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EnglishChat版 - In the chatting room
这个版的位置不对Movie With Espresso
The story of an irrigatorbasically , technically怎么理解
old time in USTCBBSis this board for english study?
Out of Chicago - 4English Chat Robot
Re: How to study English in USthe third
Re: Suggestions for Englishchat!!!请帮忙推荐一下手机吧。。。
[转载] you've got the mail《like crazy》观后感 (转载)
Re: how to use the chat room?《like crazy》观后感 (转载)
话题: chatting话题: room话题: what话题: talking话题: always
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 39
"Hello, everyone!"
"What is going on here? Let's have a talk, shall we?"
"What to begin with? Music, books, travelling, food, ..."
I am often caught to be talking this way on entering the chatting room. For
me, the chatting room in a BBS system is just the wonderland which Alice once
visited in her dream. It is like a kaleidoscope, and one can always find
something new in it. I am really fascinated by it, and always derive an
ineffable pleasure by talking non
1 (共1页)
《like crazy》观后感 (转载)Re: How to study English in US
C++ virtual function 定义在 derived class 会怎么样?Re: Suggestions for Englishchat!!!
MBS, CDS算不算金融衍生物?[转载] you've got the mail
"宁要-不要论"的改革是精神分裂! ztRe: how to use the chat room?
这个版的位置不对Movie With Espresso
The story of an irrigatorbasically , technically怎么理解
old time in USTCBBSis this board for english study?
Out of Chicago - 4English Chat Robot
话题: chatting话题: room话题: what话题: talking话题: always