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话题: california话题: chinese话题: our话题: so话题: your
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1956
Dear President Xi Jinping:
This is a thank-you note from California.
Thank you, first off, for sustaining our neighborhoods through these last
difficult years. Thank you for keeping wealthy Chinese so nervous about your
purges of political opponents — oops, your anticorruption campaigns —
that they are buying real estate all over California. More than half of all
U.S. home purchases by Chinese buyers are in the Golden State. In the San
Gabriel Valley, where I live, Chinese arrivals have provided the housing
market with much of its ballast and our communities with a disproportionate
share of their new energy.
But we have so much more to thank you for than housing.
Thank you for all you’ve done for California business. Thank you for all
the Chinese vacationers and medical tourists who have patronized our hotels
and our hospitals. Thank you for all the wealthy Chinese who shop here —
and keep our high-end malls in business.
Please give my thanks to your friends at Alibaba for keeping Yahoo afloat;
until Yahoo spun off its $35 billion Alibaba stake recently, the Chinese e-
commerce company accounted for 85 percent of the struggling Sunnyvale
company’s market value. But that’s not all you’ve done for Silicon Valley
. Thanks to Chinese hacking of American governments and companies (and our
own intelligence agencies’ intrusions into our electronic lives), data
security has been an enormous growth area for California’s tech companies.
I also want to let you know how much we appreciate all you’ve done to open
the door to California business on your shores — letting Disney build its
new resort in Shanghai, making it possible for Apple to sell so many iPhones
there, and giving “Transformers: Age of Extinction” the opportunity to
become China’s highest-grossing film of all time, with a cool $298.5
million in ticket sales.
This cultural exchange isn’t just one way. Thank you for letting so many of
your best and brightest students come to our universities, where they pay
full freight and help blunt the impact of our foolish disinvestment in
higher education. More than 4,000 Chinese students are enrolled at USC —
Jia-you! (Fight on!). And you’re welcome, President Xi, for us sending many
of these students back to you after graduation, because we refuse to fix an
immigration system that makes it so hard for them to stay and work here.
In all these ways, you keep putting money in our pockets, while the folks in
Sacramento and Washington keep trying to take money out. So here’s a thank
you with a question: Since you see the wisdom of investing in California,
would you be willing to do even more?
California governments and companies have assisted their Chinese
counterparts on environmental issues (the Air Resources Board helped develop
air pollution standards in Beijing, according to the Asia Society), so why
not throw some of your foreign reserves into costly climate change-fighting
projects here? California has an estimated $800 billion in unmet
infrastructure needs, but our politicians are allergic to the kind of big
investments you’ve been making for years. So why don’t you pull us into
your new Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, which Britain, France,
Germany and Italy just joined?
Yes, our country’s leaders in Washington opposed the bank and would try to
keep us out. But because Congress has shown so little interest in funding
California’s high-speed rail, new roads and drought-resistant waterworks,
why shouldn’t we turn to your bank, which is supposed to invest in China’s
Now I realize that, if you were to step up investment in California, we
might hear caterwauling about you being a dictator and all. Don’t worry
about it — when Californians talk about democracy, you don’t have to take
us seriously. We’ve all but given up voting. And what politics we do have
is dominated by bureaucrats, politically connected billionaires and state-
sanctioned interest groups — kind of like yours.
You have little to fear from our politicians. You’ve certainly noticed how
our elected leaders love to take trade missions to your country, and
accommodate visiting Chinese dignitaries here. Heck, despite the importance
of expanded trade to the California economy, many liberals are opposing a
new Trans-Pacific trade agreement that is designed as a check on your
dominance of Asia. (You can thank them for doing your dirty work by trying
to scuttle it.)
To be sure, Mr. Xi, you’re not the kind of president we dream of. But you
are the president who comes closest to addressing the needs of today’s
California. And we sure need somebody.
Joe Mathews
Joe Mathews is California & innovation editor for Zócalo Public Square, for
which he writes the Connecting California column. To comment, submit your
letter to the editor at www.sfgate.com/submissions.
发帖数: 19053


【在 s******t 的大作中提到】
: 看看美国人给习大大的感谢信。
: Dear President Xi Jinping:
: This is a thank-you note from California.
: Thank you, first off, for sustaining our neighborhoods through these last
: difficult years. Thank you for keeping wealthy Chinese so nervous about your
: purges of political opponents — oops, your anticorruption campaigns —
: that they are buying real estate all over California. More than half of all
: U.S. home purchases by Chinese buyers are in the Golden State. In the San
: Gabriel Valley, where I live, Chinese arrivals have provided the housing
: market with much of its ballast and our communities with a disproportionate

1 (共1页)
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也秀一下craiglist上买的家具,bedroom set想从厦门进一套 加工好的厨房quartz台面 (转载)
话题: california话题: chinese话题: our话题: so话题: your