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Living版 - 急问:请教合同里的mortgage contingency 的问题
short sale question如果要买一个以前agent带我们看的房子,需要付给她Agent Fee吗?
请指点--能拿回全部deposit吗?急问关于BUYER AGENT
买房象我这种情况能walk away吗?关于mortgage contingency
short sale offer 出高了,能够要求他们修一些东西吗?发发牢骚: 耽误close,被罚了earnest money
loan contingency在17内remove是加州的standard吗?如何利用 Mortgage Contingency walk away
关于“Contingency for sellers' purchase of replacement property"银行short sale内部有人搞鬼
借人气问一下backup offer (转载)如果因为loan的原因需要extend close date
Seller Agent 可以这样来hold钱吗? 同时求推荐律师!一点教训,给和我们一样的first buyer
话题: loan话题: sellers话题: seller话题: get话题: case
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 563
看了大半年的房子,终于有一个满意的,house inspection也没什么问题,现在我们的
律师要求seller 放弃合同里关于,“如果buyers不能get the loan commitment
specified in the contract, sellers 可以procure finance for buyers within 30
days"。 但是sellers不同意。 请问大家作为buyers通常接受这个条款吗?我们应该坚
发帖数: 3244
how hard for you to get a loan you need? do you know?


【在 a********e 的大作中提到】
: 看了大半年的房子,终于有一个满意的,house inspection也没什么问题,现在我们的
: 律师要求seller 放弃合同里关于,“如果buyers不能get the loan commitment
: specified in the contract, sellers 可以procure finance for buyers within 30
: days"。 但是sellers不同意。 请问大家作为buyers通常接受这个条款吗?我们应该坚
: 持sellers放弃这个option吗?

发帖数: 563
don't see it a prob for us to get the loan. but want to be cautious, in case
something comes up, we won't be forced to disclose financial status to the
sellers. What's the common practice? our lawyer seems to contradict with our
agent on this one.

【在 n*******9 的大作中提到】
: how hard for you to get a loan you need? do you know?
: 30

发帖数: 3244
if you are sure that you will get a loan in the amount you need, this one
will have no impact whatsoever. this only happens when you can not get a
loan in the amount you need. if that happens, you can not simply send a
notice to the seller and say goodby if you have signed this one. what will
happen nest if that is the case is that the seller will step in and help you
to find a loan and to close the transaction which may not be a bad thing if
you like the property. suggest that you double check with your attorney and
agent to figure out the details since your local state may have something
different with mine.


【在 a********e 的大作中提到】
: don't see it a prob for us to get the loan. but want to be cautious, in case
: something comes up, we won't be forced to disclose financial status to the
: sellers. What's the common practice? our lawyer seems to contradict with our
: agent on this one.

发帖数: 563
thanks for your prompt reply. it re-enforces what we have learned. In the
case we couldn't, we don't mind that the sellers find a lender that we could
work with. the problem is that we will have to give out our credit history
ssn, and other information to the sellers. It doesn't seem to make sense for
us unless the sellers are the lenders or we give information to lenders


【在 n*******9 的大作中提到】
: if you are sure that you will get a loan in the amount you need, this one
: will have no impact whatsoever. this only happens when you can not get a
: loan in the amount you need. if that happens, you can not simply send a
: notice to the seller and say goodby if you have signed this one. what will
: happen nest if that is the case is that the seller will step in and help you
: to find a loan and to close the transaction which may not be a bad thing if
: you like the property. suggest that you double check with your attorney and
: agent to figure out the details since your local state may have something
: different with mine.

发帖数: 3244
your case is rear since most of the sellers could not and will not do this.
seller's purpose is not trying to get you SSN etc, but protecting themselves
to make sure that the sale can go through. to the point, you will need to
make a decision on which is more important between to get the house and to
not letting the seller to know your personal info. btw, if you know for sure
that you will get the money you need, this will not be an issue at all.


【在 a********e 的大作中提到】
: thanks for your prompt reply. it re-enforces what we have learned. In the
: case we couldn't, we don't mind that the sellers find a lender that we could
: work with. the problem is that we will have to give out our credit history
: ssn, and other information to the sellers. It doesn't seem to make sense for
: us unless the sellers are the lenders or we give information to lenders
: directly...
: you
: if
: and

发帖数: 563

Thanks. one more question, if the seller is not a lender, can he/she shop
for loan with other people's information? I understand it's precaution on
their end, but a little bit too much... guess we probably have to take it in
the end.the seller is very stiff to work with

【在 n*******9 的大作中提到】
: your case is rear since most of the sellers could not and will not do this.
: seller's purpose is not trying to get you SSN etc, but protecting themselves
: to make sure that the sale can go through. to the point, you will need to
: make a decision on which is more important between to get the house and to
: not letting the seller to know your personal info. btw, if you know for sure
: that you will get the money you need, this will not be an issue at all.
: could
: history
: for

发帖数: 3244
if you can not get a loan with all your effets, I don't think that the
seller can get a loan either. your case is more like a so called seller
financing case. that is said, it only happens when you failed to get a loan
after you tried everything you can. You don't need think this too much now.


【在 a********e 的大作中提到】
: .
: Thanks. one more question, if the seller is not a lender, can he/she shop
: for loan with other people's information? I understand it's precaution on
: their end, but a little bit too much... guess we probably have to take it in
: the end.the seller is very stiff to work with
: themselves
: sure

发帖数: 563


【在 n*******9 的大作中提到】
: if you can not get a loan with all your effets, I don't think that the
: seller can get a loan either. your case is more like a so called seller
: financing case. that is said, it only happens when you failed to get a loan
: after you tried everything you can. You don't need think this too much now.
: in

发帖数: 1716
是要自由(自己的贷款)? 还是被别人(卖方)控制着?


【在 a********e 的大作中提到】
: 看了大半年的房子,终于有一个满意的,house inspection也没什么问题,现在我们的
: 律师要求seller 放弃合同里关于,“如果buyers不能get the loan commitment
: specified in the contract, sellers 可以procure finance for buyers within 30
: days"。 但是sellers不同意。 请问大家作为buyers通常接受这个条款吗?我们应该坚
: 持sellers放弃这个option吗?

1 (共1页)
一点教训,给和我们一样的first buyerloan contingency在17内remove是加州的standard吗?
直接找listing agent看的房,买的时候用她做dual agent有啥要特别注意的吗?关于“Contingency for sellers' purchase of replacement property"
紧急求建议: seller 不退deposit借人气问一下backup offer (转载)
怎么和seller再negotiate addendum items?Seller Agent 可以这样来hold钱吗? 同时求推荐律师!
short sale question如果要买一个以前agent带我们看的房子,需要付给她Agent Fee吗?
请指点--能拿回全部deposit吗?急问关于BUYER AGENT
买房象我这种情况能walk away吗?关于mortgage contingency
short sale offer 出高了,能够要求他们修一些东西吗?发发牢骚: 耽误close,被罚了earnest money
话题: loan话题: sellers话题: seller话题: get话题: case