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Golf版 - How’s your strategy on a par 3, over 210 yards?
第一次打18洞112pratice session per day
The difference between mediocre round and good roundhow to hit 200 yards?
ET约战 Aff 09/16/2012 - 09/30/2012[open]whats your avg putts number
pta test 结果Putting
played a terrible round after a good one[攻略]Eagle Ridge at Gilroy, CA
My game终于“破百”了,发帖纪念一下
小关表现小分析tilden park, 7am, tuesday, 6/22
Tiger: you need make the DAMN cut!skin game
话题: par话题: green话题: yards话题: ball话题: 210
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4031
For such a par 3, I used to have 7 or 6 iron lay out the ball where I am
comfortable with, and pitch the ball onto the green, two putts maybe three
ends up with a bogey or double.
发帖数: 2325
if the green is surrounded with bad rough(hence bad lies) or hazard (water
or canyon), and u don't have confidence in your 210+ club, then lay up
otherwise go for it. 让你的210+club 得到使用的机会。 这么长的par3不多见啊。
发帖数: 3067
3wood, go for the middle of green, draw or fade according to the wind.
those are my favorite holes.

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: For such a par 3, I used to have 7 or 6 iron lay out the ball where I am
: comfortable with, and pitch the ball onto the green, two putts maybe three
: ends up with a bogey or double.

发帖数: 4031
Unfortunately I had a game with two par 3s over 210 yards on the Saturday.
This time I decided to try something different on the par 3s. I teed off the
ball with my 17 degree 2 hybrids, it landed in the left rough, rolling onto
a residence fence. Couldn’t find a special rule on the scorecard for a
free drop and I used LW to hit the ball back toward to the tee box, and then
pitched it onto the green …
For the second, I landed the ball in the right rough and tree. It took me
two more shots before starting putting the ball.

【在 v*****r 的大作中提到】
: if the green is surrounded with bad rough(hence bad lies) or hazard (water
: or canyon), and u don't have confidence in your 210+ club, then lay up
: sometimes.
: otherwise go for it. 让你的210+club 得到使用的机会。 这么长的par3不多见啊。

发帖数: 4031
I am not very good at my 3 wood. I can’t control its carry distance off the
tee, varying from 195 to 225 yards plus ball rolling, and it may end up the
ball sitting on the street or a resident backyard. This is a golf course we
have to ride in a car cross the street countless times.

【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: 3wood, go for the middle of green, draw or fade according to the wind.
: those are my favorite holes.

发帖数: 3067
if you play around, you would be consistantly challenged by those kind of
long par3, since designers like to test every aspect of your game,
especially, those reputable designers. going to the range and sharping long
game would be the easiest way to attack it. Otherwise you would not feel
confident over the tee.
I saw many friends lay up for those par3s as you did, work very well for
them. the goal is to tee off and get around 180-190, then a short pitch or
chip from the front of green, usally, the fairway in front of green are tend
to flat and very safe. dont over drive your tee shot, if you know you
couldnt reach the green. and dont leave yourself around 50 yards, which is
usually the hardest.


【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: I am not very good at my 3 wood. I can’t control its carry distance off the
: tee, varying from 195 to 225 yards plus ball rolling, and it may end up the
: ball sitting on the street or a resident backyard. This is a golf course we
: have to ride in a car cross the street countless times.

发帖数: 2325
if your short game can help you score 3 from 50- 75yard, then lay up with
mid iron which you have confidence. so on average you have bogey, which is
not bad on a 210+ par3.
不过王道还是 “have that shot", steady 210 + shot.
这种par3 的正解还是hybrid/long iron.
我有用 7/6/5 iron carry 190-220 的潜力。去年有用6iron 上205 yard green。
但是这种club 上手慢, 通常要打5-6干才上手, 上场就打不出什么好球, 用的也不
多 。 solid hit 的% 较低, hybrid 3 稳定性也不行。 但是当时我lw 都时常shank
。 动作还是不好。
我觉得还是专门练 , 一两次不行, over a long period of time, 找打不好原因,
统计solid & straight hit 的%。 如果达到7/10基本上就可以场上用了。


