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JobMarket版 - One tenure-track assistant professor (co-PI) position
One tenure-track assistant professor (co-PI) position (GangFTE职位: mid-senior backend developer,薪资待遇都不错,do
招聘博士后-计算生物学One tenure-track assistant professor (co-PI) position (Gang Cai at USTC)
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phoenix 招工Yelp电面小问题汇总
话题: cryo话题: em话题: complexes话题: cai话题: national
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 49
One tenure-track assistant professor position is immediately available for
three years in the group of Dr. Gang Cai (University of Science and
Technology of China, Hefei National Laboratory for Physical Sciences at the
Microscale). This is a co-PI position with an initial contract up to three
years and could be extended for a longer time. Successful candidates will
receive a startup package and are expected to perform independent research
in the Cai lab by supervising graduate students and writing grant proposals.
Further promotion to a permanent (tenured) position will be proceeded
according to the relevant policy at USTC. Competitive salaries are paid by
both USTC and the Cai Lab, with additional compensations paid from his/her
own research grants.
You are highly motivated, independent and integrate well with a small but
growing team. You either have strong track records in functional studies of
regulation of eukaryotic transcription and/or chromatin architecture, OR you
are an expert in in experimental cryo-EM with a proven interest in our
Our group focus on applying advanced Cryo-Electron Microscopy (cryo-EM)
imaging and data analysis techniques to examine the structures and
functional interactions of key transcriptional complexes and attain a
structural understanding of transcription regulation mechanism. We have
established robust affinity purification methods, which have made possible
the cryo-EM characterization of several large, fragile and low abundance
protein complexes. Besides purification of the endogenous whole protein
complex directly from cells, we could recombinant express some critical
modules and sub-complexes of such modules and extend the cryo-EM analysis
into such modules and its sub-complexes. Thus, we could get more detailed
information about the subunit organization, structural flexibility and
functional interactions of such complexes.
We are currently funded by National Basic Research Program of China (973
Program) from the Ministry of Science and Technology, grants from the
National Natural Science Foundation of China, and Chinese Academy Of
Sciences. We are equipped with FEI 200-kV Tecnai F20 Transmission Cryo-
Electron Microscope, FEI Vitrobot Cryo-EM Sample Plunger, Gatan SOLARUSTM
Plasma Cleaner, Denton Vaccum Evaporator, and Gatan TurboPumping Station.
Minimal requirements: Ph. D. degree in biochemistry, molecular or cellular
biology, biophysics or a related area, decent publications, and extensive
research experience as a postdoc researcher are preferred. Interested
candidates should send a cover letter, CV, and contact info of three
references to Gang Cai (g**[email protected]). Additional details about our
group can be found on our website http://cii.ustc.edu.cn/cailab/.
1 (共1页)
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One tenure-track assistant professor (co-PI) position (GangFTE职位: mid-senior backend developer,薪资待遇都不错,do
招聘博士后-计算生物学One tenure-track assistant professor (co-PI) position (Gang Cai at USTC)
浙江大学生命科学研究院全球人才招聘请问哪个TEM 相对好一点?
中山大学测试中心诚聘透射电镜学术带头人请问哪个TEM 相对好一点?
话题: cryo话题: em话题: complexes话题: cai话题: national