清单,希望积点人品能尽快拿到Combo card
1. Form I-944
2. Copy of marriage certificate
3. Evidence of household income
【我和老公】Most recent Federal income tax transcript (最近一年required
【我和老公】W-2s from most recent year
3. Evidence of asset value
【我】checking and savings bank statements (last 12 months)
【我】stock and equities statements(最近一个statement)
【老公】checking and savings bank statements (last 12 months)
【老公】stock and equities statements
【我和老公】Copy of house grant deed
【我和老公】Copy of house appraisal value (i-944要求房子的价格是net,所
以要上交apparisal和剩余贷款,用appraisal减去贷款来填cash value)
【我和老公】House mortgage statement
4. 【我】debts and liabilities (这里的debts我都跟credit report上显示的一一
【我】House mortgage statement
【我】car loan balance
【我】credit card balances
5.【我】credit report
6.【我】credit score document
7.【我】proof of health insurance
8.【我】Evidence of degrees
Copy of High school transcript
Copy of college diploma
f*******n 发帖数: 12623
你是去哪里拿credit report和credit score的?
你的college diploma是美国的还是中国的?如果不是美国的,你怎么提供evaluation
of equivalency to degrees in the US?