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Game版 - Newbie Wii Questions
Wall of Mist Question (MM7)你们越说越离谱了
Sudden Strike上手指南 (for SS1 but good for SS2 newbie too)any good deal for wii controller and nunchuck
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newbie了,魔法怎么学啊?怎么control learning stone啊
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PS 3 可以玩 3D 游戏了。 (转载)[HOMMK]四服wild buliding list
[zt]controler在guild forum上的发言patrol hero
话题: wii话题: firmware话题: mod话题: questions话题: newbie
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 138
My Wii console is pretty old. I think the firmware version is 3.xx
1) Will new Wii Controller with Motion Plus work with it fine?
2) I want to upgrade firmware (so that some bugs got fixed) and then soft
mod it. Which firmware version is good (stable yet soft-mod-able)?
3) What's best and free way to soft mod it nowadays? (please give some
sources about step-by-step procedures, download links, etc)
发帖数: 27573

【在 z***a 的大作中提到】
: My Wii console is pretty old. I think the firmware version is 3.xx
: 1) Will new Wii Controller with Motion Plus work with it fine?
: 2) I want to upgrade firmware (so that some bugs got fixed) and then soft
: mod it. Which firmware version is good (stable yet soft-mod-able)?
: 3) What's best and free way to soft mod it nowadays? (please give some
: sources about step-by-step procedures, download links, etc)
: Thanks.

发帖数: 19309

yes, I think so.
4.1U ? there's not really any bug for wii firmware, except for the trucha
bug that you need for hacking. updated IOS is for supporting new games.
for 4.1U you can use bannerbomb, just google it or look for guides at wii.

【在 z***a 的大作中提到】
: My Wii console is pretty old. I think the firmware version is 3.xx
: 1) Will new Wii Controller with Motion Plus work with it fine?
: 2) I want to upgrade firmware (so that some bugs got fixed) and then soft
: mod it. Which firmware version is good (stable yet soft-mod-able)?
: 3) What's best and free way to soft mod it nowadays? (please give some
: sources about step-by-step procedures, download links, etc)
: Thanks.

1 (共1页)
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Wall of Mist Question (MM7)你们越说越离谱了
Sudden Strike上手指南 (for SS1 but good for SS2 newbie too)any good deal for wii controller and nunchuck
[HOMMK]可能的羔羊Dwarven Treasure?
newbie了,魔法怎么学啊?怎么control learning stone啊
话题: wii话题: firmware话题: mod话题: questions话题: newbie