【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: Unfortunately I had a game with two par 3s over 210 yards on the Saturday.
: This time I decided to try something different on the par 3s. I teed off the
: ball with my 17 degree 2 hybrids, it landed in the left rough, rolling onto
: a residence fence. Couldn’t find a special rule on the scorecard for a
: free drop and I used LW to hit the ball back toward to the tee box, and then
: pitched it onto the green …
: For the second, I landed the ball in the right rough and tree. It took me
: two more shots before starting putting the ball.

发帖数: 517
It depends on the configuration of the green front and wind, I would use 3h
to hit high shot to land on the green or get a bounce; or 5w to hit an easy
low shot to roll on the green.
发帖数: 382
Go for the center of the green, Relax and slow down your swing to counter
your urgency of 'hit hard'.
发帖数: 4031
Good tips, thanks. There is a golf course next to my workplace and I play
there once a month this year. Hole 16 is a par 3, 210 yards, a bunker on the
right, and shielding part of the front, I use a 4H or 3H, if the pin is on
the left. Hope the ball can roll onto the green. However, most times, the
pin is on the right, behind the bunker. I used 4H twice, the ball in the
bunker twice. Since my bunker shots are not too bad, I ended them up with a
par and a bogey.


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: if you play around, you would be consistantly challenged by those kind of
: long par3, since designers like to test every aspect of your game,
: especially, those reputable designers. going to the range and sharping long
: game would be the easiest way to attack it. Otherwise you would not feel
: confident over the tee.
: I saw many friends lay up for those par3s as you did, work very well for
: them. the goal is to tee off and get around 180-190, then a short pitch or
: chip from the front of green, usally, the fairway in front of green are tend
: to flat and very safe. dont over drive your tee shot, if you know you
: couldnt reach the green. and dont leave yourself around 50 yards, which is

My gamepratice session per day
小关表现小分析how to hit 200 yards?
Tiger: you need make the DAMN cut!whats your avg putts number
发帖数: 4031
I guess I need to hit more balls at driving range to stabilize my swinging
rhythm and tempo at the distance. Thanks.

【在 f*t 的大作中提到】
: Go for the center of the green, Relax and slow down your swing to counter
: your urgency of 'hit hard'.

发帖数: 4031
My short game is not very bad and my most comfortable club is the lob wedge.
If I play a par 3 over 210 yards conservatively, much likely I will end up
with a bogey. There are 20% chance I will get a double bogey and 10% chance
getting a par as well.


【在 v*****r 的大作中提到】
: if your short game can help you score 3 from 50- 75yard, then lay up with
: mid iron which you have confidence. so on average you have bogey, which is
: not bad on a 210+ par3.
: 不过王道还是 “have that shot", steady 210 + shot.
: 这种par3 的正解还是hybrid/long iron.
: 我有用 7/6/5 iron carry 190-220 的潜力。去年有用6iron 上205 yard green。
: 但是这种club 上手慢, 通常要打5-6干才上手, 上场就打不出什么好球, 用的也不
: 多 。 solid hit 的% 较低, hybrid 3 稳定性也不行。 但是当时我lw 都时常shank
: 。 动作还是不好。
: 我觉得还是专门练 , 一两次不行, over a long period of time, 找打不好原因,

