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Joke版 - 8年级中学生因穿着支持NRA的t-shirt被逮捕,停学 (转载)
加州高铁贱价征地 美国华裔无奈认命放弃抗争五岁小孩作业(3)
很酷的 T-Shirts (转载)苹果:美国工厂无法到达iPhone生产需求
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be careful what your kids draws in school日本和服及姓氏的来源
话题: school话题: shirt话题: nra话题: kowk话题: marcum
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 43471
【 以下文字转载自 GunsAndGears 讨论区 】
发信人: Commissar (柯宓同志), 信区: GunsAndGears
标 题: 8年级中学生因穿着支持NRA的t-shirt被逮捕,停学
发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Fri Apr 19 15:24:01 2013, 美东)
8th Grader Arrested, Suspended for NRA ‘Protect Your Right’ T-Shirt With
Image of Gun
An eighth grade student from West Virginia has been arrested, suspended and
faces charges for wearing an NRA T-shirt with the image of a firearm and the
words "Protect Your Right" printed on it to school.
KOWK-TV reported Jared Marcum saying he never thought there would be a
problem with his pro-Second Amendment apparel.
"I never thought it would go this far because honestly I don't see a problem
with this. There shouldn't be a problem with this," Marcum told KOWK-TV.
Police confirmed that Marcum had been arrested and faced charges of
obstruction and disturbing the education process after getting into an
argument over the shirt with a teacher at Logan Middle School, which is
south of Charleston.
Logan Middle School's policy regarding dress states:
A student will not dress or groom in a manner that disrupts the educational
process or is detrimental to the health, safety or welfare of others. A
student will not dress in a manner that is distractive or indecent, to the
extent that it interferes with the teaching and learning process, including
wearing any apparel that displays or promotes any drug-, alcohol- or tobacco
-related product that is prohibited in school buildings, on school grounds,
in school-leased or owned vehicles, and at all school-affiliated functions.
The student's father, Allen Lardieri, told KOWK that the shirt didn't
violate this policy, nor did his son become aggressive when confronted about
"I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write
letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not
happen again," Lardieri said.
1 (共1页)
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美国当选总统庄甫说他的女婿可以实现阿以永久和平。见过的奇葩事 (转载)
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加州高铁贱价征地 美国华裔无奈认命放弃抗争五岁小孩作业(3)
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话题: school话题: shirt话题: nra话题: kowk话题: marcum