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Linux版 - move cable from eth1 to eth0, but cannot ping eth0
what did i do wrong to renew lease using udhcpc‏2 default gateway when have 2 eth interfaces
请问网络高手is this legal: can still ping eth1 through eth0, even if eth1 cable is unplugged
双网卡的配置问题!!Q: route: SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
Re: 有没有什么网络函数能够 (转载)请教各位达人LINUX网络路由问题
shall i call system("ifconfig eth0 ... up") or write my own (转载)求助:ubuntu9.04 无线wpa上网失败
dhcp question‏求助:ubuntu上不了网(非无线)
[求助]ICS无法访问citicards.comHow to change pc wireless mac address under Ubuntu system?
求助: How to add Trusted Devices in Firewall on RedHat 5 (or Centos 5)?Linux下什么命令能知道哪个网卡插了线了?
话题: eth0话题: eth1话题: ping话题: arp话题: cable
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 7227
hi everyone,
we designed embedded board, running basic linux,
no fancy stuff (e.g. network manager).
it has 2 ethernet ports: eth0, eth1
1. plugin cable to eth1, restart board.
it comes back, eth1 is alive, i can ping it.
2. move the cable from eth1 to eth0,
run "udhcpc --reties 4 -n -q -i eth0"
ifconfig shows eth0 now has a valid ip addr, also it's UP.
3. but i cannot ping eth0
4. if i start with eth0, can ping eth0.
move to eth1, then cannot ping eth1.
i'm not familiar with network stuff, can someone walk through me with these
发帖数: 21638


【在 w*s 的大作中提到】
: hi everyone,
: we designed embedded board, running basic linux,
: no fancy stuff (e.g. network manager).
: it has 2 ethernet ports: eth0, eth1
: 1. plugin cable to eth1, restart board.
: it comes back, eth1 is alive, i can ping it.
: 2. move the cable from eth1 to eth0,
: run "udhcpc --reties 4 -n -q -i eth0"
: ifconfig shows eth0 now has a valid ip addr, also it's UP.
: 3. but i cannot ping eth0

发帖数: 7227
it does look like arp issue.
but in this embedded arm board,
we use busybox for arp,
if i do "arp -d ipaddr -i eth0", the entry is still there.
if i do "ifconfig eth0 down", the entry will be gone.
but this is too heavy.
any suggestions why "arp -d" is not working ?
is this the bug in the ethernet driver ?
(btw, i tried to move cable in linux desktop, the arp entry
is gone as soon as i move the cable.)

【在 a9 的大作中提到】
: 是不是arp的关系?在ping的机器上arp一下试试看?
: these

发帖数: 7227
actually should the network driver clean up the arp table when calbe is
removed, or it's someone else's job ?
1 (共1页)
Linux下什么命令能知道哪个网卡插了线了?shall i call system("ifconfig eth0 ... up") or write my own (转载)
请问怎么获取pptp拨号后的子网?dhcp question‏
won't take the eth0 config from /etc/network/interaces[求助]ICS无法访问citicards.com
unplug the network cable, ifconfig still says up求助: How to add Trusted Devices in Firewall on RedHat 5 (or Centos 5)?
what did i do wrong to renew lease using udhcpc‏2 default gateway when have 2 eth interfaces
请问网络高手is this legal: can still ping eth1 through eth0, even if eth1 cable is unplugged
双网卡的配置问题!!Q: route: SIOCADDRT: Network is unreachable
Re: 有没有什么网络函数能够 (转载)请教各位达人LINUX网络路由问题
话题: eth0话题: eth1话题: ping话题: arp话题: cable