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Hmis妇产科/双学科讲座笔记汇总关于LOR WRITER的TITLE的问题请教
Neurology IV from my perspectives 1疑似腰椎间盘突出,应该去看家庭医生还是chiropractor
中医能否报名USMLE?Question about recommendation letters
residency 后一定能找到工作吗求教: 推荐信的cover sheet上的specialty怎么填
关于Fellow的申请的几个问题推荐信上的 SPECIALTY 怎样选?
[合集] Re: 为什么临床改科研,又为什么科研换临床?问一个申请program的问题
HappyDoc:使用高剂量narc病人的问题preliminary program
话题: intern话题: scut话题: work话题: call话题: specialty
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 150
她: 6am进病房,8pm回家(如果不on call),11pm回家(如果on call)
我: 7-8am进病房, 5pm之前回家(如果不on call), 第二天2pm之前回家(overnight
她: 平时管11个病人,on call 至少18个病人
我: 平时管3-5个病人, post call最多8-10个病人
她: 很多scut work (抽血, IV, 护送病人,等等)
我: 没有任何scut work
她: "护士都很凶,很懒,还经常骂人,我是最底层的,被当做奴隶用,出了任何事情都怪到
我头上,经常听到you will be kicked out of program的威胁,只有一些senior比较友
我: 很友善的环境,绝大多数护士都很友好,至少非常尊重医生,哪怕你是啥也不懂的
intern,只有被一个护士抱怨过我用了她的电脑. Residents, intern 之间都相处的很
结论就是: 她每天上班就感觉
发帖数: 61
I am kind agree with HappyDoc's comments.
1. normally, for new interns, the first 3 months is the most tough, since in
some programs, everyone, including the RN's will try to give the intern
hard time, asking the intern to do lots of scut work. But usually it will
last 3-6 month during the intern year.
2. yeah, the scut work will not directly contribute to the clinical work
later, but you still can learn lots of things/tricks from it, e.g., how to
deal with NG tube/Foley tube, etc., not to ment
发帖数: 150
她: 6am进病房,8pm回家(如果不on call),11pm回家(如果on call)
我: 7-8am进病房, 5pm之前回家(如果不on call), 第二天2pm之前回家(overnight
她: 平时管11个病人,on call 至少18个病人
我: 平时管3-5个病人, post call最多8-10个病人
她: 很多scut work (抽血, IV, 护送病人,等等)
我: 没有任何scut work
她: "护士都很凶,很懒,还经常骂人,我是最底层的,被当做奴隶用,出了任何事情都怪到
我头上,经常听到you will be kicked out of program的威胁,只有一些senior比较友
我: 很友善的环境,绝大多数护士都很友好,至少非常尊重医生,哪怕你是啥也不懂的
intern,只有被一个护士抱怨过我用了她的电脑. Residents, intern 之间都相处的很
结论就是: 她每天上班就感觉进了地狱,一定要transfer, 而我死皮赖脸也要留下去.
发帖数: 61
I am kind agree with HappyDoc's comments.
1. normally, for new interns, the first 3 months is the most tough, since in
some programs, everyone, including the RN's will try to give the intern
hard time, asking the intern to do lots of scut work. But usually it will
last 3-6 month during the intern year.
2. yeah, the scut work will not directly contribute to the clinical work
later, but you still can learn lots of things/tricks from it, e.g., how to
deal with NG tube/Foley tube, etc., not to mention, how to work under stress
, or work more efficiently, which will be VERY useful for the next 20-30
year practice.
3. one of the big different for the practice here, YOU WILL BE ON YOUR OWN
AFTER YOUR RESIDENCY, so for IM resident, you only have 3 yrs to learn, then
later in practice, you have to deal with patient yourself, not like in
China, you will have senior physicians to ask for help. Even for persons
going for subspecialty, except for GI/cardio/onco people, I still saw people
sometimes have to do combination practice of IM/subspecialty for several
years, if they want to stay in the big city, (which most CMG do).
4. Totally agree that "Seeing patients is the best way to learn practicing
medicine." as an intern, 3-5 patient/day is too less, you will regret it
later if it keep going like this, since your practice will be much BUSY than
this, and how could you handle it then?
5. From my own experience, I did not have any clinical experience after I
graduate from medical school, but I was very luck in a very busy residency
program, and I worked hard and learned a lot during my first two years, when
I was PGY3, I almost do not need any attending to deal with almost all the
6. After all those years of practice, I still appreciate for those hard
training, since now dealing with my current patient load is a "piece of cake
", on the other side, we just had someone resigned, since he could not
tolerate the load, although, this is not a busy program.
发帖数: 328
Some hospitals in NYC are hells!
发帖数: 8603
我觉得个人的personality 最重要,即便是处在同一program里,也会听到天与地的两
种评价。The way you see your life shapes your life。
发帖数: 97

【在 b*****l 的大作中提到】
: 我觉得个人的personality 最重要,即便是处在同一program里,也会听到天与地的两
: 种评价。The way you see your life shapes your life。

发帖数: 467
What I learn is to know yourself. To have a better understanding of yourself
is the key. Based on that, try to find out what you love most. You will
most probably get a negative feedback in a program you do not like or a
specialty you do not enjoy. For example, if you think that you like
pathology type and are more academic type, unluckily, you get matched in
psych. I doubt you will do a good job. As for me, I never got a negative
feedback for doing something I love most because I am willing to change
myself for it. A case in point is that if a man loves a woman very much, he
is very able to change himself. He will change his habit from untidiness to
cleanness. He will quit smoking and drinking.
No one is perfect. The real deal is if you are willing or able to change
yourself when confronted with challenges. However, the prerequisite is you
must love what you are doing very much. Otherwise, you will be very slow or
reluctant to change and lagging behind compared with those who are mostly
After med school, I went with the wind to join Orthopedic surgery residency
in China. I found out that I disliked surgery and my talent in surgery was
subpar my expectation. Now I am changing to a new specialty. I would not
say I wasted 3 yrs doing surgery. At least, surgery experience prompted me
to think what I was most capable of and what I really enjoyed. Now it is 8
years after med school. I think I have had a better understanding of myself.
I will choose a specialty I am really enthusiastic about, a specialty that
fits my mentality and personality most, a specialty I would be able to say I
enjoy more after 10 year's practice, a specialty I advised my children to
发帖数: 92


【在 z**********4 的大作中提到】
: What I learn is to know yourself. To have a better understanding of yourself
: is the key. Based on that, try to find out what you love most. You will
: most probably get a negative feedback in a program you do not like or a
: specialty you do not enjoy. For example, if you think that you like
: pathology type and are more academic type, unluckily, you get matched in
: psych. I doubt you will do a good job. As for me, I never got a negative
: feedback for doing something I love most because I am willing to change
: myself for it. A case in point is that if a man loves a woman very much, he
: is very able to change himself. He will change his habit from untidiness to
: cleanness. He will quit smoking and drinking.

1 (共1页)
preliminary program关于Fellow的申请的几个问题
q on eras application值得去读杜克大学的MMCi吗
急问:申请多专业推荐信的问题[合集] Re: 为什么临床改科研,又为什么科研换临床?
lor, please helpHappyDoc:使用高剂量narc病人的问题
Hmis妇产科/双学科讲座笔记汇总关于LOR WRITER的TITLE的问题请教
Neurology IV from my perspectives 1疑似腰椎间盘突出,应该去看家庭医生还是chiropractor
中医能否报名USMLE?Question about recommendation letters
residency 后一定能找到工作吗求教: 推荐信的cover sheet上的specialty怎么填
话题: intern话题: scut话题: work话题: call话题: specialty