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Maryland版 - SJTU alumni party 4/26 in DC area (转载)
SALISBURY的中餐馆VA Fairfax/Herdon/Reston/Sterling寻住家或通勤保姆 (转载)
博客第三篇 -- 学区(PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT) (转载)诚聘住家保姆-北维州 Fairfax, VA
Could anybody recommend a good realtor in Montgomery county?维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名
求推荐REAL ESTATE agent (转载)维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名
Fairfax,VA 附近寻找兼职,体力脑力总可,求机会谢谢维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名
[For sale] Todai dinner certificate为您带小孩
Sealy full size mattress and boxspring 如有需要的请联系我 ( (转载)维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名
话题: alumni话题: party话题: your话题: jiaotong话题: shanghai
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 8454
【 以下文字转载自 SJTU 讨论区 】
发信人: mdmx (没大没小), 信区: SJTU
标 题: SJTU alumni party 4/26 in DC area
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Tue Apr 8 14:20:47 2014, 美东)
Got this invitation from one of my friends. I omitted a bunch of other
contacts and phone numbers just to be safe.
Shanghai Jiaotong University Alumni Annual Dinner Party (4-26-2014)
Dear Alunmi, Guys, Friends and Your Families:
Year of 2013 has completed and all of you might have a very excited,
progressive, busy and successful year in your works, studies and businesses
after year round hard working. When we came to the year of Horse, the time
for our Spring Break, and the 118 anniversary our school birthday (4-8-1896)
, let us to get to gather to share those experiences and celebrate. We are
going to have a nice and holiday dinner party for our Washington Shanghai
Jiaotong University Alumni on Saturday 5:30pm - 8:30pm, Jan 26, 2013 at 東明
城酒樓 Asian Delight Restaurant, 11180 Fairfax Blvd., Fairfax, VA 22030. 703
-273-3998. All of you, your friends and families are warmly welcome to
At the Annual Party, we are planning the following Activities:
1. Invite some outstanding alumni to speak (10 Minutes);
2. Alumni association, experience exchanges and know each other after we
have a busy year in work and studies;
3. Alumni Art Performance wih 2-3 programs from DC 黄河艺术团 members. Any
alumni , your friends and families would give your talents to try, please
let me know and each item limits 3-4 minutes;
4. A nice and rich dinner. Adult $10, Student/Child old 5+ $8/Per Person.
In order to be successful and a little excited for our annual party and to
attract many alumni as we can, your guys' active involvements are encouraged
and highly appreciated. Please try your best to bring in your friends,
ideals and spread this event.
Please email us your present (How many adults, students and children) as
early as you can, so that we can serve you better for this excited event.
You could contact as follows:
张炜 w*************[email protected]
Wish the best, and Happy Spring Break!
Zhang Wei,
Washington Shanghai Jiaotong University Alumni Association
1 (共1页)
维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名求推荐REAL ESTATE agent (转载)
fairfax家请保姆Fairfax,VA 附近寻找兼职,体力脑力总可,求机会谢谢
维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名[For sale] Todai dinner certificate
维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名Sealy full size mattress and boxspring 如有需要的请联系我 ( (转载)
SALISBURY的中餐馆VA Fairfax/Herdon/Reston/Sterling寻住家或通勤保姆 (转载)
博客第三篇 -- 学区(PUBLIC SCHOOL DISTRICT) (转载)诚聘住家保姆-北维州 Fairfax, VA
Could anybody recommend a good realtor in Montgomery county?维州fairfax专业阿姨招幼儿一名
话题: alumni话题: party话题: your话题: jiaotong话题: shanghai