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MedicalCareer版 - 病例报告的tip (1) (转载)
关于case presentationcase presentation 录象
病例报告的tip (2) (转载)$100 off CS NJ 2day course
更新:再次ObserveDr. Glodstein NY CS workshop - only $300; pls take advanta
Bed side case presentation guideline先考CS,后考CK,会不会比较困难?
step 1报名的几个问题$375 2 day CS workshop offer From Gold USMLE Review in NY
面试时的case presentation[合集] Dr. Glodstein NY CS workshop - only $300; pls take advanta
case presentation[合集] $375 2 day CS workshop offer From Gold USMLE Review in NY
话题: attending话题: case话题: what话题: workshop
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 158
【 以下文字转载自 Resident_Match_with_Dr_Wing 俱乐部 】
发信人: Wingmildor (Wing), 信区: Resident_Match_with_Dr_Wing
标 题: 病例报告的tip (1)
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Jul 2 22:56:49 2013, 美东)
今天在准备这个周末的case presentation workshop.写了一点guideline发给了参加的
同学.后来觉得还是应该跟大家分享以下.报了名的同学不用担心,case presentation最
To present a case during your clinical rotation:
It will be very helpful if you know the attending’s style before you
present. I strongly recommend you to ask the attending directly (yes, it is
fine to ask!) or the other people with the following questions:
1. What does the attending want during the case presentation
a. 5 minutes? 3 minutes? 3 sentences?
b. By problem or by system?
2. What does the attending like and hate in a presentation?
3. Should I expect interruptions?
Please keep in mind, different attending has different preference. You might
need to change your presentation slightly when attending changes.
1 (共1页)
[合集] $375 2 day CS workshop offer From Gold USMLE Review in NYstep 1报名的几个问题
怎样才能拿到好的推荐信 (转载)match经
Workshop: how to get into residency面试时的case presentation
回报麦地,LA考点CS考经奉上case presentation
关于case presentationcase presentation 录象
病例报告的tip (2) (转载)$100 off CS NJ 2day course
更新:再次ObserveDr. Glodstein NY CS workshop - only $300; pls take advanta
Bed side case presentation guideline先考CS,后考CK,会不会比较困难?
话题: attending话题: case话题: what话题: workshop