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Investment版 - Is there anything going against the market now?
高手能不能给讲讲ETF和traditional index有什么区别?为什么COMEX期金收低,因在上日大涨後市场锁定获利?
有人稀饭TD Ameritrade的免交易费ETF么?bonds vs stocks
诚心请教Vanguard Roth的Fund选择。smartmoney BROKER 评测 (转载)
问一下取钱出来为什么target funds不好
求推荐几个好的可以长期投资的index fund。EFT从chase到fidelity是不是两边都不用收费...到vanguard呢?
做了个stock ETF portfolio请指教炒金子的税很高啊。。。。
看懂Schedule K-1和1099B 避免重复报税 (转载)关于Vanguard mutual fund/brokerage account
gold: physical gold or EFT?想开个roth IRA在firstrade,有人给个refer code行么?
话题: vix话题: against话题: market话题: index话题: futures
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 30533
S&P drops, then dollar rises, gold drops, oil drops, bond rises.
It that correct? So only bond rises?
发帖数: 5754
VIX index (or the VIX-based VXX EFT) & all the short EFTs are rising.
investors are moving away from risky assets (gold/oil/stocks) into "risk-
free" assets --- and among all sovereign debt, US treasury is considered the
least risky(compared to those in EU zone, which triggered the current sell-

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: S&P drops, then dollar rises, gold drops, oil drops, bond rises.
: It that correct? So only bond rises?

发帖数: 30533
Shorts don't count. VIX can hardly be called a product. Is there
any ETF that tracks VIX pretty consistently? @_@
So indeed only bond rises, //sigh...


【在 l**********t 的大作中提到】
: VIX index (or the VIX-based VXX EFT) & all the short EFTs are rising.
: investors are moving away from risky assets (gold/oil/stocks) into "risk-
: free" assets --- and among all sovereign debt, US treasury is considered the
: least risky(compared to those in EU zone, which triggered the current sell-
: off).

发帖数: 323
why sigh?

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Shorts don't count. VIX can hardly be called a product. Is there
: any ETF that tracks VIX pretty consistently? @_@
: So indeed only bond rises, //sigh...
: the
: sell-

发帖数: 5754
"VIX can hardly be called a product" -- I meant futures on VIX of course.
There are ETF for VIX futures (or swaps).
And put options on indices of course.

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Shorts don't count. VIX can hardly be called a product. Is there
: any ETF that tracks VIX pretty consistently? @_@
: So indeed only bond rises, //sigh...
: the
: sell-

发帖数: 5754
"VIX can hardly be called a product" -- I meant futures on VIX of course.
There are ETF for VIX futures (or swaps).
And put options on indices of course.

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Shorts don't count. VIX can hardly be called a product. Is there
: any ETF that tracks VIX pretty consistently? @_@
: So indeed only bond rises, //sigh...
: the
: sell-

发帖数: 30533
Too few choices for contrarians ah.

【在 s******d 的大作中提到】
: why sigh?
发帖数: 1962
why you guys pay so much attention to a "derivative of the index of the
implied volatility of a derivative of an index" ...
Isn't the behavior of the very underlying index itself hard enough?

【在 l**********t 的大作中提到】
: "VIX can hardly be called a product" -- I meant futures on VIX of course.
: There are ETF for VIX futures (or swaps).
: And put options on indices of course.

发帖数: 34805
No, but there's option on VIX so there are indeed products.

【在 K****D 的大作中提到】
: Shorts don't count. VIX can hardly be called a product. Is there
: any ETF that tracks VIX pretty consistently? @_@
: So indeed only bond rises, //sigh...
: the
: sell-

发帖数: 2416
Because "the very underlying index" reflects only the "idiots", while
"a derivative of the index of the implied volatility of a derivative of
an index" is supposed to reflect the contrarians against the
contrarians against the big investors against the market makers
against the speculators against the trend traders against the idiots?

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: why you guys pay so much attention to a "derivative of the index of the
: implied volatility of a derivative of an index" ...
: Isn't the behavior of the very underlying index itself hard enough?

