

本页内容为未名空间相应帖子的节选和存档,一周内的贴子最多显示50字,超过一周显示500字 访问原贴
Game版 - Wall of Mist Question (MM7)
Newbie Wii Questions求教sor如何打baal
8ppl Hell baalrun流程[hommk四服]准备离开本土作战,带哪些英雄和魔法?
[HOMM]is this a high bonus fight?【远古冒险:宙斯的礼物chinaavg中文版】
[HOMMK]这个算多么?2 stacks vs 3
[HOMMK] break siege - 求最优解act3第二个塔一层卡怪
话题: wall话题: question话题: mm7话题: mist话题: got
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 3557
I got the keys from center and east arch(teleport), but can't get the key
from the west one. there are two sets of buttons of three each on both
east and west side of the room, while only one set controls. so there are
totally 2*2^3 = 16 combinations, right? but I tried all and still failed
to open the hidden door on the floor. yes I did try to click on the level
above the bottons to move it each time I tried a new combination.
Any hint? HELP....thx
发帖数: 1879
You've got it wrong :)
Only pull out the one closest to the stairs, then move the handle
(you need to use the mouse to click on it). Do that for each
side. There are lots of working combinations.
I also got confused the first I got there :) So be patient, just kill
all the genies and have some quiet time to try them out.

【在 X****r 的大作中提到】
: I got the keys from center and east arch(teleport), but can't get the key
: from the west one. there are two sets of buttons of three each on both
: east and west side of the room, while only one set controls. so there are
: totally 2*2^3 = 16 combinations, right? but I tried all and still failed
: to open the hidden door on the floor. yes I did try to click on the level
: above the bottons to move it each time I tried a new combination.
: Any hint? HELP....thx

1 (共1页)
kripp Hardcore A4 ......[HOMMK] break siege - 求最优解
Newbie Wii Questions求教sor如何打baal
8ppl Hell baalrun流程[hommk四服]准备离开本土作战,带哪些英雄和魔法?
[HOMM]is this a high bonus fight?【远古冒险:宙斯的礼物chinaavg中文版】
[HOMMK]这个算多么?2 stacks vs 3
话题: wall话题: question话题: mm7话题: mist话题: got