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Golf版 - [合集] First meet for bay area golfers or golfers-to-be
First meet for bay area golfers or golfers-to-be情人节快乐
BAYAREA GOLFER: where to play for gathering?BAYAREA GOLFER: second gathering, 9 hole?
any tee time or range practice?Harvey Penick's little red book
请教sunnyvale附近比较适合新手练习的球场My handicap
my best round yetGreater Houston area golfer
今天shot 87有住在在Bay area (最好是SFO)的female golfer 吗?
大家打球时都修整ballmark 和 divot 吗?觉得从今以后
gift idea for golfer in China?我们这的球场今天正式开放了
话题: golfers话题: first话题: jun话题: tue话题: meet
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 10701
loggie (一波三折 逆旅沧桑) 于 (Tue Jun 1 17:46:58 2004) 提到:
ok then... for initial meeting probably range practice is better,
how about 6/5 afternoon in Spring valley? say 2pm?
or we can go for a 9-holes tee at Pruneridge or Sunken Garden, please
reply to this thread about your preferences so i can call for the tee-times
if interested, please PM me with your name and contact number.

mapcar (肥肠粉) 于 (Tue Jun 1 18:19
1 (共1页)
我们这的球场今天正式开放了my best round yet
played 9今天shot 87
9 洞和18洞的比较大家打球时都修整ballmark 和 divot 吗?
started golfing for about 4 monthsgift idea for golfer in China?
First meet for bay area golfers or golfers-to-be情人节快乐
BAYAREA GOLFER: where to play for gathering?BAYAREA GOLFER: second gathering, 9 hole?
any tee time or range practice?Harvey Penick's little red book
请教sunnyvale附近比较适合新手练习的球场My handicap
话题: golfers话题: first话题: jun话题: tue话题: meet