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Education版 - LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏
The State That Pulled The Plug On Computer Testing下一集24.。。
L.A. steps back from iPads for all又有新推荐了:文化部办公厅关于清理违规网络音乐产品的通告
LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏胆大!一名华裔男子企图走私中国制造的导弹进入美国
LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏封杀百首歌曲:看看中外明星有谁上了文化部黑名单(图)
忽然觉得自己老了第二季《中国好声音》今晚开播 看点提前曝光(图)
新季24大家看了吗?巨石强森被曝大骂迪塞尔 愤怒发文开撕
话题: ipad话题: school话题: students话题: apple话题: los
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 19398
LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏
Los Angeles students get iPads for classroom, play video games instead
You have to give school officials in Los Angeles credit for a good idea: put
iPads in the hands of over 650,000 students to give them the most advanced
learning tools available in an effort to boost their interest in academics.
But the $1 billion plan is taking some heat after students in the nation's s
econd-largest school district cracked the tablets’ security settings to for
go reading, writing and ‘rithmetic and instead post on Facebook and play ga
mes during class time."They kind of should have known this would happen," sa
id Maria Aguilera, a student at one of the schools where games briefly repla
ced academia. "We're high school students after all. I mean, come on."
The top game choices? Temple Run, Subway Surfing and an unnamed car racing g
The program's goal is to put an iPad in the hands of every student and teach
er in the district’s 1,000 schools by next year. Officials say they were ho
ping to assist students in a district where 80 percent of the students come
from low-income families.
While some might shrug their shoulders and give the kids credit for pulling
a fast one on officials, others are taking the Los Angeles Unified School Di
strict to task for trying to do too much, too fast.
"It doesn't seem like there was much planning that went into this strategy,"
said Renee Hobbs, director of the Harrington School of Communication and Me
dia at the University of Rhode Island. "That's where the debacle began."
School officials, as you might expect, quickly confiscated the iPads and wen
t to work improving the security settings.
Apple has worked with several school districts around the country to incorpo
rate the iPad into the classroom, with some schools starting students on the
m as early as kindergarten. There is an extensive app library dedicated to l
earning on a variety of topics.
Apple founder Steve Jobs was a big advocate of using the iPad in schools bef
ore his death two years ago. One of his goals was to circumvent the state ce
rtification process for textbook sales by having Apple release textbooks for
free on the tablet computer.
发帖数: 19398
看了文章第一句就知道問題了——以為給配個 Ipad 就可以讓學生喜歡學習了


【在 a*****g 的大作中提到】
: LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏
: Los Angeles students get iPads for classroom, play video games instead
: http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/los-angeles-students-ip
: -play-video-games-173850244.html
: You have to give school officials in Los Angeles credit for a good idea: put
: iPads in the hands of over 650,000 students to give them the most advanced
: learning tools available in an effort to boost their interest in academics.
: But the $1 billion plan is taking some heat after students in the nation's s
: econd-largest school district cracked the tablets’ security settings to for
: go reading, writing and ‘rithmetic and instead post on Facebook and play ga

发帖数: 2382


【在 a*****g 的大作中提到】
: LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏
: Los Angeles students get iPads for classroom, play video games instead
: http://games.yahoo.com/blogs/plugged-in/los-angeles-students-ip
: -play-video-games-173850244.html
: You have to give school officials in Los Angeles credit for a good idea: put
: iPads in the hands of over 650,000 students to give them the most advanced
: learning tools available in an effort to boost their interest in academics.
: But the $1 billion plan is taking some heat after students in the nation's s
: econd-largest school district cracked the tablets’ security settings to for
: go reading, writing and ‘rithmetic and instead post on Facebook and play ga

1 (共1页)
biography 100 from 100 to 26忽然觉得自己老了
The State That Pulled The Plug On Computer Testing下一集24.。。
L.A. steps back from iPads for all又有新推荐了:文化部办公厅关于清理违规网络音乐产品的通告
LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏胆大!一名华裔男子企图走私中国制造的导弹进入美国
LA学生配备 IPAD ,但是玩游戏封杀百首歌曲:看看中外明星有谁上了文化部黑名单(图)
话题: ipad话题: school话题: students话题: apple话题: los