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Headline版 - 康州学校8岁学生:老师救了我 音乐教师成英雄(组图)
带15名孩子藏身壁橱躲过一劫 音乐教师成枪案英雄(图)大龄单身男女年关难过遭遇逼婚 开始考虑再婚者
美校枪击案嫌犯身份确认 曝照片 疑亲手杀死父母(图)在美中国留学生超速车祸致人死 罪名恐加重(组图)
女子错把油门当刹车撞死人:仅被罚800元康州惨案已有20孩童死 校长、心理老师全身亡(图)
买毒品心切 卑诗省男子误将警车当做毒贩车康州惨案凶手另有其人?美媒搞乌龙
车祸父母亡四个弟弟伤残 19岁长子担家长重责枪手生父为金融高层 月付万元抚养费 闻惨剧惊恐
多伦多失踪妇女尸体找到 车辆停靠在小镇墓场美校园血案前夕 凶嫌母:儿子恶化 豪宅曝光(组图)
汽油价格飙升 各行各业商户快被压垮枪案凶手母亲至少有十几把枪 大多是大型步枪(组图)
悉尼华裔灭门案:警方无奈让遗孤与凶手同住15月(组图)中国留学生在美超速驾奔驰撞死人 母携200万交保
话题: kristopik话题: maryrose话题: let话题: teacher话题: sandy
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发帖数: 70028
带15名孩子藏身壁橱躲过一劫 音乐教师成枪击案中英雄
A music teacher managed to save 15 children during Friday's shooting massacre at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticut by barricading them into a closet, while gunman Adam Lanza, 20, stood outside screaming 'Let me in! Let me in!'
Maryrose Kristopik has been hailed a 'hero' by parents after herding the children to safety in a closet and barricading the door to prevent Lanza from entering.
An unnamed mother, in her 40s, whose nine-year-old son was among the children said: 'I want to thank her. She saved their lives.
'The shooter kept banging on the door screaming: "Let me in! Let me in!" but he didn't get in.
'Now I have to explain to my nine-year-old son that his friends won't be coming back. How am I supposed to do that?'
Brenda Lebinski said her eight-year-old daughter is safe thanks to the teacher's decision to move all kids into a closet when a gunman had entered the building.
'My daughter's teacher is my hero,' Lebinski said. 'She locked all the kids in a closet and that saved their lives.'
Hero music teacher Maryrose Kristopik teaches a group of first graders about the three As of concert behavior: attention, appreciation, and applause
This picture tweeted on Oct 17 shows the annual evacuation drill at Sandy Hill, with music teacher Maryrose Kristopik on the right with a green folder
This picture of hero music teacher Maryrose Kristopik conducting the choir at assembly was taken Wednesday and tweeted by murdered principal Dawn Hochsprung
Third grade school children at Sandy Hook Elementary School, about 60 miles northeast of New York City
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中国留学生在美超速驾奔驰撞死人 母携200万交保车祸父母亡四个弟弟伤残 19岁长子担家长重责
美剧涉歧视华裔情节遭批 涉及不要相信中国人多伦多失踪妇女尸体找到 车辆停靠在小镇墓场
华盛顿州一千万游艇 初下水就立刻翻覆(组图)汽油价格飙升 各行各业商户快被压垮
中国女童被弃厕所 美国夫妻领养18年回上海寻亲悉尼华裔灭门案:警方无奈让遗孤与凶手同住15月(组图)
带15名孩子藏身壁橱躲过一劫 音乐教师成枪案英雄(图)大龄单身男女年关难过遭遇逼婚 开始考虑再婚者
美校枪击案嫌犯身份确认 曝照片 疑亲手杀死父母(图)在美中国留学生超速车祸致人死 罪名恐加重(组图)
女子错把油门当刹车撞死人:仅被罚800元康州惨案已有20孩童死 校长、心理老师全身亡(图)
买毒品心切 卑诗省男子误将警车当做毒贩车康州惨案凶手另有其人?美媒搞乌龙
话题: kristopik话题: maryrose话题: let话题: teacher话题: sandy