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Joke版 - 福州人有福啊
Re: 朋友06年借我一万美金,今年还我一万美金 (转载)谁知道这是个啥?
Communix 操作系统简介zzPot liquor Happy Encounter, number of things past, have to pay jokes
英文里shit的表达太多姿多彩了Re: 穆勒厉害:把金球奖塞你自己屁眼里吧 (转载)
我的2018年吃屎计划 (转载)英国笑话集:护士给我在床上擦身洗澡时我不由自主地硬了
苹果栽在棒子手里了学术问题:假设liquor store店主
今天苹果店遇到的事(内容已更新) (转载)冤假错案:被反动警察杀害的天使
话题: out话题: cops话题: them话题: me话题: nothing
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1
*TLDR at the end
Learned this from experience a week ago. Walked into my local ABC, grabbed
the usual, and went to go check out. As I am checking out, my cashiers eye
catches someone who has just walked in the door and made a bee-line for the
vodka dept. She turns to her manager and says something along the lines of
“that’s the one” and the manager sprints off
30 seconds later the manager is yelling at this individual to get out, that
they have been banned from property. But not before that cracked out beacon
of society had already managed to get their hands on a fat bottle of Tito’s
What happened next you wonder? Spoiler: Absolutely NOTHING!
Seriously, literally NOTHING! Nobody tried to stop her from leaving with the
booze. No cops were called. Zip. Nada.
Naturally I was bamboozled. “What the fuck just happened” I asked, not
mincing words.
It was then explained to me that, while they are aware of the people that
steal, corporate forbids them to interfere whatsoever. They can’t touch the
person for fear of lawsuit, and it goes as far as they are not even allowed
to call the cops unless they steal a felony amount of alcohol.. (WHAT!?)
Yeah, my reaction exactly..
So naturally the next thing I ask is “so, you are telling me that if I were
to walk out the door right now with my 12-pack and bottle of Jack Fire, you
are saying you literally would not do a thing to stop me??”
To which they responded “Absolutely. We would ban you from the store”
My response... “Well, haven’t THEY been banned!?”
Their response... “Well yes, obviously. But again, when they rush in and
grab something, there’s nothing we can do. We can tell them to leave, but
that’s about it.”
Me - “But you don’t call the cops???”
Them - “No... we can’t call the cops over one bottle of liquor”
Me - “ So again, if I ran out the door right now, you would do literally
Them - “I mean.. we would ban you... but, yeah.. please don’t run out the
door with that! lol”
And, no shitting you, it was at this littoral point ANOTHER fucking crack
head ran in, grabbed a bottle of liquor, and ran the fuck out!!!!
So if you are looking for booze, are broke, and don’t want to hassle with
anyone, make your way to ABC Liquors!
TLDR: Grab whatever you want from ABC and run.. they won’t call the cops,
and corporate won’t allow them to stop you
1 (共1页)
奥巴马又出新招了??关于非法移民 (转载)英译汉,学术版众牛请进。
天下兵器,无利不破,唯长不破。今天苹果店遇到的事(内容已更新) (转载)
Re: 朋友06年借我一万美金,今年还我一万美金 (转载)谁知道这是个啥?
Communix 操作系统简介zzPot liquor Happy Encounter, number of things past, have to pay jokes
英文里shit的表达太多姿多彩了Re: 穆勒厉害:把金球奖塞你自己屁眼里吧 (转载)
我的2018年吃屎计划 (转载)英国笑话集:护士给我在床上擦身洗澡时我不由自主地硬了
话题: out话题: cops话题: them话题: me话题: nothing