

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Java版 - [转载] Built a Java library
java class definition and implementationHow do I declare a transaction among 2 spring service calls
Java里面有没有可能写个带generic parameter的class对built-in type也适用?wicket in action到手了
What are the key features of the EJB technology?Java Swing的UI开发很落后啊
What are the key benefits of the EJB technology?stringtemplate question
Servlet & Cookie 求助JavaFx language
2 Questions about Constructor问个多线程问题
这个是什么意思?anyone using Scala ?
How do I do flush in Spring service layer with hibernate?build.xml
话题: java话题: built话题: intdata话题: stringdata话题: row
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2416
【 以下文字转载自 ITnews 讨论区,原文如下 】
发信人: TeacherWei (TeacherWei), 信区: ITnews
标 题: Built a Java library
发信站: The unknown SPACE (Fri Apr 5 13:29:45 2002) WWW-POST
Called CommonTable
Maybe everybody can work out a similar thing. But I'm very proud of my
originality and vision.
Usage is very simple,
A) Declare a class you want to publish as a row in table, for example:
public class Row {
public static final Object[][] _tableFieldMap = {
{"stringData", "StringData"},
{"intData", "IntData"},
1 (共1页)
build.xmlServlet & Cookie 求助
奇怪的Eclipse问题2 Questions about Constructor
spring 和 jsf 的整合这个是什么意思?
Java EE 习题 1How do I do flush in Spring service layer with hibernate?
java class definition and implementationHow do I declare a transaction among 2 spring service calls
Java里面有没有可能写个带generic parameter的class对built-in type也适用?wicket in action到手了
What are the key features of the EJB technology?Java Swing的UI开发很落后啊
What are the key benefits of the EJB technology?stringtemplate question
话题: java话题: built话题: intdata话题: stringdata话题: row