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MedicalCareer版 - follow the post by diarrhea
Fellowship interview questions申请FELLOWSHIP 还没有收到电面通知, 如何询问招聘进展
给大家打气,又一个 土博士CMG 进眼科大家知道 IM pulm/criical care fellowship申请情况吗?
一个很好的关于fellowship 申请的slide showHow many interviews do you need for fellowship
match主要看重什么ranking list -- 内科还是病理优先
怎样准备fellowship interviewwhere is my post?
Interview questions感谢和支持蝎子、pony和herby版主
Fellowship interview experience(Hem/Onc) 4 University of Florida, Gainesville病理的市场堪忧
Brookdale Hospital怎么样?[ZT] Residency Interview Tips
话题: post话题: china话题: diarrhea话题: my话题: question
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3
Very sorry for deleting the post by diarrhea accidently. I was about to post
a reply to the post, unfortunately deleted. My apology.
I was asked the same question during interview.
Do you plan to go back to China after fellowship training?
No sure what the interviewer looking for to this question. Any suggestion or
input? Thank you in advance.
发帖数: 309
My answer is maybe. I still have strong connection with my previous hospital
in China,and my previous hospital is very strong in my speciality (you
should say it from your heart, no lying for sure). However I need to finish
my fellowship training first,otherwise I can only return as a generalist,
blah, blah,blah... Most of the tiem they will buy it. How do you think this
发帖数: 2410
>>>Do you plan to go back to China after fellowship training?
American now felt more like losing pants, they are getting more and more
less confidence in their mind.
this type of questions are considered as joke 10 years ago. but not now
the positive side is that you can be proud of talking about China. They are really listening now. But dont get wrong. The smart guy always is humble
and full of life experience to show inside logic to convince interviewer.


【在 c**j 的大作中提到】
: Very sorry for deleting the post by diarrhea accidently. I was about to post
: a reply to the post, unfortunately deleted. My apology.
: I was asked the same question during interview.
: Do you plan to go back to China after fellowship training?
: No sure what the interviewer looking for to this question. Any suggestion or
: input? Thank you in advance.

发帖数: 2295
I did not have interview yet..but I would say it's a family decision, it's
hard for me to decide all by myself...how about this one?
发帖数: 3
Thanks for your opinions. I gave no clear cut answer as well. One concern is
if you said you would go back, will they feel that they are wasting their
time and resource to train for other country? Just as mentioned in post from
3rd floor, they may already feel less attractive nowaday, compared to 10-20
yrs ago.


【在 c**j 的大作中提到】
: Very sorry for deleting the post by diarrhea accidently. I was about to post
: a reply to the post, unfortunately deleted. My apology.
: I was asked the same question during interview.
: Do you plan to go back to China after fellowship training?
: No sure what the interviewer looking for to this question. Any suggestion or
: input? Thank you in advance.

发帖数: 127
I am happy I can share my personal experience with you guys. It is a tough
question! I don't know the answer.
发帖数: 272
Thanks diarrhea and everybody for this discussion. I haven't met this
question yet. But I don't understand why they want to know whether I want to
go back to China after training. Is there anything related to their
decision of getting you in? If I were asked about this question, I would
honestly answer what I wanted to do after training. I actually am thinking
about going back to China, at least to go back and have a look to see if
there is any good chance to do some research.
发帖数: 127
Then tell them what exactly you are thinking about. But my understanding is:
this question is a trap.
1 (共1页)
[ZT] Residency Interview Tips怎样准备fellowship interview
Interviewing Primer from one attending who will come for Mock InterviewInterview questions
docrockville / diarrhea: The role of Chief residentsFellowship interview experience(Hem/Onc) 4 University of Florida, Gainesville
DD. for CSBrookdale Hospital怎么样?
Fellowship interview questions申请FELLOWSHIP 还没有收到电面通知, 如何询问招聘进展
给大家打气,又一个 土博士CMG 进眼科大家知道 IM pulm/criical care fellowship申请情况吗?
一个很好的关于fellowship 申请的slide showHow many interviews do you need for fellowship
match主要看重什么ranking list -- 内科还是病理优先
话题: post话题: china话题: diarrhea话题: my话题: question