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EB23版 - 为大家翻译总结几条消息,请指正
Sen. Grassley's Amended H.R. 3012 Proposal to Lift his Holdsenator已经洗洗睡了,明年再见
移民局的NSC说降级有理,relink也方便 (转载)终于看明白了Irish的阴谋
Grassley 又出来反对HR 3012了反3012给格老的留言
Sen. Chuck Grassley 大家去他的网页这么留言Updates of HR3012 from Oh Law Firm - good news (ZZ)
Grassley一发话,他的共和党同事坐不住了。3012 status
话题: sen话题: grassley话题: visa话题: brown话题: republican
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 4704
CNN updates at 07:18 p.m. (EST) of 03/16/2012 as follows:
Beth Levine, communications director for Grassley said he has now extended
an offer to move the Brown bill forward. "An up or down vote on Sen. Brown's
Irish visa bill would be acceptable to Sen. Grassley with some
modifications dealing with the skill level of those receiving an E3 visa,
the current visa program the visas would be allotted from, and the inclusion
of a sunset on the program," Levine wrote in an e-mail. "Sen. Grassley's
staff is still discussing modifications with the sponsors of the bill."
It sounds that under the ongoing pressure, with the whole Republican party
at stake in the Senate, not to mention Sen. Brown's own future, in the
November election, they must be actively engazing in negotiation to find a
break through at least within the Republican group. They are currently under
a tremendous pressure. However, it is not clear whether this ongoing nego
includes H.R. 3012. Additionally, it is unclear the compromise within the
Senate Republican caucus can be acceptable to the Democrats, particularly
Sen. Chuck Schumer. Please stay tuned.
发帖数: 4704
Potential Indian/Chinese EB-2 Visa Cut-Off Date Retrogression Alert in May
or June 2012
This reporter already predicted and alerted in reporting April Visa Bulletin
, but AILA has just reported that Mr. Oppenheim disclosed on March 16, 2012,
at the AILA Midwest Regional Conference in Chicago, that the EB-2 cut-off
dates for India and China are likely to move backward to around August 2007,
beginning from May or June 2012 Visa Bulletin. This information is indeed
consistent with his earlier prediction in the Visa Bulltin.
Once it retrogresses, it will add a tremendous pressure and stress on high-
tech and R&D industries that need highly skilled professional foreign
workers. It can impact the country's immigration in one of two ways or both
ways. One is the pressure on the Senate to act on the pending H.R. 3012. The
other is turning of a story which has been taken as a joke into the reality
What a mess!! Read on.
On top of this, as this reporter has just reported, there is an educated
speculation that the H-1B cap may run out fairly quick this FY 2013 H-1B cap
filing seasons because of the turn-around of the country's economy. Hear,
hear, the leaders of the country! Does the term "global competition" sound
familiar to you, distinguished ladies and gentlement? OR you are just deaf-
发帖数: 4704
The National Journal report which this reporter reported on 03/14/2012 has
caught a huge attention in the national media, particularly the Irish
stakholder media, which has just come forward this morning with an implicit
political threat against the politically vulnerable (in the November
election) Senator Brown for his failure to break a deal and take care of
this bill. Read today's Boston Bulletin and Irish Central news. Consequently
, the National Journal report has inflamed a fierce and wild forest fire and
pressure on this legislation, particularly one day before the Saint Patrick
's Day in the country! What a turn of event! Stay tuned to this website for
development of events and a potential new landscape for this legislation.
Hmm.................... Now flame spreads to New York! Read on. It is
anticipated that the hawks against the bill will intensify their campaign
beginning this weekend. This one time unnoticed legislative bill(s) is now
placing the New England under the political fire.
发帖数: 4704
140+485 Business (EB-Immigrant) Stakeholders to Participate and Meet NSC/TSC
Officials in NSC Meeting 05/09/2012
The Nebraska Service Center will schedule a meeting for business
stakeholders on Wednesday, May 9, 2012. The NSC is partnering with the Texas
Service Center (TSC) to provide an opportunity to meet staff in person and
share information on various immigration related topics through presentation
and open dialogue. The Business Representatives Meeting is an all-day event
which will be held at the NSC Highlands Facility in Lincoln, Nebraska.
Please note that there is no call-in option for this meeting. Please see
attached invitation for more information. For the details, please click here
发帖数: 56
Thanks for sharing!
发帖数: 4846

FB country的上限提到15% 应该也是利好dem党的吧?

【在 H******i 的大作中提到】
: NSC和TSC准备上演怨妇戏,表示自己做家务很辛苦。
: 140+485 Business (EB-Immigrant) Stakeholders to Participate and Meet NSC/TSC
: Officials in NSC Meeting 05/09/2012
: The Nebraska Service Center will schedule a meeting for business
: stakeholders on Wednesday, May 9, 2012. The NSC is partnering with the Texas
: Service Center (TSC) to provide an opportunity to meet staff in person and
: share information on various immigration related topics through presentation
: and open dialogue. The Business Representatives Meeting is an all-day event
: which will be held at the NSC Highlands Facility in Lincoln, Nebraska.
: Please note that there is no call-in option for this meeting. Please see

发帖数: 724


【在 H******i 的大作中提到】
: Grassley受到了共和党压力,要帮助布朗赢得麻州选票,不知双方妥协内容是否包括H.
: R.3012
: (画外音:就算Grassley放手,还不知道Reid的态度呢。)
: CNN updates at 07:18 p.m. (EST) of 03/16/2012 as follows:
: Beth Levine, communications director for Grassley said he has now extended
: an offer to move the Brown bill forward. "An up or down vote on Sen. Brown's
: Irish visa bill would be acceptable to Sen. Grassley with some
: modifications dealing with the skill level of those receiving an E3 visa,
: the current visa program the visas would be allotted from, and the inclusion
: of a sunset on the program," Levine wrote in an e-mail. "Sen. Grassley's

发帖数: 211
Thank you for your time and efforts!
1 (共1页)
大家看看Irish是怎么推动法案的Grassley 又出来反对HR 3012了
USCIS局长今天下午到国会作证(附投诉信全文)Sen. Chuck Grassley 大家去他的网页这么留言
3012 updatesGrassley一发话,他的共和党同事坐不住了。
H1B visa reform:Sen. Grassley: :Reform the U.S. Visa System to Give American Graduates More Job Oppor格拉斯利可能是在弄他的版本了,本版某些同志会喜欢他的版本
Sen. Grassley's Amended H.R. 3012 Proposal to Lift his Holdsenator已经洗洗睡了,明年再见
移民局的NSC说降级有理,relink也方便 (转载)终于看明白了Irish的阴谋
话题: sen话题: grassley话题: visa话题: brown话题: republican