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Immigration版 - Review opportunity, 制药
作物 研究 审稿3篇485体检问题
免疫针接种的问题。 多谢!审稿 (EE方向)
刚从clinic失败回来。求 review 机会: computational/systems biology,pathway modeling, image processing/analysis
请推荐 PAPER REVIEW求审稿机会:tissue engineering, stem cell, antibody engineering, T or B cell immunology
about contribution问个孕妇血检的问题
包子咨询过来人 关于体检的初级问题体检没有小黄本怎么办?
话题: antibody话题: based话题: stress话题: pathways
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1734
你需要把你的简单背景发给我, 包括名字,email,现在的organization和title。 还
要在这个journal的reviewer database注册一下。
Title: Thermally induced degradation pathways of three different antibody-
based drug development candidates
European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Protein-based medicinal products are prone to undergo a variety of chemical
and physical degradation pathways. One of the most important exogenous
stress condition to consider during manufacturing, transport and storage
processes is temperature, because antibody-based therapeutics are only
stable in a limited temperature range.
In this study, three different formats of antibody-based molecules (IgG1, a
bispecific scFv and a fab fragment) were exposed to thermal stress
conditions occurring during transport and storage. For evaluation, an
analytical platform was developed for the detection and characterization of
relevant degradation pathways of different antibody-based therapeutics. The
effect of thermal stress conditions on the stability of the three antibody-
based formats was therefore investigated using visual inspection, different
spectroscopic measurements, dynamic light scattering (DLS), differential
scanning calorimetry (DSC), electrophoresis, asymmetric flow field-flow
fractionation (AF4) and surface plasmon resonance technology (SPR).
In summary, thermal stress led to heterogeneous chemical and physical
degradation pathways of all three antibody-based formats used. In addition,
identical exogenous stress conditions resulted in different kinds and levels
of aggregates and fragmentation products. This knowledge is an essential
base for a systematic and successful stabilization of protein-based
therapeutics by the use of formulation additives.
发帖数: 279
your mailbox is full...can you give me your personal email?
I have a Ph.D of Pharmaceutical Sciences. This is in my field.
Postdoc fellow at UCSF
Please recommend me to the editor.
Thanks a lot!


【在 c*********o 的大作中提到】
: 我可以把你推荐给editor,感兴趣的话,尽快PM我。
: 你需要把你的简单背景发给我, 包括名字,email,现在的organization和title。 还
: 要在这个journal的reviewer database注册一下。
: Title: Thermally induced degradation pathways of three different antibody-
: based drug development candidates
: European Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences
: Protein-based medicinal products are prone to undergo a variety of chemical
: and physical degradation pathways. One of the most important exogenous
: stress condition to consider during manufacturing, transport and storage

发帖数: 1734
c*********[email protected]

【在 S********n 的大作中提到】
: your mailbox is full...can you give me your personal email?
: I have a Ph.D of Pharmaceutical Sciences. This is in my field.
: Postdoc fellow at UCSF
: Please recommend me to the editor.
: Thanks a lot!
: chemical

发帖数: 279
just sent, thanks!

【在 c*********o 的大作中提到】
: c*********[email protected]
1 (共1页)
关于体检疫苗about contribution
审稿机会包子咨询过来人 关于体检的初级问题
恳求review机会。 (转载)要推荐信,一个professor的回信
有要review paper的么求审稿机会
作物 研究 审稿3篇485体检问题
免疫针接种的问题。 多谢!审稿 (EE方向)
刚从clinic失败回来。求 review 机会: computational/systems biology,pathway modeling, image processing/analysis
请推荐 PAPER REVIEW求审稿机会:tissue engineering, stem cell, antibody engineering, T or B cell immunology
话题: antibody话题: based话题: stress话题: pathways