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Java版 - Re: Java Vs. C++ on performance!?
语言坑:有没有Java和C#两边都用的请教: class private data member
想问问Java和C++的速度到底差多少?JDK1.3.0 is really fast
java编译的文件能不能作成可执行文件?Java's performance myth
Java JIT, optimization, etca JIT question
啥时候java也可以compile成为native的?self-modifying code?
rails和java,c#的rest web services比较,有何优缺点? (转载)webservices products
话题: java话题: c++话题: tires话题: vs
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 2416
If we talk about races in terms of speed, Java would still lose
on the Windows Track, because:
1. C++ would have already had its tires and engine changed/repaired
*before* the race starts, by some "certified professionals".
2. The interface between the tires and other parts of the car
is standard and designed for tires to be changed easily, so the time
it takes to change tires is kept in minimum.
A better analogy would be Java always runs like a turtle no matter
on any track, while C++ always a
发帖数: 9
Here are some links you may want to check out. The first one
covered pros and cons of Java pretty well, but its performance
comments are obviously outdated. Java may never be as fast as C
(OO perfromance penalty), but it's getting close to C++...and
still improving.
Why are we using Java Again? (1998)
Java performance (1999)
Java/C++ Performance Test (1999?)
发帖数: 2
It's really the design philosophy of C++ that makes it fast or
say efficient. Java is not designed to compete with C++ on
1. For the type of web programming, a lot of time is spent
on DB acess, network or maybe load balancing. As long as
the performance of language meets some bootom line, it's just
2. In the "gotta have it now" atmosphere of system development,
people would rather go with Java to have a running system next
month, instead of next year.
3. Because of the power a
发帖数: 2416
I took a look at some of these, and feel their results are both
expected and misleading.
Although the performance issue of Java has been around since the
first day Java was introduced, the meaning of performance behind
the word has significantly changed.
Before JIT was introduced, Java was interpreted. Its performance
could never be anywhere close to C/C++'s. The difference could
be easily revealed from the results of tests like these shown below.
However, this is never the case in recent year

【在 d*x 的大作中提到】
: Here are some links you may want to check out. The first one
: covered pros and cons of Java pretty well, but its performance
: comments are obviously outdated. Java may never be as fast as C
: (OO perfromance penalty), but it's getting close to C++...and
: still improving.
: Why are we using Java Again? (1998)
: http://www.cs.cornell.edu/ugrad/Tyma_Article.htm
: Java performance (1999)
: http://www.usenix.org/publications/login/1999-8/features/performance.html
: Java/C++ Performance Test (1999?)

1 (共1页)
webservices products请问现在JAVA跟C的速度相比慢多少?
IBM JRE6.0啥时候java也可以compile成为native的?
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Javascript speed uprails和java,c#的rest web services比较,有何优缺点? (转载)
语言坑:有没有Java和C#两边都用的请教: class private data member
想问问Java和C++的速度到底差多少?JDK1.3.0 is really fast
java编译的文件能不能作成可执行文件?Java's performance myth
Java JIT, optimization, etca JIT question
话题: java话题: c++话题: tires话题: vs