发帖数: 2325
定义偏线 30马以内, 距离20马以内为可用, usability %.
had a practice session recently:
195 flag, 7i 100%, mostly balls stopped back green or over.
205 flag, 6i, 42%
236 flag, 4i, 56% 好的时候 220多
236 flag, hybrid 3, 20%, 打的最好的时候距离能达到 230-340. 但是不好的时候
还不如7i管用。 我轻打也不行, choke down 也没有起色。 我想是不是安排在后面,
疲劳了, 注意力不集中了。 但是重新7i, 195 flag 又on target.
不是打hybrid 的料? 也有可能我的 这个hybrid 的fitting 跟铁杆差异较大, 所以
local 有一个 220的par3, front green 208, 有205的carry 基本上就可以对付乐。
6i - 4i 还是有培养前途。。
要carry 200 多, 还是要发力。 有一些压力。多打也许会跟适应一些? 总之, 210+
shot 的稳定性的建立要比 50-75 马wedge 难很多。
我这套club set 可能从7i loft 减小了几度, 7i 和8i 的gap 较大, 4i-7i的gap 感觉没有15yard per club.
发帖数: 4031
You are a long hitter for sure. For a 7 iron or shorter, I have about 10
yards difference in carry between two next irons; and usually my ball doesn
’t roll very long. For 6 or 5 or 4 iron, since the loft angle decreasing
only about 2.5 or 3 degree and they are kind of difficult for me to swing, I
have about 6 to 8 yards difference in carry.

【在 v*****r 的大作中提到】
: 定义偏线 30马以内, 距离20马以内为可用, usability %.
: had a practice session recently:
: 195 flag, 7i 100%, mostly balls stopped back green or over.
: 205 flag, 6i, 42%
: 236 flag, 4i, 56% 好的时候 220多
: 236 flag, hybrid 3, 20%, 打的最好的时候距离能达到 230-340. 但是不好的时候
: 还不如7i管用。 我轻打也不行, choke down 也没有起色。 我想是不是安排在后面,
: 疲劳了, 注意力不集中了。 但是重新7i, 195 flag 又on target.
: 不是打hybrid 的料? 也有可能我的 这个hybrid 的fitting 跟铁杆差异较大, 所以
: 手感不同。。。

发帖数: 2325
" tee off and get around 180-190"
顶这个。 had another range session with 4i and 6i. 没上一次那么感觉有力。
4i 打的差, 只有2/7 可用,2/7 chunk less than 100 yard, 其他 3 球估计场上的
而且距离到不了 218flag.
倒是6i 抽出来就打 的比较 直, 也没上一次远, 勉强滚动上 193falg green.
我觉得以后这种par3, 就用6i打个 180-190, focus 打直的, 就可以了。
只有状态不好的时候还大的出的shot 才最靠得住。场上用不了range 上状态最好时候


【在 A*f 的大作中提到】
: if you play around, you would be consistantly challenged by those kind of
: long par3, since designers like to test every aspect of your game,
: especially, those reputable designers. going to the range and sharping long
: game would be the easiest way to attack it. Otherwise you would not feel
: confident over the tee.
: I saw many friends lay up for those par3s as you did, work very well for
: them. the goal is to tee off and get around 180-190, then a short pitch or
: chip from the front of green, usally, the fairway in front of green are tend
: to flat and very safe. dont over drive your tee shot, if you know you
: couldnt reach the green. and dont leave yourself around 50 yards, which is

发帖数: 284
没水的话,lay up

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: For such a par 3, I used to have 7 or 6 iron lay out the ball where I am
: comfortable with, and pitch the ball onto the green, two putts maybe three
: ends up with a bogey or double.

发帖数: 4031

【在 y***g 的大作中提到】
: 有水的话,三号木打fade
: 没水的话,lay up

发帖数: 251

【在 v***s 的大作中提到】
: For such a par 3, I used to have 7 or 6 iron lay out the ball where I am
: comfortable with, and pitch the ball onto the green, two putts maybe three
: ends up with a bogey or double.

1 (共1页)
skin gameplayed a terrible round after a good one
Most recent round of golfMy game
Today's Game小关表现小分析
老歪和Aff,Fit,ET之PKTiger: you need make the DAMN cut!
第一次打18洞112pratice session per day
The difference between mediocre round and good roundhow to hit 200 yards?
ET约战 Aff 09/16/2012 - 09/30/2012[open]whats your avg putts number
pta test 结果Putting
话题: par话题: green话题: yards话题: ball话题: 210