too eager
After interview:
Ask the contact information of PD and all the interviewers
send thank-you notes: 给所有人写, 刚面试回来,节日, match day前几周.
email/mail /postcard 均可, 写IV学到的东西,program有特点的东西,和
7。 IV常见错误:
Speak too fast, flat
Nervous: giggle too much; tremble w/ fear
Giggle too much
Too modest or brag
Answer too long, too detailed
1 (共1页)
About MSPE and MST and LOR again???5分钟结束战斗
$60 Requesting a transcript of USMLE scores?2012@@麦地光荣榜@@
Is USMLE step 3 score important?I am matched. Thank you very much to all people who are thinking of me this morning
Step 2 CK: 279/99help!! forced to resign after PGY-1. need a PGY-2 position.
match talk by zhebieNotes from "the successful match"
match talk notes-by zhebie我234/239/pass,但是CK fail 过一次,还能match上吗?有经验的前辈能给点建议吗?
2013小专业报名情况总结8/12 面试讲座笔记 (完整篇)
关于推荐信,急问observership and some advice for pathology candidates
话题: iv话题: ps话题: talk话题: zhebie话题: notes