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MedicalCareer版 - Can you swap recommendation letters later?
Can I update my PS for those programs I have applied?请问关于推荐信的一个比较少见的问题?
有关LOR cover letter的问题申请programs后还能修改PS和CV吗?
california letter=one LOR?ECFMG ERAS on-line letter of recommendation (LoR) request
A question about the ps请 教 : 电 子 上 传 了 推 荐 信 以 后
urgent question about uploading photos关于申请时documents assignment的问题
推荐信上的 SPECIALTY 怎样选?急问:LOR的数量和时间
About Waive again?[match question] 申2个专业的要2个LoR 还是1 个?
How to delete the old PS that is already assigned?If LoR received by ECFMG, but has not arrived ERAS post-office yet, Can I apply on Sept 1?
话题: letters话题: later话题: lor话题: swap
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 60
Say I can only get a few so so letters now (by Sep 1st), and may be able to
get better letters later. Should I use whatever I can get to complete the
application package first and later on switch to better letters?
发帖数: 145
My understanding is that shouldn't be a problem, because you can submit many
many copies of LoR and later on you decide which one you are going to
assign to which program.
发帖数: 60
thanks, but the problem is that I think we need to assign those LOR at the
time of application (preferably Sept 1), can I reassign some better LOR
later, say in Oct or Nov?
发帖数: 145
After the first time you assigned and applied, there is a chance program
already downloaded your LoR. But I think you can still reassign later, and
ERAS will send it again. I might be wrong.
Somebody who has done this please help.
发帖数: 541
Yes you can.
but "so so" letters will kill your application.
we can't control what they write in those letters. but if you already know
they're so so, DON'T use them
believe or not, I'm telling you the bloody truth.


【在 t*******i 的大作中提到】
: Say I can only get a few so so letters now (by Sep 1st), and may be able to
: get better letters later. Should I use whatever I can get to complete the
: application package first and later on switch to better letters?

1 (共1页)
If LoR received by ECFMG, but has not arrived ERAS post-office yet, Can I apply on Sept 1?urgent question about uploading photos
$60 Requesting a transcript of USMLE scores?推荐信上的 SPECIALTY 怎样选?
do you think I need wait for LOR of my advisor?About Waive again?
提醒: 大家有时间再最后检查一下assignmentsHow to delete the old PS that is already assigned?
Can I update my PS for those programs I have applied?请问关于推荐信的一个比较少见的问题?
有关LOR cover letter的问题申请programs后还能修改PS和CV吗?
california letter=one LOR?ECFMG ERAS on-line letter of recommendation (LoR) request
A question about the ps请 教 : 电 子 上 传 了 推 荐 信 以 后
话题: letters话题: later话题: lor话题: swap