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MedicalCareer版 - Medicine面经, 2010-2011 season
IV listString的im面经7:Cook County
Interview ListsEric 求教:为什么推荐信显示not uploaded to postoffice
Check this out: Western Oncologists in Shanghai, ChinaDean's letter for FMG?
infectious disease fellowship application (转载)关于国内推荐信
2009 Match result的粗浅分析分享notes:Kaplan webinar ERAS application
关于Personal Statement要推荐信的那个表到哪去弄?
##### 2012-2013 rejection lists ######紧急求助
Re: Medicine面经, 2010-2011 season (转载)If you have one, TAKE it. (转
话题: tx话题: qs话题: odessa话题: res话题: medicine
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 174
Medicine面经, 2010-2011 season
Volume 1: November
1. Tx Tech, Odessa, TX:
My first interview, I was the only interviewee that day, early Nov.
arrived @ 0745, attended morning report, res and int presented 2 cases
admitted over night, att went thru an EKGs of MAT from one new pt.
interviewer #1: Dr. U, director of critical care or research? Very bad
experience. (at the end of the day, heard challenging is his style)
asked to re-present the cases from morning report, then questions regarding
mgmt of these cases. some challenging questions:
(your PS talked about a story how rewarding practicing medicine is, but)
what if your patient did not appreciate your work, or, even being hostile
against you, what would you do? how do you deal with that?
Given your age and training background is more than most of the residents,
will you feel bad if you need to follow your seniors advice? Will it be hard
to learn from them? How would you manage this?
Interviewer#2: APD, Dr………..
Do you think you are a team leader or follower?
How do you deal with stress?
……Qs…… (will add this part later when I find my notes)
PC: intro of program/city.
Lunch conference with res: rheum topic, difficult case re: gout, plz don’
t hesitate to speak up if you know the answer while other res are quiet, but
, be artful. You may get the speaker/att’s attention or even impress him/
Tour with an R3 afterwards. People are nice, not many pts, mainly FMG, 50 %
of fellowship placement.
Impression: 很多老印res,很多老印faulty,town 里也有很多老印居民,kind of
Pros: univ. program, although not prestigious.
Cons: location: mid Tx, literally in the middle of nowhere, Odessa=a very
rural town, most res live in Midland (G.W. Bush’s hometown)which is 20min
drive from Odessa. I didn’t get a chance to go there.
发帖数: 174
2. Harbor Hosp, MD
6 candidates, early Nov.
Morning report around 0800, 2 presentations by an int. and a res. PD, APD
and a hard core Chinese faulty attended.
Intro by PD for 20 mins. Half prelim half categorical, prelims all AMG,
quite a few from Hopkins, cat mainly FMG, 1/3 fellowship placement, note PD
helps a lot to arrange away-rotation and strong support upon fellowship
Very short interview by PD, <5 mins each candidate: a very nice gentleman,
GI-gist. Asked me to show my med school and hometown on a world-map, knows
South China is the first area being Capitalized, knows Deng XP played bridge
. Qs: briefly introduce yourself. Chatted about skiing, one of my hobbies.

Lunch and tour with a Chinese R1.
Imp: A nice private hosp in a so-so neighborhood. very relaxing workload,
okay teaching, may need to be active in order to learn from some private att
and hospitalists.
Heard from candidates elsewhere later, only invite high scorers for
interview, 98 or 99ers. Some candidates rotated here, mainly MS of St.
George and Ross.
发帖数: 174
3. Montefiore N. Division, NY
Arrived at 0800, the game started with a 1-hour test, multiple choice Qs, 4
candidates, early Nov.
Interviewed by APD only, some were interviewed by PD or Chairman of
Walked into her room seeing my answer sheet scored in red ink on her desk,
60%. I was surprised to see the sheet lying on her desk being so obvious.
Qs: introduce self, some routine Qs, talked about OBs at NYHQ (how did you
get this rotation, what did you do over there, who’s the att, can he attest
your rotation, etc). My ROL from NYHQ was uploaded pretty late; at least
was after this program downloaded my file. I told APD this ROL was already
in ERAS. Yet, PC refused to log into ERAS to download it, saying was afraid
of floods of applications. (So, this is one of the programs which only
review the early patch of applications.) It ended up with this: I needed to request my
ROL writer to send an copy of ROL directly to the program.
Tour w/ an R3, I was shocked by what he commented about this program: if you
have somewhere else to go, don’t come here. ?!?!
Finally, noon conf. seemed like going over Qs in MKSAP or Medstudy? It was
very nice to meet one of medi’s Qian2 Bei4 at this program. I truly
appreciate her advices and suggestions while I was distracting her at the
noon conf.
We were not given any snacks or drinks throughout. Did someone say the way
the program treats its candidates is alike the way it will treat the
residents? Not caring? a small red flag here.
Imp: not a safe neighborhood, very busy hosp, huge workload, touring R3 not
happy with this program was a real red flag. Some in-house fellowships.
发帖数: 467
aris,好久不见了,good post!
发帖数: 206
发帖数: 149
发帖数: 88
发帖数: 118
Good post. Thanks for sharing. Best wishes for your residency training!
发帖数: 119
Thanks a lot for taking the time and effort writing these down for us
despite of your busy work! It's realy helpful...


【在 a*****o 的大作中提到】
: Medicine面经, 2010-2011 season
: Volume 1: November
: 1. Tx Tech, Odessa, TX:
: My first interview, I was the only interviewee that day, early Nov.
: arrived @ 0745, attended morning report, res and int presented 2 cases
: admitted over night, att went thru an EKGs of MAT from one new pt.
: interviewer #1: Dr. U, director of critical care or research? Very bad
: experience. (at the end of the day, heard challenging is his style)
: asked to re-present the cases from morning report, then questions regarding
: mgmt of these cases. some challenging questions:

发帖数: 174
update re:Tx Tech, Odessa, Tx:
Dr. U: typical stress interview
1. Why did not apply last year? (I finished my CK in end of September the
year before. This is a question similar to one questioning about the gap in
CV. Key is to give some experience of improving your clinical experience/
familiarity of US health care system, i.e. Obs, Sub-I, work in clinics...)
2. what if younger people criticize your performance/pt mgmt, how do you
3. what do you see yourself in 10 years? (this is one of the common Qs that
you will need to have a very clear picture)
4. what if you did not match this year?
5. describe your obs/sub-I rotation/work at clinics.
Dr. APD:
tell about self, what's unique about you
aspects that need improvement
what to think about recent health care reform
tell about a stressful situation you encountered in the past
10-year planning
are you a follower or leader?
1 (共1页)
If you have one, TAKE it. (转2009 Match result的粗浅分析
关于ERAS填表关于Personal Statement
ERAS 填表答疑征文##### 2012-2013 rejection lists ######
新年回报麦地, 我的transferRe: Medicine面经, 2010-2011 season (转载)
IV listString的im面经7:Cook County
Interview ListsEric 求教:为什么推荐信显示not uploaded to postoffice
Check this out: Western Oncologists in Shanghai, ChinaDean's letter for FMG?
infectious disease fellowship application (转载)关于国内推荐信
话题: tx话题: qs话题: odessa话题: res话题: medicine