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Joke版 - BP请的这群律师实在够坑爹
EPA造成科罗拉多州大面积水污染 (转载)聊一个开会遇见的Intel粪青 (转载)
F.B.I. Spills Water on Unlocked iPhoneBP's Coffee Spill
有Georgia的吗,台风就要登陆了啊峰回路转,俄前女堞安娜查普曼向斯诺登求婚 (转载)
这个能算JOKE吗?现在对男生的人品很失望 (转载)
哈哈哈 乔布斯生父是叙利亚移民请过来人帮我看看,应该选哪个男生交往 (转载)
以后美国是不是就吃不到石蟹了?我也说一个猥琐女的故事 (转载)
这个科学新发现对“变暖教”是祸还是福? (转载)对号入座了,看看你是否有换妻倾向
话题: us话题: bp话题: oil话题: gulf话题: company
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43471
BP has opened the latest round of its legal battle in the US over the Gulf
of Mexico oil spill by arguing in a court filing that it should pay a final
penalty below $16-18bn (£10.2 - 11.5bn) being sought, due partly to the
falling price of crude.
In a filing to the Louisiana District Court, the British oil major argued:
“The penalty sought by the US would have a very significant negative
economic impact on BPXP (BP Exploration & Production), particularly in an
economic environment in which the price of oil has dropped approximately
In the filing, the company added: “A per-barrel penalty at the lower end of
the statutory range would satisfy the goals of the CWA (Clean Water Act).”
Oil prices in the US have fallen to under $60 per barrel, from around $80 in
In September a US court ruled that BP had acted with “gross negligence”
over the Gulf of Mexico oil disaster, which could expose the company to a
final fine under the CWA of $4,300 per barrel that was spilled. US
authorities estimated that the Macondo well leaked 4.2m barrels into the
Gulf when it exploded in 2010.
“Despite initially dire predictions, more than four years of data show that
the impact was far less than feared and that the Gulf has largely recovered
, due in significant part to this massive clean-up and response effort,”
the company said. “BPXP has incurred huge liabilities as a result of the
spill, totalling more than $42bn – an amount that is more than sufficient
to deter behaviour likely to result in a future release.”
Meanwhile, BP has signed a joint-venture deal with the State Oil Company of
the Republic of Azerbaijan (Socar) to explore for and develop potential
prospects in the shallow water area around the Absheron Peninsula of the
Caspian Sea.
1 (共1页)
问一个英文表达的问题哈哈哈 乔布斯生父是叙利亚移民
how I picked SUV (转载)以后美国是不是就吃不到石蟹了?
研究发现喜欢看武打电影和探险的人更喜欢吃辣的这个科学新发现对“变暖教”是祸还是福? (转载)
EPA造成科罗拉多州大面积水污染 (转载)聊一个开会遇见的Intel粪青 (转载)
F.B.I. Spills Water on Unlocked iPhoneBP's Coffee Spill
有Georgia的吗,台风就要登陆了啊峰回路转,俄前女堞安娜查普曼向斯诺登求婚 (转载)
话题: us话题: bp话题: oil话题: gulf话题: company