做了个stock ETF portfolio请指教为什么COMEX期金收低,因在上日大涨後市场锁定获利?
看懂Schedule K-1和1099B 避免重复报税 (转载)bonds vs stocks
gold: physical gold or EFT?smartmoney BROKER 评测 (转载)
发帖数: 5754
A "long-term" investor (by choice) probably won't worry about daily price
fluctuation, or care about any instruments move against the stock market in
the short-term. Sticking to your strategic allocation and rebalancing
during volatile periods probably is suffcient.
But f you are not a long-term investor and do concern about short-term
market movements, you may want to a) hedge and b) gauge the return/risk
trade-off so that you can act accordingly. Then these short EFTs and
derivatives are need

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: why you guys pay so much attention to a "derivative of the index of the
: implied volatility of a derivative of an index" ...
: Isn't the behavior of the very underlying index itself hard enough?

发帖数: 1962
Everything contains some information. In financial market, the concern
is never about too little information, but too much. We have hundreds
of technical indicators and dozen of economic measurement. Yet tons of
financial news flood in every hour from all over the world. What do you
do? read them all?
I am not saying derivatives are useless in general. But VIX options and
futures are way out of any meaningful usage except gambling.


【在 l**********t 的大作中提到】
: A "long-term" investor (by choice) probably won't worry about daily price
: fluctuation, or care about any instruments move against the stock market in
: the short-term. Sticking to your strategic allocation and rebalancing
: during volatile periods probably is suffcient.
: But f you are not a long-term investor and do concern about short-term
: market movements, you may want to a) hedge and b) gauge the return/risk
: trade-off so that you can act accordingly. Then these short EFTs and
: derivatives are need

发帖数: 521
发帖数: 5754
"But VIX options and futures are way out of any meaningful usage except
I guess it is a judgemental/subjective call whether it has "meaningful usage". There are plenty of research on VIX and how its
implication in portfolio selection & risk management.
As to gambling -- all "investments" are essentially gambling because the
uncertainty & risk involved(thus VIX).

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Everything contains some information. In financial market, the concern
: is never about too little information, but too much. We have hundreds
: of technical indicators and dozen of economic measurement. Yet tons of
: financial news flood in every hour from all over the world. What do you
: do? read them all?
: I am not saying derivatives are useless in general. But VIX options and
: futures are way out of any meaningful usage except gambling.
: in
: then

发帖数: 4634
risk trade
people pile into riskless asset at the hint of another crash

【在 s***w 的大作中提到】
: why?
发帖数: 2416

Yep, risk aversion is the name of the game.

【在 S****Y 的大作中提到】
: risk trade
: people pile into riskless asset at the hint of another crash

发帖数: 241
everything is a gambling nowadays. hundreds of or even thousands of
indicators/securities are not good enough to feed people. they will bet as
long as they believe profit is over there.

【在 s********n 的大作中提到】
: Everything contains some information. In financial market, the concern
: is never about too little information, but too much. We have hundreds
: of technical indicators and dozen of economic measurement. Yet tons of
: financial news flood in every hour from all over the world. What do you
: do? read them all?
: I am not saying derivatives are useless in general. But VIX options and
: futures are way out of any meaningful usage except gambling.
: in
: then

发帖数: 521
shouldn't be:
dollar up, then sp500 down (the reverse of cause and effect)?

【在 S****Y 的大作中提到】
: risk trade
: people pile into riskless asset at the hint of another crash

发帖数: 617
Even the best weathermen are working in hedge funds, haha

【在 o*****c 的大作中提到】
: everything is a gambling nowadays. hundreds of or even thousands of
: indicators/securities are not good enough to feed people. they will bet as
: long as they believe profit is over there.

1 (共1页)
想开个roth IRA在firstrade,有人给个refer code行么?求推荐几个好的可以长期投资的index fund。
手上有些余钱,一段时间不会动,问保本投资做了个stock ETF portfolio请指教
问个巨naive的转账问题看懂Schedule K-1和1099B 避免重复报税 (转载)
请问有没有这样的退休账号的计算公式gold: physical gold or EFT?
高手能不能给讲讲ETF和traditional index有什么区别?为什么COMEX期金收低,因在上日大涨後市场锁定获利?
有人稀饭TD Ameritrade的免交易费ETF么?bonds vs stocks
诚心请教Vanguard Roth的Fund选择。smartmoney BROKER 评测 (转载)
问一下取钱出来为什么target funds不好
话题: vix话题: against话题: market话题: index话题: futures