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EB23版 - 02/02/2012: Unanimous Consent Sought for H.R. 3012 in the Senate
3012 status3012重要进展
两党是在玩我们吧路透社 H1B to 110,000 Factbox: Major provisions of Senate immigration reform bill By Richard Cowan |
Irish 在senate还差7票Charles Grassley placed a hold on an immigration bill
Senator Chuck Schumer貌似搞到8票RepsGOP Senator Charles Grassley puts a hold on E3 immigration bill for the Irish
ZZ: Target Republican Senators Picked by Irish Lobbysts for Support of S. 1983 Schumer Bill3012 又要来了? Irish E3 immigrant visa bill is “about to
3012 might have a chance on 周二3012 updates
Irish E3看来肯定要加入3012了3012死而复活?Senators Claim to have Votes to Increase Guest Worker Visas in time for St. Patrick's Day
HR 3012的hold已经正式从senate calendar中去掉了Breaking news:Schumer, Grassley and Brown Come to Agreement
话题: 3012话题: irish话题: senate话题: bill话题: provision
1 (共1页)
发帖数: 1777
Report indicates that the chance for passage of H.R. 3012 in the Senate has
turned more promising by attaching Irish E-3 visa provision to the pending H
.R. 3012 which is likely to come on the floor in the near future. Apparently
, Senator Chuck Schumer is pushing for passage of H.R. 3012, as amended,
attaching E-3 visa provision to the bill and pass the bill on the Senate
floor in the form of 'unanimous' consent. This is a new development and the
supporters of H.R. 3012 and Irish community are hopeful for the passage of
the bill soon. The unanswered question is which Irish bill will be attached
as amendment. If it is Schumer's initial proposal which includes
undocumented Irish relief provision, H.R. 3012, as amended, is likely to
face some challenges in the House, when the bill is returned to the House.
If the amendment is Sen. Scott Brown bill that does not include undocumented
Irish relief provision, the future for H.R. 3012 will be indeed promising
even in the House.
1 (共1页)
Breaking news:Schumer, Grassley and Brown Come to AgreementZZ: Target Republican Senators Picked by Irish Lobbysts for Support of S. 1983 Schumer Bill
another piece of information from IV, 3012 more likely to pass3012 might have a chance on 周二
这个stem搞的声势越来越大了。Irish E3看来肯定要加入3012了
recapture unused EB-based immigration visaHR 3012的hold已经正式从senate calendar中去掉了
3012 status3012重要进展
两党是在玩我们吧路透社 H1B to 110,000 Factbox: Major provisions of Senate immigration reform bill By Richard Cowan |
Irish 在senate还差7票Charles Grassley placed a hold on an immigration bill
Senator Chuck Schumer貌似搞到8票RepsGOP Senator Charles Grassley puts a hold on E3 immigration bill for the Irish
话题: 3012话题: irish话题: senate话题: bill话题: provision